Kuzuki Isao
From Shadow Academy
Revision as of 12:44, 5 January 2008 by (Talk)
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The Basics
Name: Kuzuki Isao
Age: 15
Height: 175cm (5'9")
Weight: 70.4kg (155 lbs)
Birthday: July 19th
Zodiac: Leo
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Academics: 3
Charm: 3
Courage: 4
ACV: 5
DCV: 4
Health: 35
Energy: 30
Shock: 6
- Attack Combat Mastery: 2
- Defense Combat Mastery: 1
Combat Techniques
- Steady Hand: You'd be amazed what Isao can do while driving.
- Attractive: You saw this coming. >:3
- Motorcycle: His pride and joy. I mean, what kind of racer would he be without this?
- Armor 2: Partial -2, Armor Rating 12, Health Points 12
- Features: Extra Capacity 1 Can hold one more person, or a bundle of stuff tied down.
- Land Speed 6: 500 KPH, Detectable: Hearing -1, Road Bound -1
- Area Knowledge: 1
- Driving: 3
- Electronics: 2
- Intimidation: 1
- Mechanics: 2
- Navigation: 2
- Seduction: 1
- Street Sense: 1
- Urban Tracking: 1
- Easily Distracted 2: Isao would like to think he's some kind of renaissance man; in actuality, it just means he has a hard time paying attention around pretty women and nice bikes.
- Girl Magnet 1: Partially based on his own charms, partially based on the fact that he's a street punk and ergo has a stereotype to fall back on.
- Hounded 1: He's not joking when he says he'll take any challenges.
- Less Capable (Self Discipline) 2: He's fifteen, has his own place and a sweet ride. Do you think he's going to say no to anything or anyone?
- Marked 1: On his shoulder, Isao has a bar code and "0000 MASS PRODUCTION". He's not fond of it, but he can't seem to get rid of it - even trying to cut the tattoo off did nothing. If he could read English, it'd likely help him in the long run.