
From Shabbat

Revision as of 01:00, 22 October 2007 by (Talk)

Tell us what you think about Wikishabbat

-I think it's a great idea! Also, it was MY idea. My great idea!

Rafi Samuels-Schwartz

-Please tell me that you came up with this idea. It's AWESOME! It might be the coolest thing I've ever heard.

Brad Serber

-My Shabbat experience was meaningful and full of lots of delicious chicken and good times. But better then any chicken was the warmth and friendship around the table.


- I really appreciated the concept. My family is anything but observant so it was meaningful for me to see how others (besides Hillel) might celebrate Shabbat. I would definitely be interested in participating again, perhaps even hosting. I think it is a fantastic idea, however I wish that more people had hosted and that more had been able to join in. I went to Bryan's home, and had a wonderful time meeting his friends and partaking in a joint experimental Shabbat with discussion about the meaning of heritage and identity. I had a lot of fun and food (which was delicious--check out the sweet potato recipe!) and I encourage everyone to go.


I'm planning an event for next week thanks to wikishabbat!


The only thing that could have made it better would be Rafi agreeing to SHAVE HIS BEARD.


AEPi WikiShabbat was so good that I came over with apples for everyone.

Hersch Berman

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