
From Shabbat

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The Ma'Ariv is the third, and last of the three prayer sessions observant Jews follow. Occurring in the last third of the day, this service begins with the Barechu, the formal public call to prayer, and an expanded series of prayers relating to the Shema Yisrael. This is followed by the Hashkiveinu ("Lay us down to sleep, Adonai, our God, in peace, raise us erect, our King, to life, and spread over us the shelter of Your peace.")

Some Ashkenazim outside of Israel add a series of other blessings, which are made from a tapestry of biblical verses. This is followed by the Half-Kaddish, and the Shemoneh Esreh (Amidah), bracketed with the full Kaddish. Sephardim then repeat the Barechu and say the Mourner's Kaddish before concluding with the Aleinu. Ashkenazim, in the diaspora, do not repeat the Barechu, but conclude with Aleinu followed by the Mourner's Kaddish (in Israel, Ashenazim do repeat Barcheu after mourner's Kaddish).

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