Main Page

From Sfvlug

Revision as of 22:54, 12 February 2007 by Miasma (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the San Fernando Valley Linux Users Group (SFVLUG) wiki. A special welcome to those who took the the time to stop by and talk to us at our booth at SCALE 5X! We hope to see you all soon at one of our meetings. If for some reason you are unable to attend a meeting we invite you to visit with us here at the SFVLUG wiki.

This site is currently hosted by EditThis using MediaWiki software. We will decide whether or not to keep it going here or move it to our own server once our own server is up to speed.

Our primary site is and any information found there is to be considered authoritative. Please use any information in it over this site in the case of conflicting information. This site is not secure and can be edited by someone without authority.



SCALE 5X is over. It was a terrific event. The largest crowd yet, at least by my unofficial guestimate. A shout out to all who attended with special thanks going to the members who helped man the booth!

The only complaint I heard was that the meeting rooms weren't large enough to hold everyone that wanted in. In the past the expo floor would clear out as the presentations started. This was not the case this year as the expo floor remained crowded throughout the day.

We weren't able to achieve a satisfactory recognition rate with Sphinx so we just presented ourselves; which actually worked out well in that it gave us a chance to talk to visitors about our organization as a whole rather than focus on a specific project. --Miasma 17:47, 12 February 2007 (EST)


===Meetings=== announcements for membership meetings and events provided by SFVLUG

===Presentations=== Presentation page. Links to resources and slides.

===Special Interest Groups=== subgroups of SFVLUG with an interest in a particular area(s) relating to F/OSS

=== Community Portal=== external links to the open source community in cyberspace


===Newbie Resources=== resources for those new to GNU/Linux and/or open source software

===Classes=== instruction beyond one time presentations

===Code Vault=== looking for or wanting to donate any bash script or other short and simple code, check this out

===People Page=== personal pages for members


===Project Page=== Active and proposed projects, includes discussion.

===SCALE=== SCALE discussion (status, current and future projects, methods, etc)


===Wiki Specific Info=== info on the wiki software used for this site

==Sandbox== Use this area for training and experimentation

==Pending== Use this area to develop content thats not yet ready for public viewing

About Us

We are a very loosely organized group of GNU/Linux and open source software enthusiasts, that live/work/meet in the San Fernando Valley, a suburb of Los Angeles in Southern Californina. You don't actually need to live in the Valley to join, but attending meetings is more difficult if you don't. Please see our Announcements page for more information on meetings. If you can't attend regular meetings you can still get involved here at this wiki, or in our IRC chat on freenode in #sfvlug.


We need to work out copyright/copyleft/public domain issues, so we can include material with restricted licenses, but at this time you should consider any submission to this site as being in the public domain. Do not post copyrighted material to this site no matter what license without the permission of the copyright holder. Any license restricts what you can and can not do with the material, even the GPL. If you need to reference copyrighted material and can't get permission please use an external link to the original material.

Thank you for visiting the SFVLUG wiki.

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