From Sfvlug
Newbie Commandline Essentials
Under Construction! (recategorise, review, augment, and add descriptions after more sleep)
If you don't know your commandline very well at least know the tools that you have at your disposal to find the information.
Search and documentation tools are some of the most important tools you can learn on your box heres a brief list of a few of the most popular, all of which can be accessed through your terminal (xterm, rxvt, etc...) or console (<ctrl><alt>F1...F6).
Search, Documentation and General Information Related Tools:
man find locate updatedb which whereis hier man man man bash help alias less more du df free top lsof
Networking Information and Related Tools:
hostname ping route traceroute arp ifup/down ifconfig iwconfig iwlist netstat
Files You Should Know Exist:
passwd hosts hosts.allow hosts.deny hostname version resolv.conf groups .bash_profile .bashrc .bash_aliases fstab modules.conf dhclient.conf
Paths You Should Know Exist: Note: see man hier for general overview
/usr/share/doc /usr/local/doc /var/log /etc /etc/init.d /etc/alternatives
history ssh-agent keychains screen
cp mv rm ls cd chmod chown cat
Essential Keystrokes:
? * ~ . ./ | n <ctrl>r ! Start a history substitution, except when followed by a blank, !n !-n !! !string !?string/n less v
grep rgrep egrep fgrep xargs su sudo package manager commands just names not all the options better kept in a different nonessential ref