Elemental Alignment Survey

From Seedsofdawn

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For: Seeds of Dawn Purpose: Determining Character Elemental Alignment

Take this test with attitudes reflecting your character's. Obviously, your character's not going to know about ninja turtles, but the goal was to be silly and light hearted.

1. You find a baby deer in the forest. Its mother has been killed. Do you...

  • A) Take it under your wing.
  • B) Put it out of its misery.
  • C) There's nothing I can do for it.
  • D) Build a nice campfire to keep it warm and safe from predators.

2. Cake or death?

  • A) Cake
  • B) Death
  • C) The cake is a lie.
  • D) I'll take the chicken.
  • E) The death is a lie too.
  • F) A la mode

3. What's the best thing about the sun?

  • A) Evil cannot stand its gaze.
  • B) It shows the beauty of the world.
  • C) It keeps me warm
  • D) Sunset.

4. Which is the most important virtue for you?

  • A) Truth
  • B) Passion
  • C) Wisdom
  • D) Compassion
  • E) Freedom

5. Which element was created first?

  • A) Light. Light defines time and space.
  • B) Darkness. What do you think was there before there was light?
  • C) Ice. First the world needed substance.
  • D) Fire. First the world needed motion.
  • E) Don't care. They don't care about me anyway.
  • F) None of them.
  • G) All were created simultaneously-- a world with less than 4 elements makes no sense.
  • H) The world has no beginning and no end.
  • I) The elements didn't create the world; we created the elements.

6. What's the most important primary stat?

  • A) Magic. It can turn the tide of battle.
  • B) Speed. Those who strike first win.
  • C) Strength. It's what gets things done.
  • D) Hit points. If you can't kill me, I can't lose.
  • E) Concentration. Tactics win battles. Strategies win wars.

7. What is the most awful vice to you?

  • A) Heartlessness.
  • B) Foolishness.
  • C) Arrogance.
  • D) Corruption.
  • E) Tyranny.

8. What.... is your favorite color?

  • A) White
  • B) Black
  • C) Red
  • D) Blue
  • E) Blue, no, yellow. AAAAAH!
  • F) Gold
  • G) Silver
  • H) Brown
  • I) Green
  • J) Purple
  • K) The whooooole rainbow.

9. What kind of monsters would you feel most comfortable slaying.

  • A) Unnatural undead.
  • B) Destructive Demons
  • C) Vicious were-creatures.
  • D) Torturous Fey.

10. What spell would be cooler to have?

  • A) A spell that makes me impervious to enemy attacks.
  • B) A spell that destroys corrupt things while preserving pure things.
  • C) There are no problems that cannot be solved by a sufficient quantity of fireballs.
  • D) Invisibility.

11. You're trapped on a desert island. What did you bring with you to make your isolation easier?

  • A) A mate.
  • B) Lots of drinking water.
  • C) A swiss army knife. It's got everything I need to escape.
  • D) Dimension door spell. Bye bye desert island.
  • E) A good book. Gonna be here a while.
  • F) Lots of sunblock.
  • G) A flag. I claim this Desert Island for Spain!
  • H) A tent. Sunburn bad!
  • I) I have to choose just one of these?
  • J) Where has the rum gone?!
  • K) My weapons. Random encounters can happen anywhere. Even empty islands with nothing on them. Especially empty islands with nothing them.
  • L) Postcards with chimpanzees.

12. Who's your favorite heroic character?

  • A) Robin Hood. Robbing the rich, giving to the poor, outwitting the strong and helping the weak.
  • B) Luke Skywalker. Saving his father by helping him remember his compassion.
  • C) V from V for Vendetta. It doesn't matter how much of a mess he makes so long as he makes the bad guys suffer.
  • D) Ariel the Little Mermaid. She was willing to give up everything she had for the person she loved.
  • E) Aragorn. Willing to face down the most powerful evil on sheer guts alone, because it had to be done.
  • F) Samwise Gamgee. The most important aspect of a hero is the willingness to see things through to the end.
  • G) Han Solo. Pirate with a heart of gold.
  • H) Princess Leia. Hot-tempered, badass, holds the Rebellion together.
  • I) Joan of Arc. Do not under-estimate the power of a woman on a holy quest.
  • J) Socrates. What makes you think heroes have to be violent?
  • K) Batman. Especially now that his backstory involves ninjas.

13. Who's your favorite ninja turtle?

  • A) Leonardo, the blue one with the swords who's the leader.
  • B) Raphael, the red one with the sai with the hot temper.
  • C) Michelangelo, the orange one with the nunchucks and the easy-going attitude.
  • D) Donatello, the purple one with the staff and the inventions.
  • E) What?
  • F) Splinter, the rat who trained them.
  • G) No, seriously, what?

14. What's a good ending?

  • A) The heroes grew wiser from their adventures.
  • B) The romantic leads got together.
  • C) The bad guy was defeated in an epic battle.
  • D) The bad guy was outwitted.

15. Whats your favorite season?

  • A) Summer
  • B) Winter
  • C) Spring
  • D) Fall

16. Do you see yourself casting magic? If so, which element?

  • A) Naaah, I'll give magic a miss.
  • B) Light spells. I like protection, illusion, and truth-revealing.
  • C) Fire spells. I like burninating, purifying, and soothing.
  • D) Ice spells. I like toughening, slowing, and shapeshifting.
  • E) Darkness spells. I like concealing, illusion, mobility,
  • F) I like the things common to all elements: Dealing damage, summoning, and healing.

17. What's your favorite OOTS character?

  • A) Durkon
  • B) Roy
  • C) Varsuuvius
  • D) Elan
  • E) Haley
  • F) Redcloak
  • G) Nale
  • H) Thog
  • I) Xykon
  • J) The Thing In The Darkness
  • K) Fighter. Yeah, I know he's not in OOTS.
  • L) Mr. Scruffy
  • M) Miko Miyazaki
  • N) (Belkar)
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