
From Seedsofdawn

< Dungeons(Difference between revisions)

Current revision as of 00:30, 20 March 2008

(Under construction)

Egal is the small town where the game started. There are approximately 500 people in the town.



People of Note

Mayor: (LN) Tiorre Sanderson, Human, Male, Aristocrat, lvl 3. Tiorre keeps things running however he can. If he has to grease some wheels, that's fine with him, as long as people don't expect him to bend over backwards. He's also perfectly happy to help people out for the right price.

Priest: (CG) Ceila Harson, Human, Female, Cleric, lvl 2

Town Guard:


  • Fruorg, (LN) Orc, Male, Warrior, lvl 2
    • Fruorg settled down in Egal to raise a family away from the tribal feuds in the more orc heavy territory to the north.
  • Kryag, (LN) Orc, Female, Aristocrat, lvl 1. Fruorg's wife.
  • Lyrra, (CE) Dark Elf, Female, Wizard, lvl 2.
    • Keeps to herself, mostly.

Other people

population: ~529 approximate rest of town population plus or minus a few people


Seed: 1205967737

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