Clyde Arrowny Kenpachi Takagawa

From Secondheaven

(Redirected from Clyde Takagawa)


Basic Information

Full Name: Takagawa-Arrowny Kenpachi Clyde
Player: Snapple
Date of Birth: June 13, 1989; Cancer; Metal/Gold Snake; inner: Manzhong Horse; Secret: Horse
Age: 17
Journal: interseptur
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120-135 lbs


Clyde is a meticulous dresser. In the mornings he goes out of his way to put together outfits of gothic visual kei glory - finding new dress code rules to break. What if I wear a black blazer rather than blue? What if I tear my sleeves? What if I wear a fishnet shirt underneath the summer workshit? The extent of methodologies he tries to find to make his uniform more him has lead him to only one rule he can consistently break: he leaves his tie untied and his blazer open.

Clyde keeps his hair long and styled, with one eye covered, and manages to get away with eyeliner thanks to his lineage. It's said his lip piercing is hand-done thanks to the wound it leaves when teachers make him take it off.

Clyde's PB is miyavi.


Keywords Counter-culture, spoiled, angry, argumentative, frustrated, obsessive, violent, squishy.
In-Depth Not many good keywords, ey? That's because Clyde just isn't a very nice person. He's taken a life of priveledge to mean that the smaller issues are going to be the larger bane - it all comes down to his father not accepting him, and th ough he may pretend that makes him hardcore and the rebelling is his own choice, he only becomes more winged to force himself to be the hardest thing for Harold Arrowny to swallow. Teach you to be that kind of man.

Sad thing is, Clyde is quickly on his way to becoming such a creature himself. Tossing women, men, whatever aside with brutal insecurity, drinking when he wants and illegally at that, and often bending any rule he can find to get attention, Clyde alienates those around him, and can leave those who've tried to get near him laying in a lurch of hopes and broken promises.

Unfortunately, Clyde can be someone who's summed up as being too smart for his own good - though his grades brought him down to classroom 2-3 after the first year, his initial testing was seat 9 in classroom 1-1, and even that was a stellar shock. He has a natural mind for math, it seems.


Clyde was born out of wedlock for not very long, to Mr. Harold Arrowny and his third Japanese wife, Yukiko Takagawa. Yukiko is a typical Nadeshiko - a beautiful woman who wears her kimonos around the house and takes care to keep the tables low and polished, the type of stereotype, card-board anime individual that gaijin think can't exist. Harold, on the other hand, is another stereotype at first look - a harried, balding, overly thin professor of the anthropologies, he wears manic glasses with tape on the sides and tweed jackets with warn suede on the elbows.

After publishing a ground-breaking thesis on the issues of genetics in race, Harold became quite richer quite quickly - already rich from Arrowny old money, he was able to invest in realty, fund a few schools, and of course, start Second Heaven High. He'd already had five previous children that were raised in Japan prior to Clyde's conception - leaving Clyde the youngest out of six, with his father tipping the scales at sixty. The two previous wives of Harold Arrowny are known to Clyde as Yamanaka-san and Tanaka-san, and he doesn't really care for them, nor for his older siblings, the youngest of which is 25.

Clyde was again left in Japan with his mother, growing up until he was ten by the name Kenpachi, when he began his delinquency. His older siblings, Yamanaka, Tanaka... it was like a compound of Harold Arrowny's traveling past, leaving Clyde sureptitiously spoiled, and being of his peculiar temperament with his peculilar mother (say nothing, act nothing, but at times, break a mirror), he began to throw rocks at kids in school. Soon, by the time he was thirteen, the issues he'd had were so tumultuous that Yukiko demanded her husband find a place for the two to settle down. Harold came back to Japan, but finding living with his son intolerable (he refused to be Japanese, it seemed!) and fit with a flawless English entourage of curse words and a fist to boot, he contemplated removing the Japan. Kenpachi Clyde Takagawa-Arrowny, then, did the worst:

He cross-dressed.

At a company function.

The idea of visual kei was so foreign to Harold his head exploded, and OFF TO SCHUBERT IT WAS. The entire family moved to the city, buying a mansion, with Yamanaka and Tanaka even coming too - along with their current husbands. The family itself was now sureptitiously large; two children for both Yamanaka and Tanaka with their new husbands, Clyde's five older siblings, and Yukiko pregnant, he started at Second Heaven at 15.

He's been a terror ever since, and refuses to register as an Arrowny, instead choosing his middle name Clyde and his mother's name Takagawa.

Other Information

Birth Location Kyoto, Japan
Why Second Heaven? Harold Arrowny, founder, father.
Favourite Color; Food; Activity; Subject Black; Takoyaki; Guitar; Math
Least Favourite Color; Food; Activity; Subject Yellow; Ramen; Reading; History
Other Likes Working out, hair, visual kei, bands like: Manic Cafe, Elegant, Mwa du Mwa, make-up (though he uses it he won't own up to liking it as much as he really does), singing and guitar.
Other Dislikes Friendly people, "fake people" (hypocrite!), Pop music, dirty/unnattractive people, his dad, family
Not readily visible Markings A series of tattoos on his lower back. Various english philosohper sayings - none of them mean much alone.
Family Four Half-Siblings! Tanaka Girl 1 (13), Tanaka Girl 2 (10), Yamanaka Girl 2 (14), Yamanaka Boy 3 (17); Harold Arrowny, Takagawa Yukiko, 5 older siblings [Yamanaka Boy 1 (32), Yamanaka Boy 2 (29), Yamanaka Girl 1 (27), Tanaka Boy 1 (26), Tanaka Boy 2 (25)]
Languages Japanese, English

School Information

Year 2nd
Current Rank 54
Classroom 2-3
History? World History
Arts? Music
Clubs and Sports

Judo 6.45-9.00 T/Th Sat 4-8
Kendo 6.45-9.00 M/F Sat 12-4

Hockey (Winter) 4.30 - 5.45 M/W/F


Need to be filled out so I can hijack them :<

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