JinHee Park

From Secondheaven

Name JinHee Park
Age 15
Birthday December 21st
Home Seoul, South Korea
Height 5'7" / 171 cm
Weight 120 lbs /55 kg
Family Grandmother, older brother, SeungYoon.
Languages Korean, English
Visible Marks A round scar on her left temple, a very large skin discoloration on the inside of her left forearm shaped like a hand with only four fingers (it means she'll lose a finger soon...).
Not readily visible Marks A bump along her collar bone where it was broken and not set right.
Year 1
Rank 17
History Local/Japanese History
Elective Writing
Extracurriculars Anime Club, Occult Club, Japanese Club, Tech Club, Astronomy, Fencing.
Played By Sakamoto Maaya
Journal frogorprincess




JinHee, though not particularly small in stature, gives the impression of being very small. She tucks her shoulders in close to her body, walks with her knees together, sits as curled up as she possibly can. JinHee likes to go unnoticed and tries to compensate for her normal size with a very small mindset. She also has dark brown, somewhat curly hair that hits the back of her neck and almond-shaped black eyes. Her nose, bigger than her other features, is her most striking physicality. It comes to a point and hooks slightly downwards like a beak. A little on the thin side, JinHee doesn't like to eat much, she's slender all over but thicker through the stomach. She hides her tummy with lacy, babydoll cut shirts or cardigans most of the time.


At the age of four, JinHee's parents were burned alive in a house fire while she and her brother were visiting their grandmother. At the age of five, JinHee Park decided her family was cursed. That was the reason her parents died; that was the reason her grandmother and brother had to work to support them; that was the reason everything turned out badly. A curse. It was an easy thing for a seven year old to accept. From that point on, JinHee has lived believing that she is cursed, that every bad thing that befalls her and her family had to happen. It doesn't mean that she's given up hope, it only means that when misfortune strikes (as it often does) she can shrug and say she saw it coming.

But the curse, JinHee believes, preys more heavily on the females in her family. Her father died of asphyxiation. Her mother had her back broken by a fallen beam. Her grandmother, well past retirement age, still has to work a dead-end job. Her grandfather is dead. See? Everything works out better for men. So after a long period of time where her elder brother, SeungYoon, was working at the expense of his education, JinHee snapped. He was an idiot, she said, because he couldn't take what little good was given to him. A big idiot! Sure, he was working to fund her future, but her future was going to be awful anyway. She'd be hit by a bus after being accepted to University or be put into a lifelong coma. She senses it coming. SeungYoon was only wasting his time saving money for her short life.

Over the years she's had a moderate number of friends. Usually, there's only one a year that she feels close to and they desert her after becoming fed up with her cold nature. Her grandmother and brother are the only ones who have ever stood by her. Plus, they're cursed, too. Family is all a person can connect with.

News that she'll be beginning her high school career at Second Heaven hasn't affected her much. JinHee smiles and nods along to the praise, but can't take much pride in it. After all, she doesn't think she'll live long enough to graduate.


Keywords: Reserved, rational, intelligent, compassionate (though she doesn't show it well), focused, severe, dignified, proud, superstitious, avoidant, condescending, sarcastic, scared.

As someone who has been through a number of terrible things, little can visibly upset JinHee. Stress doesn't seem to phase her (what will happen will happen), neither do unpleasant surprises (everything goes wrong eventually). Even male attention, something sure to fluster any 15 year old girl of that persuasion, leaves her cold. Seemingly cold, at least. Really, if JinHee were to get excited she wouldn't exactly know how to show it. In this sense, she's perceived as uncaring, aloof and a bit of a bitch. She doesn't mean to be these things, but staying calm is the only way she knows how to cope.

This all goes out the window when she's teased, though. JinHee won't scream or fight back, no, she's more the type to stew and retaliate with little comments indefinitely. Of course, she's learned to react a little better to her brother. He's an isolated case.

Possessed of a massive amount of patience and focus, JinHee thrives when she feels she's accomplishing something. Beating video games, finishing a costume, even the little victories give her a great deal of satisfaction. This is one of the reasons she can't stand to be teased; it hurts her pride. Schoolwork, well, it's not as fun, but she tries to get most of it done. School really isn't her biggest priority, staying comfortable is.

Funny in a droll way, JinHee doesn't laugh much. She finds plenty of things funny, she just... doesn't laugh.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

Her brother and grandmother make it a very logical choice.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Orange
  • Food Hoe naengmyeon
  • Activity Playing her Nintendo DS
  • Subject Science
  • Other Likes Her brother (not in that way), gimmicky video games (phoenix wright, cooking mama, trauma center, animal crossing, big brain academy, elite beat agents, etc.), mmorpgs (world of warcraft, ragnarok online, trickster), supernatural anime and manga (d gray man, xxxholic, x/1999, angel sanctuary, petshop of horrors, yami no matsuei), fanfiction, cosplay, things she can collect and perfect, making good use of her time, cats, the occult (especially curses).

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Army Green
  • Food Jokbal
  • Activity Contact sports
  • Subject P.E.
  • Other Dislikes Being teased for being a geek, people touching her things, disruptions, sleep, poetry, the sun, boy bands, smoking, fast food, shoujo anime and manga, shooters, sports games, cleaning, cooking, attention, having her personal space invaded.



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