
From Secondheaven

Revision as of 01:42, 1 February 2008 by Douwe (Talk | contribs)
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Here's the skinny, folks. It's divided into neatly organized sections as before!


The Main Board

secondheavenbbs is indeed a BBS board, in the strictest sense of the word. Treat it as a livejournal community, a message board, a what have you. All students and teachers are plugged into this central message board, and can use it to communicate at will. The comments received are electronic! There is T-1 internet in every dorm room for each student, and supplied computers for those who can't afford their own - though the supplied computers might not be as snazzy.

Because this is the internet, however, strike-outs don't actually delete anything.

The easiest way to denote things of the ooc nature is like this: [denoted].

For instance:

[the following is deleted shortly after typing] You think I'm what?

So in numeric form, we have:

  1. The main board is a message system for the school.
  2. Students register using their journals as login names. Their login names are the names the characters are signing in with. Login names can be referenced.
  3. [brackets] are used to denote ooc action, such as a comment that has been typed out, posted, then deleted. There shouldn't be many causes for obvious pauses, as comments cannot be seen written in real time.
  4. Strikeouts do nothing.
  5. Emoticons are allowed.
  6. PMs operate independent of messages and must be placed in their own board.
  7. The board is writteen entirely in English. When another language is being used, it should be denoted as such:

[German] I don't know.


Filters on the Main Board

The Main Board DOES have a PM system, however it's rather rusty and obnoxious. Full names and student ID numbers are required, and there's no way to look up a Student ID number, for security reasons - characters'll have to ask each other for their ID numbers and last names.

Now, PMs MUST be on their own post. Meaning if two characters are having a conversation on a post and one wants to PM, they have to make a new post due to the main function of BBS systems - you can't just PM in the center of a message board thread, you know?

Essentially, a quick, numbered run down of the features of the Filter:

  1. Called a PM, requires full name + student ID number
  2. Must be contained in its own post
  3. All responses to filters must be filtered correctly back
  4. When a character is approved, you will be given a student number!

Personal Journals

These CAN be used for in character reactions to the posts at hand, but keep in mind that this is much like posting a "private" post... no character comments to it will be counted, and in fact should be treated as OOC comments.

There are also a few rules to Personal Journals!


  1. Are used as a diary.
  2. Any responses to posts are considered OOC comments, and will not affect gameplay and should not be treated as in-game responses.
  3. For posts that in other games might be written [Filter: Private]
  4. The journal header portion of the journal must be marked clearly with first and last name of all students. This is their official login - any registered user can see this information. (i.e.: not obliged to swallow anything you despise ; should instead read Matsuura Sei if Sifrid was his journal).


Logs are a way for your characters to interact in real time! However, with the addition of the internet, there are now many more ways.

Characters can use AIM (or if they are Trillian users...) to speak over internet programs! If your character is going to do that, you are required to register their AIM name with the mods. We'll keep a database right here in the OOC board, and if you forget, we can supply it for you.

E-mails are also another option of communication. All characters e-mails will be, for ease's sake.

Face to face is always in fashion, as well!

Logs should be coded with colours for either character, which will be maintained on a separate list as well, and posted to secondheavenlog. ♥


  1. There are three forms of logs available! AIM logs, Email logs, or face-to-face logs!
  2. If doing an AIM log, please tell the Mods the AIM names so we can add them to our list, so you can remember and we can too!
  3. Emails are always going to be
  4. Face-to-face logs and all other logs should be coded with colour specific codes for each characters - please give these to the mods as well, so we can keep track!
  5. Post the logs under an lj-cut in the secondheavenlog community.

Dropping/Adding in Chars later into the Year

  1. When dropping a char, assume a character either leaves the school or just stops using the BBS.
  2. When adding a char late in year, assume the character has already been there the whole year and has just started using the BBS now - or, they can be a transfer.

CR Posts and Other Stuff

When apping a new char, a CR post is effective in gaining recognition for your char and also in developing pre-existing relations.

Simply post to the OOC board with a summary of your character, their year and homeroom, and from there others will reply in character! It's a neat system, ne?

For the icons on your journal, you'll need a PB.

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