School Rules
From Secondheaven
Here are the following rules that Second Heaven High (note the emphasis) lists as reasons for expulsion. However, we here at the Second Heaven High Mod Squad believe that if any of these rules is for your desire to break, you should merely e-mail us at secondheavenmods [at] and tell us what your desire is, and we'll see what we can do.
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To note: mod characters are examples of just how flexible we are - anything we have done you are allowed to do, and more, and different, so long as it remains plausible. However, ICA=ICC, so if in the future you choose to break one of these rules keep in mind the expulsion board might be in front of you unless you clear it with us first, and we determine a solution outside of expulsion.
Repetitious breaching of these rules without specialized circumstances will result in expulsion on an IC level - though you know, you can always still just live in Schubert. Expulsion in no way makes the character unplayable.
No part-time jobs
This is a very easy rule to avoid even being caught on. If a character wants a part-time job they can even take one outside of clubs and be okay in some circumstances. Talk to the mods if you have a desire for this.
Flunking Out
After one semester of grades less than a 1.5 average, the student is put on academic probation. If the grades are not brought up to at least a 2.7, student is failed out of school.
Inappropriate Sexual Conduct on the Large Scale
Get caught sexing up the gym? Forgot to put your pants back on after a tryst in the bathroom? These are shameful things that the school looks down upon mightily. Screw up, and it could be your ass.
- Keep in mind this game's rating, which is PG-13. Though this rule is flexible to a degree, flagrant sexual behavior will be marked for ICC quickly and efficiently. It's not fair to some of our younger players, or even some of our less sexually comfortable players, to have sex thrown in their face left and right. Just because you are comfortable with it doesn't mean they are, and equally so, a school would not be.
Say your last name is Smith when it's really Doughtrey, and you're daughter of a madman? Hey, they find out? You're out, man. Lying to your school is pretty dirty.
- Doesn't mean you can't make allies in the school, or you can't use your money to your power, or even moreso, you can't just have supportive parents. See player character Marlene Ainsworth.
Consistents of the following: Drug Use, Posession of Weapons, and Breaking much more than Misdemeanors.
Caught once? Suspension. Caught twice? Longer suspension. Caught a third time? Expulsion hearing here we come.
- There's a lot to be said for just discussing a drug habit with the mods, or even for general mayhem. Mods like mayhem. Graffiti artists and the like probably won't have to face expulsion, but if you're stealing thousands of dollars you might find yourself in a trap.
Excessive Fighting or Violence
Breaking someone's teeth in, when caught, is pretty damn bad. In most schools this could have you up for expulsion on this alone, though in the reality of the game we might be forgiving in certain circumstances.
- Easiest way is just to play smart. Don't get caught! If you really want a fight to go down, sure, shoot us a breeze, we might even make an in-game diversion for you if you work it out. We like the tough guy as much as the next.
Not only will missed attendance lead you to your doom grade-wise, but miss more than a third of a semester, and your character will be expelled.
- This is actually a functional in-game rule to explain inactivity; more than a third of a semester accumulates to several months, so it's pretty logical. Again, IC truency can be snaked around if you really want it to be. Just talk to us! And keep active while you're being truant. :3
Academic Dishonesty
Cheat? Get a grade by bribery? Go to the sack for it, even? Well, damn, better hope the administration isn't on your tail!
- There are ways around this, of course, but if you're caught you're caught. Largely, this'll be handled as an in game sort of thing. Get too obvious about it and the ICC'll come down!
Strike 1: Detention
Strike 2: Suspension
Strike 3: Expulsion hearing!
Like picking on people? Telling girls their asses are hot? Calling out a few slurs? That's all well and good but if it goes too far...
Strike 1-3: Demerits
Strike 4: Detention
Strike 5: Suspension
Strike 6: Longer Suspension
Strike 7: Expulsion hearing!