Valerie Winter

From Secondheaven

Revision as of 15:12, 25 April 2007 by Neon (Talk | contribs)


Basic Information

Full Name: Valerie Winter
Player: Neon
Date of Birth: December 29th, 1988 {18, Capricorn}
Origin: Beethoven, That Country
Journal: falldeeper
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 65 kg
AIM: whitesandgrays


Valerie stands at about 175 cm (5'8.5"), and has a medium, toned build (from a regular exercising routine). She has long blonde hair that falls to the middle of her back, and clear blue eyes. Her features are fair and reminiscent of her mixed European heritage; she isn't particularly vain, however, and prefers to wear little to no makeup, paying little attention to what she's wearing - usually a combination of cold colors such as white, blue, and a variety of light grays.

In spite of not being vain she is invariably well-kept - her clothes are always pristinely clean, her hair well-taken care of, nails filed and kept short. She waxes most of the hair off her body to aid with swimming.

When not in class, Valerie is never seen without a black velvet choker with an opal embedded on it around her neck.

Visible Markings: A light scar on her right cheek, just over the cheekbone, about one inch long.

Not Readily Visible Markings: None.

Val's PB is Fiorella Mattheis.


Quiet, distant, if somewhat sad, Valerie makes no effort to interact with anyone, but doesn't readily shoot anyone who tries to approach her down. She often comes off as cold and uncaring, but she will be polite - if a bit short - and attentive to those who try to strike up a conversation. People may get slightly frustrated at her tendency to avoid certain types of questions, and to fall silent and not try to keep the conversation going, however, and as such she doesn't talk to the same person more than once very often.

She usually seems aloof - even when she is paying attention. Her mind constantly wanders, and although her expression is usually serene there's a constant sadness about her. She takes a long time to warm up to people, and is a very good friend when she does - though few people have managed to break past the barrier she puts around herself.

Valerie is a dedicated student, and cares about keeping her grades high as a way to thank her parents for the effort in paying her tuition. She has managed to stay among the top ten students in her year, and tried to keep herself on every teacher's good side. Needless to say, she doesn't socialize much, but doesn't miss it - the few people she talks to on a regular basis are more than enough for her.

Val tends to be very open and direct about her opinions, sometimes lacking tact when delivering them. She's a very honest person, the type that would go back to a store and return the extra 5 cents from a miscalculated change.

In spite of discontinuing the treatment and medication for depression, she never fully recovered from the loss of her friend, and will often have crying fits when by herself.


The only child of Richard and Sarah Winter, Valerie was born on the 29th of December in Beethoven. Her family had established itself in the city for two generations, and descends from a variety of European countries - more notably Germany and the UK.

Hers was a pretty average childhood - Valerie was a hard-working child, and got along well with her parents. She was a bit lacking on the social life - something that carried over into her teenager years - and mostly preferred to keep to herself. From a young age she showed an aptitude toward painting, and took classes from age 7 to 14; she also showed a passion for swimming, which she started learning at only 4.

When in her early middle school years, Valerie became acquainted with a young boy - one of the most beautiful teenagers she'd ever seen. She became quite fascinated with his beauty and would often ask him to model for her so she could practice her painting. She and the boy became friends over time, and Valerie held him in her highest regards.

During their last year in middle school, however, the boy fell ill with acute leuchemia and, being an only child, could not find compatible donors in time to save his life, passing away shortly after the New Year.

Valerie was quite devastated.

She descended into chronic depression, and spent a full year going to psychologists for treatment (as a result, she ended up missing a year of school). Her condition improved enough for her parents to deem continuing the treatment unnecessary, and she picked up her studies and prepared to apply for High School.

She was a good student throughout her early education, close to but never quite managing to be the top student. Regardless, her academic skills were more than enough to get her through the testing for Second Heaven, the most prestigious nearby High School, among the top ranking students. She has managed to maintain her rank for the past two years.

She's still not sure whether to pursue a career as an artist or professional swimmer, so she enters competitions for both as often as she can. Val has won a few prizes from online art contests and some medals from swimming competitions.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?: Local school, easy access, prestigious, good quality.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Silver/Salmon/Painting and swimming/Art
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green/Carrots/Speaking in public/None
Likes: Beautiful-looking things, water, silence, snow, the cold.
Dislikes: Summer, too much noise, unmade beds, very sweet sweets.
Family: mother, father
Languages: English (fluent)
Remake?: Yes
OC?: Yes

School Information

Year: 3
Rank on testing: 7
Classroom: 3-1
History?: World History
Humanities/Science?: Humanities
Music/Writing/Art?: Art

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