Ryle "Rihito" Aislyle

From Secondheaven

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Basic Information

Full Name: Ryle "Rihito" Aislyle
Player: Ten
Date of Birth: July 12th
Age: 15
Journal: onewaydiscord
Height: 5'5" / 164 cm
Weight: 137lbs / 62 kg


Purely his mother's son, Ryle's inherited almost every gene in his mother's blood. He's still a growing boy, so he's a bit on the gangly side and his figure leans more toward thin than fit. He has a very fair, boyish shape to his face and black eyes, which are usually nearly covered by unkempt dark brown hair. He keeps his bangs parted in the middle and long, with the back relatively short and more often than not, bits of hair will stick up in the back from rubbing at his head too much.

Usually, Ryle'll just toss on whatever's comfortable for him. This mostly consists of jeans and long-sleeved shirts, mostly to hide the gash on his arm that was caused by an archery accident. Despite explanations, people tended to draw their own conclusions due to the injury's location and shape, so Ryle's given up on even trying to explain it and simply hides it.

Ryle's PB is Matsuda Shota.


With the bitterness of a man five times his age, Ryle's grown into a teenager with a very set, very negative view on life. For one reason or another, Ryle can only see the faults in everything and refuses to open his mind to the good sides. He's rude and snappy, making very little effort to hide his own less than pleasant opinion on things and with a well-developed adversity to anything he's not familiar with. With all his harsh words he's able to dish out with ease, Ryle himself takes criticism of his own actions very poorly and takes an escapist attitude when it comes to having to deal with reality.

Most of Ryle's spiteful personality stems from his own insecurities. He knows his own flaws and he knows that things could possibly be a little better if he just changed, but his stubbornness won't allow him to. He despises change, because it takes him out of his comfort zone of spite and mistrust, and without this comfort zone, Ryle can hardly keep the composed persona that he's used all these years. Rather, when caught off-guard, he becomes the awkward teenager that he denies being. Complete with spazzing and all.


Though they met and married in Japan, Ryle's parents soon moved to California to raise their growing family. The youngest of five sons, Ryle was the only one to closely resemble their mother rather than their father. As he grew older, his Japanese looks became more prominent, a fact that caught his mother's eye. Most of her attentions became focused on Ryle, reliving her years in Japan through the boy. All aspects of his life were altered, from the language he was expected to speak at home to the foods he had and the shows he watched.

Far from embracing this alternative lifestyle, Ryle was ostracized by his brothers, who seemed to offer no help with his situation. As things turned out, Ryle's father had informed his other four sons not to interfere, feeling that his wife's happiness and stability were more important. Ryle's mother had left Japan nearly unwillingly and during her time in California, had done little in the way of immersing herself in the culture. The birth of her first four sons, none of whom resembled her in the least, added onto this feeling of isolation. With Ryle's birth, a stabilizing point was found for the woman, at the cost of her own son.

Growing up, Ryle hardly left his mother's side except for school. At school, he felt awkward and unable to talk with the other kids, whose interests were different from the ones he'd been raised with. This awkwardness at school and the avoidance from his father and brothers turned into spite and hate. Though he'd been lectured very firmly about doing what his mother wanted from him, he began taking out his frustrations at school, ostracizing himself further there.

It was at his mother's request that Ryle attend a school with a heavier Japanese influence. Initially, she'd planned to move back to Japan with him so he could attend school there, but Ryle, long made aware of his mother's plans, had pulled some research and presented Second Heaven as an alternative option. Though the distance of the school and the very idea of separation had Ryle's mother on edge, careful insistence and sweet promises from the teenager earned him the ability to apply.

Other Information

Birth Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Why Second Heaven?: At his own preference, it's a place that appeases his mother's needs and allows him some distance from her while he tries to figure out his future.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green / Lemons / Solving Brain Puzzles / Math
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Pink / Berries / Group activities / History
Likes: Citrus, spicy foods, strategy games, word puzzles, plain bread.
Dislikes: Competitions, sweets, change, perfumes/strong smells, crowds, loud noise.
Family: Parents and four older brothers.
Languages: English and Japanese.

School Information

Year: 1
Rank on testing: 32
Classroom: 1-2
History?: World History
Art?: Art

Clubs and Sports
Archery - W - 6.45 - 9.00 ; S - 12.00-4.00
Japanese Boardgames - Tu, F - 2.30-3.30


... hah.

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