Seung Yoon Park

From Secondheaven

Revision as of 06:18, 27 June 2007 by Shinn (Talk | contribs)
Name SeungYoon Park
Age 18
Birthday February 6, 1989
Home Seoul, South Korea
Height 6'1" / 185 cm
Weight 160 lbs / 72.6 kg
Family Grandmother and JinHee (younger sister/14).
Languages Fluent: Korean and English
Visible Marks Some small and faded scars on his arms and hands from sport accidents.
Year 2
Rank 18
History Local/Japanese History
Elective Art
Extracurriculars Judo, Basketball, Baseball and Student Council.
Played By Jung YunHo
Journal seuregee



SeungYoon has neck length black, sometimes dyed auburn hair, thick eyebrows and dark brown eyes. He's handsome, but not remarkably so. His features are boyish and he usually keeps a small but confident smile on his face. His skin is lightly tanned and his build is slim and toned. He takes an overall good care of his appearance, but he prefers to wear comfortable (and not very expensive) clothes.


SeungYoon was born in Seoul, South Korea to a couple of lawyers. A few years after he was born, his parents gave him a little sister. He lived happily with his family for about seven years until something happened. He was staying with his paternal grandmother and little sister in Strauss when his parents died in a fire back at home. It was hard for him to lose both parents at such an early age, but he endured it and recovered after a couple of months. Since his grandmother was always busy, he practically raised himself. He also took the role of father for his little sister, so he always tried to be a good example for her.

When he turned fifteen, he decided he'd work instead of going to high school. He wanted to help his grandmother to pay debts and save up money so his sister could go to high school. This lasted for about two years until his grandmother got a job at Second Heaven. He was going to continue working, but his grandmother told him he had to study and worry about himself too. So, he entered Second Heaven at seventeen years, with rank thirty. He did okay during the first half of the year, but he was more worried about the situation at home.

About half-ways during his first year in Second Heaven, his sister had a talk him. She told him that she wanted him to be successful too, that she could take care of herself, and that it hurt her how he neglected himself for her sake... So, he studied really harder after this and the results showed. He was going to do his best this year as well. He wasn't going to disappoint her.


Keywords: patient, protective, easy-going, bold, playful, zealous, stubborn, a bit cocky

SeungYoon is an easy-going and carefree person, at least superficially. He's friendly, talkative and playful; He enjoys joking and playing small pranks on others, but nothing too mean. He's also confident, borderline cocky; He loves sports and he knows he's good at them. That combined with the fact his room was usually messy and that he always seemed to leave his homework for the last moment made people think he was an irresponsible and childish person. In fact, he isn't.

He matured earlier than most children due to having to take care of himself and his sister, this also made him an independent and responsible person. He took care of her since he was very young, acting more like a father than a brother: he helped her with homework, scolded her when necessary, walked her to school, gave her advice, etc. He's very protective of his sister and he loves her very much. She's his life and he wouldn't doubt to sacrifice himself for her.

He remains patient and calm during most stressful situations and he thinks carefully about the best method to solve them. He isn't made of ice, though. Sometimes he can get very angry or annoyed, specially if it involves people he cares about. He also tends to burden himself with too many problems and obligations without letting anyone else help, something his sister and grandmother are trying to stop.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

Grandmother works there.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Carmine
  • Food Kimbap
  • Activity Sports
  • Subject PE
  • Other Likes Kimchi, Pat bing soo, Bulgogi, salty nachos, chocolate, Summer, the sun, naps, cats, dogs, dancing, music, playing basketball, sunset, sunrise, tea, coffee, long showers, talking, his sister (not that way), drawing

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Baby Blue
  • Food Maesil
  • Activity Sitting still
  • Subject Home Ec
  • Other Dislikes Naengmyeon, Soondae, spinach, storms, waiting, smoking, talking on the phone, rule breakers, cleaning, staying up late to do homework, bugs, being hungry, Brussels sprouts, British Christmas cake



  • NONE
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