The World

From Secondheaven

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...same deal as F-O-O-D in Bach.
...same deal as F-O-O-D in Bach.
====Amusement Park====
...your typical savoir faire.
[[Category:Section 2]]
[[Category:Section 2]]

Revision as of 01:30, 3 August 2007

Second Heaven High is located in That Country, Europe. That's right. There's not really a set location - though we can say with certainty it resembles the quainter towns of Northern Europe in build, climate, and construction. The following sections will help describe the town of Schubert, where the school is located, along with brief descriptions of Strauss, Bach, and Beethoven, neighboring towns.

  • A note on language: Assume all towns speak English. Due to Second Heaven High being such an influence, most store shops can handle basic Japanese conversation, and there is a preponderance of Asian Themed shops and restaurants.

Minitsu would like to stress the following:


And now, we continue.


The Tisserata Monorail

The Tisserata Monorail circulates the outlying towns of Crescendo County, starting in Schubert and rounding about through Strauss, Bach, and finally Beethoven. The entire route takes about four hours, with the length between Schubert and Beethoven taking about two. The rates increase as the length of the trip increases, with Beethoven being the most expensive of the Monorail prices.

The Tisserata Monorail is owned and operated by Harold Arrowny as well, so it has discounted (though not by much) fairs for Second Heaven students.


Schubert is a small town of no more than 50,000, located deep within a mountainous range in Northern Europe. When the locals wake up in the morning they can see the large blue mountains with snow cresting their tips, and the local plantlife is often green though shrubbish, reminiscent of tundra. Local flora and fauna are typically aspens, though the occasional oak or birch manages to sprout at this elevation.

The locals are all very familiar with each other, ranging from careers such as baker to janitor, though a lot of the locals and their families are employed at Second Heaven. As Second Heaven is a boarding school, Strauss often suffers from "college town" syndrome, with students influxing and outfluxing at the break. The tourism of Schubert is high as well - because of its quaint location, there are several tourists who come through, helping to fund the town with money.

Winters are cold and often snow, lasting from October until comfortably the middle of April. Summer is a brief flash of warm from Mid June to Late August before the chill settles again. The buildings are often pale, warm toned stones with brightly coloured roofs, window boxes, and terraces. The smallest of homes are usually no larger than a one bedroom apartment in a major city, but the largest of homes have rolling acres. Cars are disadvantageous in Strauss, and most locals who do own cars keep them parked near the highway that's cleverly hidden behind a thick brush of aspens.

Bikes and pedestrianism are popular here. There is a clocktower in the center square, with a fountain at it's root, and high-elevation birds are common. Schubert, in a lot of ways, is often just waiting for a camera to snap.

Dorming for students from Schubert is highly recommended, but optional.

In Game Locations

Here's a list of locations already preset in game! If your chars go to any other ones, please add it here!

On-Campus Locations

Etude Library

A separate building all it's own, the Etude Library is state of the art. With the finest computers and archives containing some exceptionally rare documents, the shelves go from floor to ceiling and contain books from all sorts of cultures and areas of expertise. If one's looking for a book, chances are they can find it here.

The Wagner Garden

Specializing in pink and white rhododedron, the Wagner Garden also has several species of roses. The Wagner Garden is a large, gazebo-shaped greenhouse to the north of the campus.

Off-Campus Locations

McMountain Grill

Your typical hamburger joint, it serves custom burgers in a fraction of the time of a restaurant!

The Cafe

(Unnamed as of yet in logs.)

A coffee joint and general bagel/breakfast/sweets location. Also seems to serve teas and traditional pastries.


In a lot of ways Schubert's sister town, Strauss is around 50,000 as well, and can be reached one of three ways: a bike trail through the mountain passes, an hour to two hour hike, or a five minute ride on the nearby highway. Strauss has a mall, something that Schubert doesn't have - and is also a popular place for tourism and general student traveling. Due to its proximity, it can often be a weekend retreat for those few who have cars - though the school does provide bussing to Strauss on a limited basis.

Strauss contains a few sites of local interest - two statues of artistic merit created by former art student majors at Second Heaven High, along with an elegant cabin kept preserved a few miles west that dates back to the times of the Finno-Ugricks and Anglo-Saxons. It also has a local history museum, along with a Japanese temple used in the New Year celebration.

Dorming for students from Strauss is highly recommended, but optional.

In Game Locations

If you should go to a place that's not listed here, please edit it into it's own category! :3

The Strauss Mall

Full of high-end boutiques aside small-time stores. Most of their business is from Second Heaven High kids. Part-time jobs are given to anyone fifteen and over.


  • Le Purses

Up-scale handbag outlet.

The Ayakawa Temple

Visited primarily for the New Year celebrations. A large temple with beautiful front gates and a warming atmosphere.

According to students, the stairs at Ayakawa are quite a bitch to scale.

That Damn Cabin

As it's commonly referred to by students at Second Heaven High, this cabin is preserved from the days of YORE. We're talking pre-1000AD. Often the sight of very boring, very ritualistic Excursions.

The Local History Museum

Not as boring as the cabin, which is just a cabin, this building - squat, manila yellow, and looking more like a trailor than a museum - holds the entire history of Crescendo County. It's size can indicate how much history there really is.


Further still, inaccessible via foot but still reachable in an hour by bike, twenty minutes via monorail, and thirty minutes via car, is Bach, a little lower in elevation and the center of agriculture, what little is capable at its elevation. Primarily a bottler of honeys and jams, Bach also contains the nearest grocery store outside of the city Beethoven.

Less picturesque and more functional than Struass and Schubert, the uglier exterior hides a more relaxed interior. Home of the local movie theatre, the bowling alley, the skating rink, and other entertainments, Bach is a noted hotspot for activity once the sun goes down - including night clubs, which due to the general fair of travelers to Bach tend to be 15+. But don't expect to drink unless you're 18 or can get ahold of a fake id...

...sadly, there's a few students who could manage to make you a good one.

It's not really possible to get to Bach and get back on the monorail before sundown at the dorms after 8pm - trips to Bach at night are allowed on Fridays and Saturdays so long as there is check-in upon return of those leaving.

Dorming for students from Bach is mandatory.

In-Game Locations

If adding a new location in Bach, please tell a moderator first. As the nature of Bach's locations tend to be club-oriented or rule-breaking oriented, we'd just like a heads up!


The owner of this establishment is a notorious pot-dealer, but most students wouldn't know this, hmm? It explains the silly name, at the very least.

This is the only grocery store between the three minor towns. It does a lot of business, and is quite large because of it. The Asian Foods Section, again catering to Second Heaven, is also rather intensely stocked.


The main danceclub of Bach, specializes in heavy-handed trance. It has three floors, the lowest, a basement level, being industrial. The middle floor is the trance, with the upper floor playing funk/R+B mixes. The DJs here are often young and fresh off the market, though making it big through A*I*R is rare.

The Round-A-Bout

Skating rink. Typical indoor rollerblade/roller skating fair, with an enclosed ice-skating rink open 365 days a year.

Eine Kleine Movie

Ah, those cute mountain folks. Named in theme with Crescendo County, the movie theatre plays on 3 screens your typical Hollywood fair, on another English independent films, and on a fifth and sixth international film fair. Almost always, one of these screens is dedicated to Japanese film.


Pretty self-explanatory. Bowling lane.


A veritable metropolis, comparitively, Beethoven is 200,000 large and contains all the amenities of the other towns and more - apartments are here, along with the nearest university, and the town is bustling with typical fair. Roads cease to be cobblestone here, and shops are open late and night clubs are even better than Bach.

However, Beethoven is several hours away via monorail and two and a half by car, and biking to Beethoven would be near impossible. A large grocery store and other such things exist here, and a lot of what the school uses is ordered from Beethoven. The school tries to plan a weekend excursion to Beethoven once to thrice a year, and holidays are often encouraged to be taken to Beethoven if the student cannot fly home - as many students are international, there are many students who partake in these activities.

Dorming for students from Beethoven is mandatory.

In Game Locations

Not many yet for Beethoven! Add at leisure!


...same deal as F-O-O-D in Bach.

Amusement Park

...your typical savoir faire.

Personal tools