Fusako Maruyama

From Secondheaven

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('''Basic Information''')
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<br>'''Date of Birth:''' June 3rd, 1990
<br>'''Date of Birth:''' June 3rd, 1990
<br>'''Age:''' 16
<br>'''Age:''' 16
<br>'''Journal:''' [http://violaintruder.livejournal.com voilaintruder]
<br>'''Journal:''' [http://voilaintruder.livejournal.com voilaintruder]
<br>'''Height''': 5'6"
<br>'''Height''': 5'6"
<br>'''Weight:''' 109lbs
<br>'''Weight:''' 109lbs
== '''Appearance''' ==
== '''Appearance''' ==

Current revision as of 06:03, 6 June 2007


Basic Information

Full Name: Maruyama Fusako
Player: Lissa
Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1990
Age: 16
Journal: voilaintruder
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 109lbs


Fusako's most distinct feature is most definitely her hair, which is black, permed and massive. She usually wears it back but will let it out when she wants all eyes on her. She has a bony, boyish build and tries her best to accentuate her well-shaped legs and stomach while downplaying her lack of curves with the way she dresses. Her face can best be described as sharp and angular; Fusako's pointed nose hooks slightly downwards, her black eyes angle up and her small mouth is usually spread in a defiant, triangular smile.

Visible Markings: Two piercings in each ear, one on the right side of her nose, missing pinky finger on her left hand, dark scars circling the middle knuckle of her left ring finger.

Not readily visible Markings: Purple birthmark just above the right dimple on her lower back, long, thin scar on the top of her right knee.

Fusako'sPB is Kuriyama Chiaki.


Fusako has a tendency of bouncing between being completely honesty and lying in people's faces. Generally, she does her best to remain genuine, as she has a pointed prejudice against insincere people, but finds herself lying when backed into a corner and occasionally for no good reason at all. Fusako will go to great lengths to protect the integrity of any lie she tells and always ends up digging her own grave. But, when found out, the girl will pour on all her honed charms to be forgiven. She chooses not to see that she is a liar and has gone so far as to convince herself of her own lies.

As far as teenaged girls go, Fusako is fairly in control of her emotions. In friendships, while she can be insensitive, she does her best to set aside her issues when a friend has a problem. If you're upset, she'll most likely be the first to comfort you, the last to leave and 85% percent of the time she means every word of it. She likes to tease people in what she sees as a harmless fashion and is usually up for any stupid stunt her friends suggest, be it turning every object in a teacher's classroom upside-down, drinking in a public space (sneakily, she thinks), or streaking through the boy's dorms with a paper bag on her head. Quite obviously, Fusako doesn't know what shame is. In love, however, all this is pretty much void. When she feels something for a boy, she feels it hard and with every bit of her body. Fusako can forget to sleep, eat, study and show up for clubs when lovesick. Likewise, she'll go to great lengths to capture the object of her affections and keep him happy until she gets tired of him. Her affections are fierce and fleeting; Fusako's longest lasting relationship was a month and a half (and long distance).


The daughter of Japanese and Korean immigrants living in Beethoven, Fusako has always had issues with her heritage. She looks up to almost anything Korean, as she loves her mother and hates her father, and scorns anything Japanese. If it weren't for her name, she'd probably entirely deny her Japanese blood and insist that she was 100% Korean. As a child, the only member of her family she really got along with was her mother, the parent who'd passed on their mischievous streak to Fusako. Her father and sister were much too serious for her tastes and the girl took pleasure in shredding their documents and homework, or hiding small, important objects from them. Her mother always just chuckled, but her father would scream at the girl for her antics.

At the age of 8, Fusako became friends with another girl living in Beethoven, Candide. The older girl was someone for Fusako to look up to and she did her best to befriend her. The two became close and Fusako ranted for days to her family after Candide moved away.

As she got older, her father became stricter and stricter about her studies and forced Fusako to break her back succeeding in school. She had never been a terribly bright girl (her real talents lay in art and acting) but did her best to not anger her father. The only time he gave her a full hug was when she was accepted into Second Heaven. It was then that Fusako decided that she hated her father more than anyone else of the planet, packed up her things and never spoke another word to him again.

Other Information

Birth Location: Beethoven
Why Second Heaven?: Her father insisted that a Japanese education would be good for her and forced her to study hard in order to pass the entrance exam.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Red/bibimbap/palm-reading/Art
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Gray/pickled plums/cleaning/Math
Likes: Napping on hot days, presents, colorful clothes, graffiti, animals, cigarettes, surrealism, Gogol Bordello, Beat Happening, men with pretty hands.
Dislikes: Pretension, getting old, most dairy products, passionless people, swimming, beer, being ignored, liars.
Family: Father (Maruyama Masafumi), a maritime lawyer, mother (Maruyama Yi Sun), an interior decorator, and elder sister, (Maruyama Jin Li), age 26.

School Information

Year: 2
Rank on testing: 32
Current Rank: 51
Classroom: 2-3
History?: World History
Art?: Art

Clubs and Sports Occult Club, Astrology Club, Track and Field.


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