Daily Events

From Secondheaven

(Redirected from "SUN RADIO")

Woo! That's been a lot of reading, right? Don't worry, you're almost done with this section! Then it's just a quick zip through the standard RPG fair and you can be paying your tuition and studying out of our lexicon in no time! This section will be devoted to some of the quirkier, but daily portions of the routine from Japan that we've chosen to include in Second Heaven. We'll start from the morning and head to the evening! Let's go!


Morning Assembly

Performed on a weekly basis, this includes a speech from founder Harold Arrowny, and announcements from the Class Presidents of each year. Also, any awards to be given and admonishments to be delivered. This takes the place of the typical 45 minute long preparation period to the start of every day in the individual classrooms!

Morning Attendance

Fourty-five minutes before school starts, beginning at 8.30 am, students arrive here for their class reps and class presidents to work. Sometimes this is shortened to thirty minutes or even fifteen, so prompt attendance is mandatory. The presidents or representatives take attendance, class duties are hashed out, friends say hello, breakfast is sometimes eaten for the late riser, and homework is finished, discussed, along with any schedule changes.


In romaji, this is rajioo taiyou, which in loose translation means Radio Sun - or the morning report! This daily broadcast is played every morning at 6am on Japanese radio, and everyone around the country has to perform these stretches! Corporations, universities, hospitals, high schools, you name it! Even elementary children are trucked to the community level broadcast of these activities at 7 or 8 am.

Before PE classes in high school this broadcast is played, and used as a warm-up for students. So! Everyday before PE, when your students warm up, they are warming up to SUN RADIO!

Sects, Daily Cleaning

On a weekly basis students are broken into cleaning squads to clean. If a student has a club or sport conflict they can be excused, but will have to make up the cleaning time later in the evening. The duties are split among five members, from sweeping to washing the board to emptying the trash. The students take responsibility for their classrooms as the school is also their responsibility!

For more information, see Cleaning Sects

Student Council Meetings

Class representatives and Class Presidents are automatically a part of the student council, which meets mandatorily every Friday. The Student Council has a say in regulations on everything in the school, but is considered a largely conservative function. If they go too out of the norm they risk the school ceasing to listen to the council and coming with reprimands - however, carefully planned attacks on the school rules can result in very pleasant outcomes.

  • If your student is not a Class Rep or Class Prez this doesn't mean they can't join the Student Council! It just means they are a lower representative, and can't vote, only voice opinions.
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