
From Seattle Nwod

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1 - Entrance (From Pike Place Market)
2 - Armory
3 - Trinkets and Tokens
4 - Produce
5 - Mystic's Alley
6 - Auctions
7 - Exits (Each have three trods branching off in different directions)
a - Gatherer's Garden
b - Indoor Orchard
c - Aurora's Tent
d - Teahouse
e - The Forge Brothers
f - Auction Blocks

ursZuT I am amazed with the abundance of interesting articles on your site! The author - good luck and wish you the new interesting posts..!


The Emissary's Edicts

The first thing that visitors to Nexus see are the grand archways that lead into the Hollow. There are four in total, one at each cardinal direction, carved out of something that looks like marble. Engraved into it are a set of three phrases, written in just about any language one could think of; English rests next to Chinese above cuneiform and Linear B. Before crossing the threshold, any voices from inside sound pure gibberish; once passed, though, the oath sworn grants the visitor the knowledge of the 'native' language of Nexus, known as Riverspeak.

The phrases of the archways are as follows: None shall obstruct trade, None shall bring an army into this place, No-one shall commit wanton violence. By passing through these archways, visitors swear to follow these edicts, risking much if they break them.

  • Tasks: Forbiddance (-2)
  • Boons: Adriotness (Persuasion) (+1), Blessing (Language – Riverspeak) (+1)
  • Sanctions: Curse (Lesser; 10's do not reroll) (-1), Poisoning of Boon (Language - Speak nothing BUT Riverspeak for the duration of the sanction (-1)
  • Duration: Moon (+2)

Those who wish to maintain a closer tie to the market may speak with the Emissary and swear a stronger pledge with the strange being. The extended pledge lasts for a year and a day, and the person swearing the oath gains no small bit of standing among the denizens of Nexus.

  • Tasks: Forbiddance (-2)
  • Boons: Adriotness (Persuasion) (+1), Blessing (Language – Riverspeak) (+1), Blessing (Status: Nexus 2) (+1)
  • Sanctions: Curse (Lesser; 10's do not reroll) (-1), Poisoning of Boon (Language - Speak nothing BUT Riverspeak for the duration of the sanction (-1)
  • Duration: Year and a Day (+3)

The Markets of Nexus

As seen in the map above, Nexus is separated into five different sections, each catering to a certain type of goods. The four outer areas have store fronts and stalls selling their wares, some hob-run and some run by the Changelings who serve under the Emissary. The center section, however, is watched over by the Emissary itself.

A group of draconic creatures known as the Spartes act as the guard force for Nexus, making sure that things don't get out of hand. They stand as men do, wearing bronze armor in the Greek style, a spear in their taloned hand and a sword at their side.

The Armory

Here is where Nexus sells its weapons of war. Although skewed more towards archaic weaponry, it is possible to find some firearms in Nexus; however, they are usually quite rare and equally expensive. Also found here is armor of all sorts, from plate to chain to some more modern armors such as Kevlar. This market also serves as the place to find numerous ores dug from the lands of Arcadia (often by Changeling hands).

Notable Locations

  • The Forge Brothers
    • Two large forges can be seen in the Armory, dwarfing the other blacksmiths in the area. At one works a muscular man made from mythril, and at the other is a man of somewhat slimmer build made of fire. These two are known in Nexus as the Forge Brothers; it is unknown if they are actually related, but the two do have similar features. The Metalskin goes by the name of Aulendil, and he focuses on the creation of martial goods; weapons, armor, what have you. The Fireheart, named Annator, prefers to make art and jewelry with his ores; he is quite well-known for his stunning rings.

Mystics' Alley

In this market lie the tools of the magician, the text of the scholar and the insight of the psychic. The merchants here sell everything from alchemical components to magical (and sometimes Supernal) texts.

Notable Locations

  • Aurora's Tent
    • Aurora is one of the few Lost who are not sworn to the Emissary. She is a Fairest Bright One of impressive power, gifted with an insight into the minds of others rarely seen outside of the Awakened. Those who venture into her tent often find exactly what they were looking for, and sometimes things that don't truly make sense until after the event in question occurs.
  • The Teahouse
    • Here, in an oriental-style teahouse done up in various woods found in Arcadia and the Hedge, is where both patrons and merchants in Nexus come to relax. Teas of both mundane and exotic sorts are available to any who have the proper coin, as well as some types of Hedgeborn foods.


This market caters to the gardeners and cooks of the world, providing a vast selections of plants of both mundane and fae origins. Here one can find the best selection of goblin fruits outside of the Hedge itself, as well as various other Hedge-based plants.

Notable Places

  • Indoor Orchard
    • The largest building in this market, it opens up into an even larger orchard filled with various trees and plants. It is run by a minor Fae that looks like it's been woven together from vines by the name of Kiri, and for a small fee, visitors can pick as much fruit from the trees as they can carry. Astute visitors eventually notice, though, that some of the trees in the orchard are not normal plants, but Woodbloods. The fruit on the trees regrows quickly, allowing for constant picking of fruit for the customers (and pain, for the Woodbloods).
  • The Gatherer's Garden

Trinkets and Tokens

Lastly among the open markets is a collection of stalls that sell just about everything that is not covered by the other three. Here, one can find discarded baubles from the dwellings of the Fae Lords, tokens of both great and small power, as well as the occasional enchanted item of other supernatural sorts and relics of mortal making.

The Auctions

In the center of Nexus sits the Emissary's pavilion, where he watches all that goes on within the center ring. Here, Gentry and Changelings both put in bids for everything from large quantities of hedge fruits to fresh off-the-streets mortals ready for shaping to other Lost who were discarded by their Keepers. As one would expect, the Lost who see their fellows on the block are horrified and often do the best they can to purchase them; sadly, this rarely works, as the Gentry have much to offer.

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