
From Seattle Nwod

Revision as of 20:42, 12 January 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

  • Goblin Market
    • Archway
      • Covered in inscriptions of multiple languages, all saying the same three phrases
        • None shall obstruct trade
        • None shall bring an army into this place
        • No-one shall commit wanton violence
      • By passing through patrons swear minor oath to follow these edicts
  • Five sections
    • Produce
      • Gatherer’s Garden
        • Run by Doctor Jonas Steinman (Clarity 2 Wyrd 5 Chirurgeon)
        • Sells tonics that bestow additional kiths (and tag them for eventual retrieval by his Keeper’s privateers)
          • Effects on mages?
      • Indoor orchard
        • Pay-and-pick
        • Some trees normal, some are Woodbloods
        • Run by a male figure woven from vines (hedge creature)
      • Stalls with various herbs, goblin fruits
    • Mystic’s Alley
      • Teahouse
      • Aurora
      • Bookstalls
        • Texts on a number of subjects
        • MAYBE a Grimoire with a few fae-friendly Fate spells
    • Armory
      • Forge Brothers
    • Tokens and Trinkets
      • Stalls with various tokens and widgits
        • Maybe an artifact/fetish or two
    • Auctions (Ilona’s daughter)
  • Guards
    • Bands of hobs in outer sections
    • Spartes in auction area
    • True Fae Present
      • The Silent Watcher (Ilona’s Keeper)
        • Very tall, skeletal; dressed in pseudo-Victorian fashion, all grays and blacks
      • Skolops (Patron of the District of Thorns, Dusphoros; Aurora’s Keeper)
        • Female figure, who moves from early teens to ancient in age while being watched
      • The Emissary (Ruler of the Market; Keeper of most of the Lost who work there)
        • Brilliant white robes, face covered by an ornately carved silver mask
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