
From Seattle Nwod

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A Ruler Broken

The area in Arcadia which now houses Dusphoros was a relatively simple kingdom in the times before. Its ruler, a True Fae whose name is no longer remembered, ruled it happily (for it, anyway). At one point, however, he acquired something very unique, you see: a magic-user from a strange island in the Real gifted the Fae with a piece of Quintessence - the very essence of magic. The Fae became enamored with its new toy, and its kingdom slowly grew to represent it's imaginings of the realm where the Quintessence came from. At one point in time - those magi who know of this realm say it occurred as the Ladder shattered - the fae lord himself shattered into five separate beings, each representing a path which the magic of the Fae Lord's toy channeled itself through.

A Utopia Gone Wrong

Dusphoros is an amalgamation of various Greek styles mingled with the mad designs that come from the mind of a True Fae. It is divided into five areas, with a huge cathedral which houses the Quintessence which shapes the realm. Each area has a different flavor to it, and each is ruled over by one being that sprung from the original Fae Lord.

  • The District of Thorns
  • The District of Demons
  • The District of Night
  • The District of the Golden Key
  • The District of Totems

The Denizens of the Kingdom

Dusphoros is filled with numerous Changelings, each taking aspects of the district where they dwell. The magi who have found their way there usually gravitate to the district of their former path, while humans who arrive in the realm can end up in any realm.

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