Talk:SCP Series SCP Series

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Revision as of 15:42, 15 September 2016 by (Talk)

hello my name is jerry hello my name is yuri Hello my name is James image_logo_url

For god's sake

Help us Help us Help us Help us Help us Help us Help Help Help It burns God, why does it hurt so much Help usMedia:Example.ogg

what is wrong?

Everything! X_X My mind is trapped I need to free it... With a 12 gauge ^_^ why is all this happing since i visited this site? there is no god, god cannot help me from what i see This site is faked. People made this to be creepy...people made this so that people would frighten people, or make them want to get to the bottom of this "mystery". I promise I am not lying, or trying to make this creepier. I am NOT trying to look like some guy who is trying to keep you away from this stuff. I am just a normal person, a normal person eating chex mix in their nightgown, looking at creepy sites online. So, don't think about this too much, unless you wa-oh. I am sounding creepy again. Anyway, I won't tell you to do anything, just don't let this site mess with your mind like it did to me. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... No help is coming for them anymore, I can help you, open your mind, leave the page, and escape. I didn't write the above stuff. Like, the stuff that starts with all the periods anyway, I am just not gonna erase what others wrote. Anyway, bye! Have a nice day on the internet!

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