Talk:SCP Series

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If you're reading this, I'm afraid you're wasting your time. The version of SCP if officially down. Also, there is a more simplified link to the new SCP site. It is
> [ERR0R]
> 重新校准..
this a message from the [P] - SKY.D
> [失败:重试..]
> 重新校准第二次尝试。
> [失败:与SITE-19、SITE-15、SITE-11的通信丢失。]
> 第三次尝试重新校准
>Eat at Taco Bell.
> [成功]
> [紧急系统:美国大陆的遏制系统遭受了未知的催化故障,包括:SITE-19、SITE-15、SITE-11、SITE-169、SITE-64、AREA-09。加拿大的49号站点和27号区域也报告了违规事件。面纱可能会被打破。广泛的损害控制和健忘剂分发需要做好准备。]
> [已部署的移动特遣部队:]
> Epsilon-11,指定为“九尾狐”:东海岸遗址。
> Epislon-6,被指定为“乡村白痴”:中西部州掩盖和清理。
> Eta-10,被指定为“看不见邪恶”:在SCP-096的侦察中假设TAU-1“老大哥”,各种认知。
<math>Insert formula here</math>
> Pi-1,指定为“城市滑头”:部署到纽约市,SCP-4975和SCP-096松动。
> Mu-13,指定为“捉鬼敢死队”:部署到SITE-83和SITE-19,以重新遏制SCP-280和SCP-966。
> Eta-4,被指定为“Begone Thoth”:ETA-4中的所有SCP-3095实例都被分配到ARIEL战斗机载SCP,并在极端情况下打击敌对的GoI。
> Tau-5,指定为“Samsara”:再次部署的部队SCP-682,SCP-076。
> Sigma-66,指定为“十六吨”:再次部署混乱叛乱,地平线倡议,敌对的GoI。
> Nu-7,指定为“锤子击落”:在全国范围内部署SCP-3199、SCP-1000、SCP-939。
> [等待部署的移动特遣部队部队:]
> Alpha-9,指定为“最后的希望”
> Epsilon-9,指定为“食火者”:SCP-457控制
> Beta-7,指定为“Maz Hatters”:SCP-049、SCP-008。等待进一步评估的情况。
> [错误。国际网站违规。SITE-77全面封锁]
> [混乱叛乱、全球神秘联盟、破碎之神教会、IJEMA、GRU-P、UNUSAL INCIDENTS UNIT和地平线倡议部队正在相互战斗,基金会也在战斗。]
> [错误。严重错误。]
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-██. Access to SCP-XXXX's chamber is to be restricted to Level 2 personnel or above. All instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are to be contained within separate standard anomalous item containment lockers.
In the event of a containment breach, all personnel are to follow standard security protocols and work to re-contain SCP-XXXX as quickly as possible. Any instances of SCP-XXXX-1 that are not contained are to be considered a high priority and recovered immediately.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity standing approximately 1.8 meters tall and weighing 68.2 kilograms. SCP-XXXX's body is composed of an unknown organic material with a structure similar to human muscle and bone tissue. SCP-XXXX possesses no discernible facial features, and its body is uniformly pale in color. SCP-XXXX exhibits no apparent biological functions, and it does not require sustenance, water, or air to survive.
SCP-XXXX has the anomalous ability to create anomalous objects known as SCP-XXXX-1. These objects are produced by SCP-XXXX through unknown means and are typically small, handheld objects resembling everyday items such as pens, keys, and coins. These objects exhibit a wide range of anomalous properties and can vary in size, shape, and composition.
SCP-XXXX-1 instances are not inherently dangerous, but they can be used to breach containment if left unsecured. SCP-XXXX has been observed to create SCP-XXXX-1 instances at an average rate of one per hour.
Containment Breach Incident Report:
On ██/██/20██, a containment breach occurred in SCP-XXXX's chamber at Site-██. The breach was discovered when SCP-XXXX-1 instances began to appear outside of SCP-XXXX's chamber and were discovered by security personnel during routine patrols.
Initial attempts to re-contain SCP-XXXX were unsuccessful, as the entity was observed to be actively creating SCP-XXXX-1 instances and using them to distract and confuse security personnel. Additional security personnel were called in to assist with the re-containment effort, but SCP-XXXX continued to evade capture by using its anomalous abilities.
After ██ hours of attempting to re-contain SCP-XXXX, security personnel were able to isolate and subdue the entity. All remaining SCP-XXXX-1 instances were recovered and contained within standard anomalous item lockers.
Following the containment breach incident, all data files related to SCP-XXXX were transferred to Site-██ for further analysis and review. Additional measures are currently being implemented to prevent future containment breaches involving SCP-XXXX.

Current revision as of 16:24, 6 June 2023

> [ERR0R]


> 重新校准..


> [失败:重试..]


> 重新校准第二次尝试。


> [失败:与SITE-19、SITE-15、SITE-11的通信丢失。]


> 第三次尝试重新校准

>Eat at Taco Bell.

> [成功]


> [紧急系统:美国大陆的遏制系统遭受了未知的催化故障,包括:SITE-19、SITE-15、SITE-11、SITE-169、SITE-64、AREA-09。加拿大的49号站点和27号区域也报告了违规事件。面纱可能会被打破。广泛的损害控制和健忘剂分发需要做好准备。]


> [已部署的移动特遣部队:]


> Epsilon-11,指定为“九尾狐”:东海岸遗址。


> Epislon-6,被指定为“乡村白痴”:中西部州掩盖和清理。


> Eta-10,被指定为“看不见邪恶”:在SCP-096的侦察中假设TAU-1“老大哥”,各种认知。

Failed to parse (Can't write to or create math temp directory): Insert formula here

> Pi-1,指定为“城市滑头”:部署到纽约市,SCP-4975和SCP-096松动。


> Mu-13,指定为“捉鬼敢死队”:部署到SITE-83和SITE-19,以重新遏制SCP-280和SCP-966。


> Eta-4,被指定为“Begone Thoth”:ETA-4中的所有SCP-3095实例都被分配到ARIEL战斗机载SCP,并在极端情况下打击敌对的GoI。


> Tau-5,指定为“Samsara”:再次部署的部队SCP-682,SCP-076。


> Sigma-66,指定为“十六吨”:再次部署混乱叛乱,地平线倡议,敌对的GoI。


> Nu-7,指定为“锤子击落”:在全国范围内部署SCP-3199、SCP-1000、SCP-939。


> [等待部署的移动特遣部队部队:]


> Alpha-9,指定为“最后的希望”


> Epsilon-9,指定为“食火者”:SCP-457控制


> Beta-7,指定为“Maz Hatters”:SCP-049、SCP-008。等待进一步评估的情况。


> [错误。国际网站违规。SITE-77全面封锁]




> [混乱叛乱、全球神秘联盟、破碎之神教会、IJEMA、GRU-P、UNUSAL INCIDENTS UNIT和地平线倡议部队正在相互战斗,基金会也在战斗。]


> [错误。严重错误。]

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-██. Access to SCP-XXXX's chamber is to be restricted to Level 2 personnel or above. All instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are to be contained within separate standard anomalous item containment lockers.

In the event of a containment breach, all personnel are to follow standard security protocols and work to re-contain SCP-XXXX as quickly as possible. Any instances of SCP-XXXX-1 that are not contained are to be considered a high priority and recovered immediately.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity standing approximately 1.8 meters tall and weighing 68.2 kilograms. SCP-XXXX's body is composed of an unknown organic material with a structure similar to human muscle and bone tissue. SCP-XXXX possesses no discernible facial features, and its body is uniformly pale in color. SCP-XXXX exhibits no apparent biological functions, and it does not require sustenance, water, or air to survive.

SCP-XXXX has the anomalous ability to create anomalous objects known as SCP-XXXX-1. These objects are produced by SCP-XXXX through unknown means and are typically small, handheld objects resembling everyday items such as pens, keys, and coins. These objects exhibit a wide range of anomalous properties and can vary in size, shape, and composition.

SCP-XXXX-1 instances are not inherently dangerous, but they can be used to breach containment if left unsecured. SCP-XXXX has been observed to create SCP-XXXX-1 instances at an average rate of one per hour.

Containment Breach Incident Report:

On ██/██/20██, a containment breach occurred in SCP-XXXX's chamber at Site-██. The breach was discovered when SCP-XXXX-1 instances began to appear outside of SCP-XXXX's chamber and were discovered by security personnel during routine patrols.

Initial attempts to re-contain SCP-XXXX were unsuccessful, as the entity was observed to be actively creating SCP-XXXX-1 instances and using them to distract and confuse security personnel. Additional security personnel were called in to assist with the re-containment effort, but SCP-XXXX continued to evade capture by using its anomalous abilities.

After ██ hours of attempting to re-contain SCP-XXXX, security personnel were able to isolate and subdue the entity. All remaining SCP-XXXX-1 instances were recovered and contained within standard anomalous item lockers.

Following the containment breach incident, all data files related to SCP-XXXX were transferred to Site-██ for further analysis and review. Additional measures are currently being implemented to prevent future containment breaches involving SCP-XXXX.

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