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Welcome to the Scouting wiki.
A wiki is a collabrotave effort, run by volunteers and contributed by anyone. This wiki is about scouting in genral, and sepcific to the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and such. This may eventually include some paralell girl scout stuff, when things come up.
If you are new here, Please see:General Welcome
Two sister projects :
- Order of the Arrow Troop/Team Representative Training Sessions
- Girl Scouts (if people are willing to help)
If any one would or needs help starting one of the above projects (or one of their own), please contact us, and we can help out. There is a Cub Scout wiki already in exsitience: here. Please go there and help out.
Notice: These are only suggetions; and not anyhing official. What happenes in a regular troop, what's suggested here, and what is official may vary greatly. Take nothing here as absolute