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All parts fall into two categories: Weapon Enhancements and Defense Enhancements. Once bought, they are accessable from the Weapon or Defense Schematic Modifier Windows. You are limited to the number of parts you can add by the combination of battery and body you have currently configured; however, you will always have three drop down menus to select parts, no matter how many slots you have available.

  • Weapon Enhancements
    • Scanner: (100 Rep.*) Allows a small increase in reputation gain and adds/updates your opponent's weapon and defense information in the Scan Database.
    • Scope: (250 Rep.*) Minor increase in accuracy.
    • Offensive Power Converter: (250 Rep.*) Increases your damage, but also increases the chance of your weapon overloading and backfiring on you.
    • Chocolate Launcher (Limited Time Freebie): Distracts your opponent and makes them miss an action.
    • All-round Enhancer (special gift for helping with the game): Causes a general increase in all aspects of the weapon
  • Defense Enhancements
    • Regenerator: (250 Rep.*) Gives you 1% health back per round. It works silently in the background so sometimes it doesn't seem like it's doing anything.
    • Reflector: (250 Rep.*) Randomly reverses some of the damage done to you back on your opponent.
    • Defensive Power Converter: (250 Rep.*) Increases your defense, but also increases the chance of your defenses overloading and damaging you.
    • Big Red Button Of Uncertain Doom: (250 Rep.*) Has completely random effects, some positive, some negative. Exact effects still being researched. See BRBUD Effects.
    • Reality Overwriter: (Gift after programming snafu*) Randomly negates incoming attacks. Sometimes does nothing.

* Prices are subject to change with a lab tech in you barracks. *

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