From Sci Wiki
Sanity Challenged Inventors
Sanity Challenged Inventors, or SCI as it is usually abbreviated to, is a "Slightly Multiplayer Online Game" (so called because only a handful of people routinely play it). The basic aim of SCI is to get as much reputation as possible by fighting other players. Reputation can be used to upgrade inventions, hire minions and add sections to your lair, in order to make it easier to beat other players. SCI is coded by Eyejayarr, with suggestions coming from anybody who gives them generally getting implemented at some point. If, for some reason, you're interested in how SCI has developed over the past few months, an archive of old updates is avaliable, chronicling the additions and spectacular database-blattings that make up SCI. Eyejayarr's tendency to create something then leave it rather lacking in content will now be demonstrated by the rather abrubt end to this article.