Other Character Answering Machine

From Sandboxwiki

Welcome to Other Character Answering Machine! Here characters can have their own answering machines just like You does on the Your website. Feel free to browse around on the various Other Character Answering Machines, and don't forget to leave a call while you're at it. It's quite simple really. If you're just visiting, have fun. If you plan on making an other character answering machine of your own, remember to read the rules and FAQ first.



  • Follow the Transcription Standards.
  • Talk in character. For example, we don't want to see the Poopsmith scream.
  • There is a 5 message minimum for each answering machine.
  • Answering Machines should be subpages of your answering machine page.
  • Do not edit the greeting or any other call unless you made the greeting/call.
  • Whoever owns the answering Machine starts them and makes the greeting. So, no editing the beginning or start a new Answering Machine. That's the owner's job.
  • Stuff already invented before this are PUBLIC.


Q. Can you own more then one answering machine?
A. You can only own two. That's all. One more then other character email. Aren't that sweet?

Q. Can I post a message on someone else's answering machine?
A. Yes, unless the owner specifically says people can't.

Answering Machines

Original Characters

Peasantry Characters

Old-Timey Characters

Teen Girl Squad Characters

Sweet Cuppin' Cakes Characters

Comic Book Characters

Cheat Commandos Characters

PBTC Characters

Rejected/Fake Characters


These have been abandoned!

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