From Sandbox Battle
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Headline text
- Marfin - John Urajerk Jr.,Fudgey
- Homestar tiger, Noxigar, & Patrick - Rob Van Dam(Patrick's) - None(Homestar tiger's) - E-123 Omega (Noxigar's), Palkia (Noxigar's)
- H44WP - None.
- The Destroyer - None
- Car91
People dead
John Urajerk - Killed by Fortesque.
Bigg J. Rick(hired by no one) - Killed by Fortesque.
Dan Fortuesque-Head was blown up by Robert Urajerk.
A Random Imp - Flattened by Hutch
Star13-sorrow of the Red Baron's death
The Red Baron- No megahurtz. Was also Coast To Coast'd by RVD.
Robert Urajerk - Choked by Giant Gonzalez.
Giant Gonzalez - Forced to listen to country music.
Hutch - Broke a rule.
MARFIN hires JOHN URAJERK to wait for users with a gun.
HOMESTAR TIGER walks in nervously. He starts to cry.
JOHN URAJERK stabs HOMESTAR TIGER in the shoulder. Severly injured!
PATRICK arrives and hires DAN FORTESQUE.
DAN FORTESQUE uses Magic Sword Slash on JOHN URAJERK. He dies.
DAN FORTESQUE uses Health Vial on HOMESTAR TIGER. He gains health.
HOMESTAR TIGER says JHON URAJERK is an idiot. HOMESTAR TIGER doesn't have shoulders!
HOMESTAR TIGER pulls out a slingshot. He arms it.
PATRICK offers to be partners with HOMESTAR TIGER.
HOMESTAR TIGER agrees. The shake hands(?).
ROB VAN DAM gets a steel chair.
ROB VAN DAM uses Vandaminator on MARFIN. MARFIN's face hurts.
HOMESTAR TIGER hits MARFIN with his slingshot. Various parts of his body hurt.
BIGG J. RICK runs in and tries to hit HOMESTAR TIGER.
DAN FORTESQUE uses Magic Sword Slash on BIGG J. RICK. He dies.
WERE-WEASEL runs in with a bat.
HUTCH kills the WERE-WEASEL with his BunGun.
HUTCH: Job well done lad!
DAN FORTESQUE: {muffled due to no lower jaw} Who are you?
HUTCH: Cheese, Gromit!
A RANDOM IMP comes and steals DAN's Magic Sword and HUTCH's BunGun.
A RANDOM IMP is crushed and killed, because HUTCH had too much cheese. HUTCH snatches back his BunGun, and gives DAN back his Magic Sword.
HUTCH: Got out of a tight spot there, and no mistake!
NOXIGAR enters battle.
NOXIGAR summons E-123 Omega
E-123 Omega stole Dan Fortesque's megahurtz!
NOXIGAR: Sorry I'm late. Had to take care o' Wikihood.
HOMESTAR TIGER: Are you a good guy?
NOXIGAR: Yupps. Let's sing Bacon Man on Supper Sham's Talk page on HRFWiki after this!
HOMESTAR TIGER: Nah, that would be spamming. Let's do it through email!
HUTCH: Okay, lad!
PATRICK: I say we (Patrick, H*T and Noxigar) become a trio!
HOMESTAR TIGER: Yes, but can Hutch join?
PATRICK: Hutch was hired by you, so yes.
HOMESTAR TIGER: Then lets go!
STAR13 jumps into battle with a slingshot. The ammo is the dreaded DIAMONDS!
THE RED BARON jumps in with the same ammo as STAR13!
HUTCH crushes THE RED BARON and STAR13. They dead.
STAR13 comes back from the dead with vengance!
The same with THE RED BARON!
HUTCH beats STAR13 and THE RED BARON to shambles with his BunGun.
HUTCH: Once more unto the breach!
STAR13 comes back from the dead and kills HUTCH!
STAR13: I was sick of you hurting me! Meanie! I want some friends! So how can I get some?
STAR13 walks to HOMESTAR TIGER and talks to him.
STAR13: Can I be friends with you?
STAR13: Hey!He was killin' me, dude! I had to do something.
HOMESTAR TIGER: You were gonna send jewelry down into people's hearts!
NOXIGAR: Perhaps siding with Patrick's a good idea.
E-123 Omega gives Dan Fortesque's megahurtz to Patrick.
STAR13: Well... maybe I'll switch my weapons, BUT you have to bring the baron back to life!
HOMESTAR TIGER: Bring Hutch back and I'll bring the Baron back!
STAR13: Deal!
{STAR13 brings HUTCH back to life.)
{THE RED BARON is brought back to life by HOMESTAR TIGER.}
STAR13: So what's the cool thing about your platoon?
E-123 Omega attacks the Red Baron and eats his pizza.
STAR13: HEY! NO FREE SAMPLES! And no killin' the Red Baron. He's a celebrity, you know. I DON'T LIKE BACK-STABBING ALLIES! H*T, RESTRAIN HIM! He's a meanie!
NOXIGAR: Uh, oops?!
E-123 Omega stops attacking the Red Baron, but continues to eat his pizza and now he also eats the Red Baron's megahurtz.
PATRICK: I don't think anybody's allowed to bring anybody back to life. Oh, and here's your "megahurtz" Dan.
DAN FORTESQUE: {muffled} What's megahurtz?
PATRICK: Ask Noxigar.
DAN FORTESQUE: {to Noxigar} {muffled} What's megahurtz?
ROB VAN DAM uses Coast To Coast on RED BARON.
MARFIN summons ROBERT URAJERK. ROBERT URAJERK says, "Some people look at the way things are and ask why. I look at the way things are and ask why not." DAN FORTUESQUE gets congused and his head explodes. He's dead, yo.
{STAR13 dies of sorrow of the death of the RED BARON}
GIANT GONZALEZ: Who's the jerk now?!?!?
GIANT GONZALEZ: {after a long pause} Who is next?!?!
H44WP blows up HUTCH and THE RED BARON because some people forgot to read the rules! No reincarnations!! Then he makes GIANT GONZALEZ listen to country music until he explodes!
ROB VAN DAM uses Vandaminator on H44WP. His face hurts.
NOXIGAR takes out his Master Ball and summons Palkia from it.
NOXIGAR: Go, Wikipedia!
{OOC: Wikipedia is my Palkia's nickname}
{What's "OOC"? By the way, I.P. was me}
{OOC = Out-of-character)
THE DESTROYER appears and kills everyone for 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds before they all come back to life again.
The game's mechanics prevent the Destroyer's attack from working.
Since the Destroyer has no minions, Palkia uses Spacial Rend to attack the Destroyer. It's a critical hit!
MARFIN hires JOHN URAJERK JR. and his horse FUDGEY to run over Wikipedia the palkia! He almost dead'd!
{Car91 pops in}
{Car91 has no weapons}
{...but he has karate for a weapon!}
CAR91: DON'T HURT<big/> WIKIPEDIA!<big/><big/>
NOXIGAR: Keep your pants on, man!
CAR50: Get out of here brother. You lost your password!
CAR91: Aw, man!
(Car50 uses power attack against John Urajerk Jr. and Fudgey. It knocks John Urajerk Jr. out cold and Fudgey.)
(Car50 takes John Urajerk Jr.'s megahurtz.)