From Sandbox Battle
- Homsar44withpie - $
- Patrick - Han Solo
- X66x66 - Palkia
- Sterrence88- Knox
- Marfin- Strong Bad, Dick Cheney
People dead
Hobo - Sith Lightning'd
Palpatine - Poisoned
Homsar44withpie enters. Summons a hobo.
PATRICK enters battle.
H44WP uses HOBO with sandwich. HOBO morphs into NORMAL PERSON. NORMAL PERSON uses TOOTHBRUSH on HAN SOLO.
HAN SOLO uses Shoot Pistol on NORMAL PERSON
NORMAL PERSON morphs back to HOBO. HOBO Uses Horror breath on HAN SOLO. HAN SOLO Poisoned! Attacks may miss.
PALPATINE uses Sith Lightning on HOBO. HOBO dies.
X66x66 summons a Palkia.
PATRICK offers to team up with X66X66.
H44WP Hires A DOLLAR SIGN ($) $ uses Sysop powers to poison PALPATINE
X66x66 agrees to be partners
Sterrence88 runs in. He hires KNOX.
PATRICK uses Antidote HAN SOLO. HAN SOLO is no longer poisoned.
KNOX takes out a pistol and shoots HAN SOLO.
HAN SOLO uses Rally. HAN SOLO's defence has increased!
KNOX throws a flaming shicabob and HAN SOLO!
HAN SOLO dodges. PALPATINE dies due to poison.
Marfin hires Strong Bad to kill all star wars characters.
KNOX throws another flaming shicabob at HAN SOLO!
STERRENCE88 asks for truce with PATRICK to team up on MARFIN!
H44WP asks MARFIn for Treaty. Marfin replys yes or no.
MARFIN hires Dick Cheney to shoot PATRICK in the face.
STERRENCE88 just wants to know who the crap is Duane Stenry (Stiny)
PATRICK dodges and accepts offer with STERRENCE88