Old Times Relijun
From Safehaus
While there are many faiths and religions stretching across the world, much has been twisted, or invented, since the fall of man.
El-Vahs, The King
To modern eyes, it's clear some ruin-runner got his hands on a copy of the King James Bible and an Elvis Presley album, and the synapses fired in precisely the wrong way. Followers of El-Vahs actively preach, and while most people aren't active followers, they do at least know a few of their catchy hymns. The religion itself seems to somewhat Christian, in the promises of paradise with the King in his Land of Grace after death for a good life, but it is a very skewed and vague doctrine with a variety of beliefs attached by various sects and preachers.
Path of the Nomad
Still somewhat mysterious, this seems to be the faith of William Covenant. This faith seems to believe in the principle virtue of hope. It treats the earth with great respect, and may be a form of anamistism.