
From Safehaus

Revision as of 22:42, 6 November 2007 by (Talk)
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Name: Zix
Alias: Kitty
Player: Windhamster
Allegiances: Herself.




This girl is obviously a mutant. She stands upwards of 6'5. She has long orange hair that is kept tied back into two long pony-tails, that end as her butt. Sticking in the hair are two large cat ears, both have the same orange, only in fur. She has red eyes, with dark lashes. She is thin, however, not gaunt. Her hands are human in nature, but the fingers are slightly thicker, with claws on the tips. Her feet end in paws, with of course claws. She has a long tail that stays slightly curled. Her body isn't curvey, she is mostly flat chested, with runners body. Dispite her size, she looks to be in her late teens. She has leans and leathers to make up her clothing. Upon touch, a soft, layer of light orange fur coats her body. Across her back, when bare, black stripes can be seen. She also has sharp fangs in her mouth.

If you want a picture. I do have one. IM and I will send it.


I wanderer by heart. Zix comes from the west, claiming to have come from a pride there.


She is curious, and very laid back. She takes her times with all things, and is slightly jadded. She can be friendly, it all depends on her mood. Much, like a cat.

Cali: "A completely different person when he is grounded, than when his head is in the clouds. I like him better on the ground." Tail swish, tail swish. "Also can be real annoying."

Miles: "There is a nice mutant. Little odd, and rough around the edges, but generally a okay guy. He needs to be more sure of himself."

Godschild: "Hmmm. Trader." Tail swish, ear twitch. "Very interesting fellow. Wouldn't mind watching him some more."

Noranti: "Crazy. Fucking. Woman." Annoyed tail swish. "Thinks I want her damned birds. HA! Scrawny little things. Perhaps if they were bigger, perhaps if I even wanted them." Ears lowers. "Damn Birds. Useless."

Character Notes

  • Has improved Sight, Hearing and Smell
  • Improved Speed
  • Cat-like Reflexes
  • Always lands on her feet
  • Has Claws on her hands and feet
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