Minas Tirith force substitutions

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Revision as of 00:20, 23 October 2006 by Clouds-Are-Nice (Talk | contribs)

(This is just filler, feel free to change\\delete this if you have something better)

For a time substituting the forces involved in Middle Earth battles was extremely popular due to the movies. Among the most popular of these matches were:

   * The French Army (1916) defend Minas Tirth 
   * The Civil War Army (USA) defend Minas Tirth 
   * The Wookie Army defend Minas Tirth 
   * Yoda defends Minas Tirth 
   * Patton's 3rd army vs. Mordor 
   * Stormtroopers invade Middle Earth 
   * Terminators invade Middle Earth 
   * Looney Toons\\Narnia\\Transformers\\08th Mobile Suit Team\\Bulk and Skull\\Rome\\Hulk\\Link defend Minas Tirth
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