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Welcome to the Rumblepedia
==Notable Threads==
[[TMI Thread/Bride of SO]]
[[Batgirl vs the Orcish Horde at Isengard]]
[[Superman vs Darth Sidious]]
[[The aftermath of "You wake up with everyone"]]
[[You wake up with everyone]]
[[Wolverine vs. Silver Surfer]]
[[Quotes that define...]]
[[The Death Spiral of Comics]]
[[Revival of Comics]]
==Rumbles Fads==
[[CBR Pantheon]]
[[Minas Tirith force substitutions]]
[[Sunnydale force substitutions]]
[[Star Wars]]
==Rumble Variations==
[[They Sit and Talk]]
[[They go on a date]]
[[You wake up with]]
==Rumble Mannerism==
[[Do's and Dont's]]
[[Standard Rumble Rules for VS Threads]]
==Terms to Learn==
[[Jobber Aura]]
[[Pre-Crisis vs Post-Crisis]]

Revision as of 00:03, 23 October 2006

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