Bio rcollman

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Who was Chris then? Autobiographical

I think there was one person younger than me in our group and I was part of a small set who had not completed college. I have no idea why I was selected.

I just turned 20 in April, when I started training at MSU. I went to a junior college, was interested in anthropology, worked in a place that made almond sheets (which were put under the trees to collect almonds) and irrigation dams, along with tents and awnings. I did know how to mow a lawn. I had 3 years of Latin and still consider my language aptitude pretty weak. That was my vague agricultural and cross cultural qualifications.

Actually being a summer boy scout counselor for 3 years while I was in High School should have gained high marks on my limited resume. At Camp Harvey West, I worked with 1 to 2 troops a week over a 7 week season as a "Ranger". I was used to dealing with different groups, leadership styles and adapting our camp's offerings to a troop's desires. I would led troops on daylong hikes, taught basic scouting camp skills and sometimes escort them to special activities run by others. And for two years I was also the camp Master of Ceremonies. This included 2 well rehearsed campfires a week for 300 campers. Prior to Peace Corps, I had read the book "The Ugly American" which probably influenced how I answered questions in the application.

Most of my work was with 12 community oil palm farms. Yet I would assist any village in their community projects. This included cloth weaving, bridge construction, a raffia cooperative, poultry projects and a very troublesome rice demonstration project

A typical day

Get up in the morning. Stand under my bucket shower, put on my pressed shirt and shorts, eat a breakfast prepared by Fabian. Off to a village. Usually a visit to a village would start with a community meeting about the community oil palm farm. It might have a brief visit to see the farm. Then my standard practice would be to allow the village leaders to entertain me at somebody's house. Here we would talk about the next meeting and things which needed to be accomplished. In terms of time, I could be eating lunch.

My afternoons varied. I might stop by and visit another PCV at a school, see another village and its leader just to say hello, or check on a project. Or I might head back to the Divisional Office or see some Ministry of Agriculture extension agents and read some files. I would generally return to my house and have dinner. Not always, but very often I would walk to one of several bars in Ikot Ekpene or visit people at their house in town. Maybe another PCV would show up.

A tough day would mean official visits to 2 community farms or a official visit and physical work. Usually the physical work was more symbolic than effective.

Official visits were always arranged in advanced and were based upon the local market week day, usually once a month. The start time was usually vague. There might be a brief pre community farm meeting with the extension agent and the leader(s). The meeting itself usually followed an agenda which had been worked out before hand. There could be 30 to 100 people at the meeting. Sometimes family heads would escort me to the community farm for a visit. I always encouraged and accepted an invitation to someone's house for refreshment. This was where new business was discussed and questions raised, next steps to be finished by next official meeting were laid out and the next official meeting date determined. I found that this worked well for everybody. Sometimes it was a good idea to have an unofficial visit, which might also be scheduled or just sort of happen. In general, an official visit never lasted less than a half day.

There were special official events. For example walking the perimeter of the proposed community farm was a very important event. Often a community farm was placed on the boundary with another village, so it was good practice to make sure the event was very public. There were different types of celebrations, somebody was having a second burial, a festival, or some village party that might require my presence.

Summary of my Peace Corps experience

Like most other PCVs, my Peace Corp experience was profound. For me I got to experience the best and the worst of a PVC's tour. I am so glad that I was in Nigeria first. And I believe I was lucky to be stationed in Ikot Ekpene, which of course (like most other PCVs, I still believe) was the best working situation in the entire country. I was busy all the time and helped people do good things. By contrast, only 50% of the Volunteers assigned to Somalia finished their 2 year tour. If it were not for another Nigerian transplant (Everett T), who got me a job as a roadie in a traveling PCV rock and roll band, I probably would not have finished my extension in Somalia.

After Somalia I went to Geneva and Red Cross, NYC and the United Nations to see if I could assist with aid to Biafra. No doors opened up, probably because I was burnt out mentally from Somalia and could not see them. I went to Washington to see about USAID, but met another Nigeria XVI volunteer and decided being USAID in Viet Nam was not my cup of tea. I ended up in the Army and never left the states. After the Army, I went back to Nigeria on a 4 week visa and spent 2 weeks with the Clan Head of Ekpenyong Atai, who was a friend. [edit] See also

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