From Rom Com
This is a leadup to Kati seducing Nick. She leaves him a mysterious postcard (or something...?? Kati and I were talking about it...) that says something like "Sincerity, same place, same time. Tomorrow" and perhaps seems to be from Hallie.
INT. House. Evening.
Close over-the-shoulder. Kati is writing something with a black Sharpie on a postcard. CUT TO
EXT. Street. Evening.
Music plays. Succession of far shots. Kati is striding purposefully down various streets. It is extremely beautiful. Contrary to general expectations she is going right to left. Eventually,
Medium shot. Kati, from behind, walking. She carries something.
Close up on Kati's hand. She holds a postcard.
Far shot of Kati standing in front of "Nick's house" (I was thinking we could use Dylan's for this. I'll get back to you). She looks up.
Tracking shot as she walks up to the door.
Close shot. She puts the postcard on the front porch in front of the door.
Far shot. She rings the doorbell and conceals herself around the corner. Pause. Nick opens the door, looks around (NON-THEATRICALLY!), and picks up the postcard. We see Kati hiding in the shot.
Medium shot of Nick reading the postcard. CUT TO
INT. House. Evening. (Same as earlier)
Kati, writing the postcard. Over-the-shoulder.
Sincerity tomorrow. Same time, same place. Tell no one.
Closeup. Kati bathed in radiance, staring into camera.
Love, Hallie
Kati grins at the camera ("Amelie" fashion). CUT BACK
Nick lowers the postcard and looks straight ahead as if looking for something.
Far shot. He shuts the door.
Time-lapse of the next day, leading up to next scene.
Previously:Alex/Hallie Seduction Next:Graveyard Seduction