From Reydala
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Environment and Geography
Leyandra lies squarely in Reydala's tundra region, and thus for most of the year it is fairly cold, most springs and summers rarely break the 80s range, and winters at the capital can be bitterly cold in the -20s. Temperatures usually run higher in western Leyandra compared to the eastern half.
Leyandra is for the most part nestled between natural boundries, it's eastern border is taken up by the frozen wastes, and the western branch of the Navoral mountain range. It's southern front mostly consists of the Leyandran sea, though there is a narrow coastal path leading into Ohnben territory. To the west is the Border with the Empire of Riscana.
Important Terrain Features
- The Navoral Mountains: A range of mountains that occupies the far southeastern corner of Leyandra territory, the range continues on far to the East, becoming a natural border for the Ohnben clans, shielding them from bitter cold from the north. The Navoral Mountain range is far from welcoming, and the elves have made no attempt to mine it. The Jagged peaks of the mountain seem to almost take on a devilish look during the nights, and there are hundreds of tales passed on through generations of evils wrought on the mountains. Not all of these are legends, the mountain range is indeed the home to one of the portals to the Blackthrone, as well as many supernatural beasts, devilish and otherwise.
- The Leyandran Sea: Also known as the sea of glass, the crystal clear Leyandran sea is filled with all manner of aquatic life. Many cities on the shore of the sea owe their livelihood to bountiful fisheries. Most fishing is however kept to the regions near the shore, in reverence to Xanthalas. The sea is rather warm for its region, and never freezes over completely in the winter. Partially this is due to warmer currents coming in from southern Banato, but the Elves are far more likely to attribute it to Mulinel's grace.
- The Isle of Xanthalas: Found in near the center of the Leyandran sea, the isle of Xanthalas is extremely important in the culture of the high elves. The Isle is where the elves bury their dead, and it is forbidden to go there unless it is to send off a recently departed. High Elven lore speaks that if any go there seeking to do evil, the spirits of all the Elves will return to seek vengence upon them. Many high elves consider the idea of being buried anywhere but Xanthalas extremely repulsive, and one of the greatest punishments of the Leyandran courts is the refusal of a Xanthalas Burial. Members of other races are not permitted on the Isle even for funeral services, including Wild Elves. Leyandran law states that any caught trying to Trespass onto the Isle are to be immediately expelled from the country. If trespassers resist, the Elven military has sanction to perform executions on the spot. It goes without saying that those killed in this way will likely find themselves transported to another place of Burial, if any is given at all. In the center of the Island, there is an elaborate shine dedicated to the Goddess who was the sum of the four elemental Goddesses. Thus, the sacredness of the Island goes back for many, many centuries. Topographically the Island is little more than two high peaks surrounded by a dense forest. The Island can be seen from all the coasts of Leyandra, and though the foilage of the forest changes with the seasons, the Trees will never lose their leaves even in the deepest of winter. It is also said that not a drop of snow has ever fallen upon the Island, despite the high elevation of it's peaks.
- The Frozen Wastes: Forming the eastern border of Leyandra, the frozen wastes is a huge expanse of icy barrenness, stretching all the way to Krasevae. The further one ventures into the cold, the more dangerous it becomes. Frost Worms frequent the central region, though they do not attack any of the Elven cities. There was once a road that stretched from Krasevae to Leyandra, a rare gesture of good will by both nations, but the treacherous wildlife and harsh weather meant it was rarely used, and neither nation now wishes to maintain it. The Ice Elves made this region they're home, but following the events of the Well of Tears they are very rarely spotted. This has come as a relief to the high Elven military, who have now focused their attention almost solely upon the Riscanan border.
Unique Flora & Fauna
- The Ever Rose: A plant that grows only in the royal families' personal garden, it has long been a symbol of Leadership for the Leyandran elves. The ever rose never withers, and has continued to grow (if stories are to be believed) for well over a thousand years. Because it never withers, it never goes through the natural plant life cycle, thus there has always been and will always be but one Ever rose plant. The rose blossoms from the plant are extremely exquisite, the petals a pure white with the faintest pigments of color on their edges. The color changes from period to period, and has come to be a sign of prophecy (Blue edges are said to be a sign of impending tragedy, red edges of war or rebellion, and yellow edges of peace and tranquility, among others). Due to it's status and connection to the Royal Family, the plant has been the target of many terrorist attacks, most of which were foiled well before they came to fruition.
- Emeraldfish: A fish that resides only in the Leyandran Sea, world renowned for it's beauty as well as it's incredible flavor. Most adult Emeraldfish are about 2 feet long from head to tail, the entire span covered with scales that glitter like Emeralds in the sun. The fish are often quite expensive when found in markets, due to the fact that even though they are very numerous within the sea, they are notoriously difficult to catch. Emeraldfish, when properly prepared by a master chef, is said to extend one's lifespan by 5 years and to cure many diseases. The proof of these legends is somewhat dubious, but their existence has certainly helped increase sales.
- Awakened Animals: In the forests close to the Elven capital, there are many beasts that have been given heightened intelligence through magical means. For the most part they are friendly and talkative creatures, though some feel a bit miffed at not being allowed to step within the gates of the Capital. Some have taken the protection of their homes quite seriously, and of these the oldest ones have even become druids themselves. There are wildly differing opinions as to whether this magic spark of intelligence was a good idea in the first place. Even some druids feel that it was interfering too much in nature's plan, but they still welcome their animal brothers and sisters with harmony and respect.
- Swamp Lily: A rare flower that blooms only in the swamps near the town of Goldmarsh. The flower is highly treasured due to it's healing properties. Spreading pollen and petals from the flower over wounds causes them to heal at an incredible rate, even rivaling clerical spells. The flower itself is a bright golden yellow in color, with red stamen.
Residents and Culture
The population of Leyandra is primarily Elven. Though there is a slowly increasing population of humans, mostly toward the western border with Riscana. Dwarves are fewer in number but greater in fame, often serving as smiths of Fianna. Gnomes are extremely rare, and generally frowned upon. Half-dragons are more common in Leyandra than most other corners of the world, however they are treated extremely suspiciously in most cities.
The Leyandran High Elves
Major Cities
- Elannariel: The Capital city of Leyandra and seat of the Elven Queen. Elannariel was rebuilt almost five centuries ago after the original capital was razed to the ground in the Great Dragon Wars. Elannariel is famous for the beautiful Ivory spires of the city and the magnificently paved and gardened pathways. It is mostly a quiet city of reflection and study, home to the Royal Library, one of the largest libraries in the world. It is thus the center of elven Magical Research. The city itself is laid out as a gigantic circle, with the Royal Palace in the center, on the roof of which is the Royal Garden, where grows the Ever rose. The proximity of the rose and the multitude of Elven artifacts contained within the city means that outsiders, particular non-elven ones, are watched very closely.
- The Royal Library: (Citizens Only) Skills: Knowledge(History, Nobility and Royalty, Arcana) Modifier: +20
- Pallenon: The Oldest Elven city still standing, and quite possibly one of the oldest in the entire world. Pallenon was built as a sister city to Elannariel. It is most widely known for holding the training grounds for the Leyandran army within its walls. It has also come to be known for it's vineyards and wines. After all, where there are soldiers, there will also be liquor. Being the seat of the military, it is also the center of crafting in Leyandra, with no less than five temple-forges to Fianna contained within the walls. It is thus a popular ending point of dwarves wishing to push their skills to the limit, as well as crafters in general. Pallenon is thus quite a boisterous city, as far as Elven cities go, and attracts diversity from many other races. Many noble elven houses moved here when the old capital was destroyed, and many have stayed, thanks to the added security of the military.
- Ulensar: Founded back when Elves were just beginning to expand, the fortress Ulensar used to be a great bulwark against possible invasion. Its great walls helped it to survive the onslaught of many dragons during the ancient wars. It is one of the less aesthetic of the Elven forts, surrounded for the most part by swamps and prone to heavy fog. Today it stands as a reminder of the past, it's thick stone walls showing signs of erosion and ancient battles. The terror of the Dragon era over, most of the residents of Ulensar moved to the somewhat more pleasant neighboring towns. A dedicated group of Dragon War veterans rose up in order to prevent the fortress from being entirely abandoned, and has been trying to draw people back to its walls. Today, Ulensar has grown a considerably fishing community, and serves as a secondary military training facility.
- Linnelm: The southernmost city on the west bank of the Leyandran Sea, Linnelm is new compared to many of the other elven cities, founded around two centuries ago, its architecture resembles that of the new capital, perhaps even improving on it. It has become somewhat famous for its observation spires that give wonderful views of the Leyandran Sea. Linnelm was founded by a famously-gifted elf architect who had traveled all around the world to expand on his skill, after meeting with humans, dwarves, and gnomes all over the world, he came back to his home when he heard of the destruction of the capital. He was a major pusher in the reconstruction project, and designed both the Royal Palace and the Library. His work completed, he began what he has called his final project, creating Linnelm to do justice to the beauty of Leyandra's landscapes. Some questioned his selection of location, in swampy ground south of Ulensar, however, once the spires were built and the view came into sight all his critics were silenced. One could see the buildings of the new capital in all their splendor, framed between the misty twin peaks of Xanthalas.
- Allrevan: One of the few fortresses of the western expansion still under Leyandra's control. Allrevan was actually taken by Riscana but was returned when Riscana's leader changed and terms of peace were worked out. Many humans still live in the city, and as such it is constantly in an uneasy balance between the Human and Elven factions there, Especially so since the Riscanans had occupied many homes of Elven Families. The Elven Military is keeping close tabs on the actions of both factions, to stop all out war from breaking out.
- Farwen: An Elven outpost far to the south on the eastern bank of the Leyandran Sea, it was originally intended as a watch point for possible Ohnben attacks once the Elves discovered the desert to be inhabited. However, it has seemed that Ohnben has not been interested in Elvish lands, and thus its true purpose never came to pass. Over the centuries it has become somewhat of a summer resort, with many nobles owning homes there to take advantage of the near-desert climate. There is also a sizable arcanist population seeking to understand the various phenomena that engulf the Navoral Mountains.
- Ardrion: A quaint, woodland village just north of Farwen. Ardrion is located just about a days march from the Capital, and started as a simple roadside inn catering to travelers to Farwen. Merchants began to set up shop on the road during the summer, catering to the needs of rich nobles. Eventually merchants began to bring their families, and a new town was born. Ardrion remains a simple town embracing simple life, though its heavy merchant population provides a wide selection of goods unavailable in most other small villages.
- Frostfall
- Quist
- Elacost
- Northvale
- Goldmarsh
- Ellatar