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Alternate dimensions, or perhaps different slices of reality that exist side by side with the natural world. The Planes are the dwelling places of the Gods and of beasts far removed from mortal ken.


The Prime Material Plane

The Prime Material plane of Reydala is actually a composite result of the interworking of the four elemental planes. In terms of area, it is one of the largest planes to speak of. Despite its nature as composite of separate parts, there are many elements of its pieces that do not materialize in the completed whole. Travelers on the material plane do not manifest in its sub planes and similarly, in most cases, travelers on the sub planes do not appear in the prime material. The sub planes of the prime material include the elemental planes, the ethereal plane, and the shadow plane.

The Elemental Planes

In many ways, the elemental planes resemble their more mundane counterparts and share much terrain in common between them. The differences usually come in the form of additions; for example, the plane of water has many more oceans, seas, and rivers than present in the material plane. The planes of fire and wind are very dangerous to mortals to enter without the proper precautions, and the plane of water can be as well if the traveler is not a skilled swimmer. The vast majority of residents on these planes are elementals of various sorts and temperaments.

The Ethereal Plane

A ghostly realm that exists side by side the material plane, the home of the goddess Laviege. With a few exceptions, the Ethereal plane stretches across the vast majority of Reydala's surface. Travelers on the ethereal plane cannot be seen from the material plane. Travelers on the ethereal plane can see those on the material plane, but their vision is greatly distorted and nondescript. Most matter from the material is insubstantial within the ethereal plane, making it a tempting option for planar travelers dealing with physical obstacles in the Material plane. However, the ethereal plane is extremely dangerous to travel upon. Laviege's demons are attracted to nearby sources of mortal life, as are the many souls and spirits that have been trapped there by Laviege's hand. If one must travel through the ethereal, the greatest recommendation is to make the voyage a short one.

The Plane of Shadow

A dark plane that exists aside some of Reydala's more perilous regions. Most notably the Navoral mountains, segments of Riscana's forests, and most of the polar mountains. The size of the plane differs between night and day. Like the ethereal, most material becomes insubstantial inside the plane, however travel instead is greatly constricted by the boundaries between light and darkness. Travelers of the shadow plane are visible on the material as fleeting shadows leaping between points of darkness, and native shadow plane residents can retain their full shadow form on the material. Both can see into the Material plane as long as shadows exist between the viewer and object, and an object suffused in complete light is effectively invisible to shadow residents. Denizens of the shadow plane are rare, but usually hostile. Travelers are advised to use great caution.

Links between sub planes and the Material

Traveling to sub planes from the material plane is mostly impossible without arcane or divine intervention. However, there do exist limited pathways between the two realms that are useable (at least in theory) by normal mortals. For the elemental planes, this usually occurs in the form of so-called areas of prime elemental, where the material becomes fully overcome by the energies of the elemental planes. These usually only occur within the deepest oceans, densest rock, fiercest winds, and hottest fires and usually fade in and out of existence. Links between the ethereal and the material can occur within areas of high unreality concentration. Links to the shadow plane very rarely occur naturally, but the experience is akin to being swallowed by darkness. Most mortals taken by the shadow plane in this fashion are never seen again.

Links between the Material plane and outer planes

Traveling to outer planes from the material is mostly done via arcane means, but there are some man- (or deity-) made portals that exist on Reydala's surface. The most famous examples of these are the five portals carved by Hald to the Blackthrone. A portal to the grand mountain Baraxal is deep within the mountains of Tyren, it's location held secret by the dwarves and well guarded by the temple. A gateway into the Celestial Capital survives below Passel, still guarded by the Regal Knights. Travel using these portals is usually only possible under exacting circumstances or at the behest of the Deity behind the portal.

The Astral Plane

A misty realm oft traveled by Arcanists and yet perhaps the least understood. It is an endless sea of powder blues, grays, and whites. Shining pinpoints of light are arrayed across the horizon, each one of the multitudes of worlds crafted by Nathicana's hand. All travelers in the astral are trailed by a single silver thread, oft theorized to be the link between Nathicana and her creation. Travelers of the astral and native astral beings are invisible to those on the material plane. However, astral denizens can see and interact with material objects, and are blocked by material obstacles as usual.

Articles in category "Planes"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.






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