Gregory Foredow

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Character Information
Name Gregory Foredow
Age 19
Race Aasimar
Campaign Setting Shadowrun
Class/Profession Cleric
Home Country Riscana
Home Town Allrevan
Deity The Deceiver



Name: Gregory Foredow
Race: Aasimar
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Blake, "The Divine One" (The Deceiver)

Eyes: Violet
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lbs
Build: On the small side, slender.
General Appearance: Despite his Angel bloodline (a fact unknown to him), Gregory is on the small side and incredibly unimposing; he very much looks and acts like the kid most people dismiss him for. As for his attire, he wears casual clothing that's second-hand and (consequently) threadbare. In contrast, he carries with him a high-quality external commlink, a well-made quarter staff, and a variety of strange charms and trinkets marked with the symbol of his god. Technology is the one luxury he allows for himself, and the other items are important marks of his place in the world.

Background and History

Gregory Foredow is the secondborn son of a single mother, Deirdre, and lives in the slums of Allrevan. He knows nothing of his father except for the fact that his mother thought he was the most handsome man she'd ever seen when they spent one wonderful, reckless night together. Gregory's penchant for magic and unusual eye color are traits inherited through his absent father, who was an Aasimar. Neither Gregory nor his mother are aware of this racial identity.

For the most part, Gregory's familial life consists of him and his mother. He has an older half-brother named Francis, but the man--sixteen years Gregory's senior--is pretty much a non-entity in the young man's life. Francis was openly resentful toward Gregory since birth, believing him to be an unnecessary additional burden on an already strained family. Already rebellious beforehand, be began acting out in greater degrees, landing himself in no shortage of trouble. It's been a couple of years since Gregory or Dierdre have heard from Francis, who works as a low-level enforcer for local organized crime.

The Foredow family is ethnically Riscanian, although its members have lived in the poorer districts within disputed area between Leyandra and Riscana for generations now. For obvious reasons, they cannot truly be considered Leyandrian. However, they are considered too Leyandrian to integrate back into 'proper' Riscana, making them a unique group that only exists within the region. As a result, the Riscanian that Gregory speaks is a strange creole heavily influenced by Elven; his Elven is similarly tinged with Riscanian. The languages are mutually intelligible on all sides, but Gregory's geographic and socio-economic origins are obvious from the moment. Even when speaking Common, his blended accent gives him away.

Growing up in a poor district of a city marked by civil unrest has had a profound effect on Gregory (because, as is often the case with these sorts of conflicts, the poor suffer much harder than the rich do), as has his life in a broken home. He strives to be a good son, since he hates to see his mother work and work and work and come up with nothing but frustration and misery and a little bit of pocket money at the end of each month. Until fairly recently, he worked odd jobs to help support the two of them. He also strives to be a peacemaker/mollifier as much as possible, a direct response to the volatility of his environment. When not worrying about other people and making them happier, Gregory escapes into virtual reality games, particularly those of the action-adventure variety. Technology (his commlink, games, and the like) is the one splurge he allows himself, and he has made it a point to pay for using a portion of his own using money (instead of burdening his mother with the cost).

He drives a scooter because it’s efficient transportation without being too expensive. He saved up for a long time in order to buy it. The scooter’s name is Betsy.

If he had been left to his own devices, Gregory would have matured into a geeky philanthropist who might have opened some kind of nonprofit to assist people hurt by the nationalistic conflicts that spring up through the city. He very strongly finds fulfillment in helping others and is intelligent/driven enough to actually make something like that actually happen. As things actually happened, however, he ended up finding his path in faith. At the age of seventeen, Gregory awakened to his magical abilities thanks to being tapped by a forgotten god, Blake. This god’s dogma—-based in altruism, kindness, mercy, compassion, conflict resolution, and peacemaking—-felt so relevant to Gregory that it seemed almost custom-made for his personality and situation. Unsurprisingly, Gregory was drawn like a moth to a flame, doing his best to learn everything he could from the few occasions during which his god has spoken to him. From the "Divine One" he has learned magic, mostly healing and support spells. He began trying to spread his new god’s faith, crafting and wearing religious vestments and working to draw new followers to a deity that seems to be long-forgotten.

Gregory's reputation as a clerical healer quickly gained attention from both people within his community and people beyond it; in the modern world, it's a rare ability that he made little effort to hide. At the age of nineteen, he was approached by a "Mr. Johnson" wearing a gas mask and invited to Blacot with promises of work and a great deal of money. While the young cleric was familiar enough with Shadowrunning, having known many who went into the questionable profession for lack of better options, it was never something he would have considered for himself. Still, the offer was incredibly tempting if only for the possibility of financial security for him and his mother. Uncertain, he began to ask the mysterious man if he could have time to think about it.

A familiar voice deep within Gregory's consciousness told him to go for it.

Not one to question the Divine One's motives, Gregory quickly agreed to go. It only took a few days for Gregory to gather his things, convince his mother that he's doing good work in Blacot, and scrape together the funds to move up to the frozen, domed city.

If this is the path he is meant to take, he’ll take it without complaint or uncertainty.

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