Of Trolls and Homecomings Prologue

From Reydala

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Of Trolls and Homecomings: Prologue

Timeline: Fifteen Days Prior - 9th of Chiarore

Part 1: Runed Reunion

~*~Location: Crossamar, Nuln~*~

It all started with a letter delivered to Aelthir when he and his comrades were in Todare, Nuln. Not just any ordinary letter though, it was a letter of request by an Ansr’onna Gyssebrar. A letter which requested Aelthir Bae’quivia to head to Crossamar to speak about something that was of the utmost importance. So much so, that the contents could not be discussed inside the letter itself. Although he had some suspicions about the verity of this letter, if someone had gone through this much trouble to find him, what right had he to turn them away?

Ansr’onna Gyssebrar, as he recalled was the name of the daughter of a pair of elderly elven merchants whom he had travelled with to Nuln a number of years ago. She was an energetic young girl who always thought Aelthir was too prissy to be a man, because he spent time often helping the girl’s mother (Ansr’esti Gyssebrar) with her hair and nails. When he brought up the letter to his fellow guildmates, they spared him no moment before he was bombarded with a million questions about this mysterious Ansr’onna. Ultimately however, Aelthir’s four comrades left with him to the port town via train, very likely to troll the paladin once he had spoken with this woman.

That was a few days ago. As the sun rose in the early morning of the meeting day, Aelthir Baequi’via was already up and out of the inn that the group had rented out. He did not know if anyone had been awake when he left or if he had woken any of his comrades up, but that was not the important thing for the moment.

As he stood against a building near the docks, the elfin paladin would be dressed in white and gold. From the satin shirt that was tucked in to perfection, to the pleated pants dressing his legs, to even the cloak which rested upon his back, white and gold. He had been lucky to have purchased these clothes in the last evening, since he felt at least some cover may protect his presence. Although his shield remained at the inn, at his side rested the ritual longsword which he affectionately called Ari’avel. It was not generally a weapon used in combat, but if the need arose, it could perform admirably.

An hour had passed since the paladin first arrived when a ferry stopped at the docks. He was confused, because it was almost the scheduled time for the meeting, and there was no sign of the Gyssebrar Merchant Ship. He raised the hood on the cloak and watched as the people walked off the ferry and onto their various routes. Shortly after, all the people whom had departed from the ferry were long since gone, leaving only the dock workers behind.

He remained vigilant and patient. A few more moments he told himself, before he returned and interrogated his comrades to learn who had written this letter. However as he thought to himself and lowered his guard, a young elfin woman appeared in his path. Before Aelthir could react, this same woman reached for him and lowered his hood. “Aelthiria?” she questioned as she stared at the uncloaked paladin He sighed lightly, only one person ever called him by that name… although if his comrades ever this, well he had no idea just what would happen then. They would likely let him live it down eventually. “Onna, what have we spoken about on countless occasions? I am not a woman.” He sighed to her before he gave her a hug.

“Whoa, you look like Aelthiria, but you don’t sound like Aelthiria.” She accused as she pushed herself away from the older paladin. “My Aelthiria used to speak more like this. ‘Lady Onna, hath we not spoken about this very topic on many an occasion? I believe I hath stated unto you a countless number of times that I am not a woman, merely a man who’s fabulousness and beauty exceeds all other.’”

“Your Aelthiria?” He asked as a smirk played upon his lips. “Tch. I still speak with clarity and pride, Lady Onna, but my comrades have forced me to… normalize my manner of speech, I suppose one could say.”

“You mean they got you to take that stick out of your ass then” the woman he called ‘Onna answered back. Aelthir playfully glared at her in response.

“Very funny, I see you have retained the wit you carried nine years ago.” Aelthir spoke as his expression softened. “Like I said back then, what are we going to do with you?”

“I have a lot of practice, even without you, I have to deal with your family, Former Master Aelthiria. My family are still loyal workers of the Baequi’via Family.” She answered with a chuckle.

“I see. So you work for my family” He answered, his discomfort about the conversation was fairly obvious. “Come with me. We shall obtain sustenance and you will tell me the nature of your visit. For I am fairly sure you came with a reason in mind.” He stated to effectively have the conversation changed.

“What? Can’t a girl come to see an old friend of hers?” Ansr’onna answered in a huffy tone. Aelthir sighed, the girl was as easily riled up as the elfish paladin remembered.

“No.” Aelthir answered simply. “You’ve never done something without an underlying reason, Lady Onna. I highly doubt nine years has changed that dominant aspect about you.” He turned and marched off slowly. “Come now, before the inn stops serving breakfast in lieu of ale and whiskey.”

“Fine then, I have come here on behalf of the head of the House of Baequi’via.” Her voice turned serious and her expression sharpened. “Not interested.” Aelthir retorted as he walked on. “The Baequi’via family disowned me nearly thirty years ago. I do not wish to be their errand boy now.”

“You don’t understand, Aelthiria…” the girl followed the paladin and kept two paces behind him. “Lady Syllae is the head of the family now. Your parents died a month ago.”

The paladin stopped at the woman’s words. “What? What do you mean they’re dead?” He was shocked, to say the least. Even if they had banished him, they were still his parents.

“I thought you weren’t interested. I guess I’ll tell Lady Syllae that you do not wish to keep your promise to her to return home someday.” Ansr’onna replied with a knowing tone. She smirked brightly when Aelthir slumped his shoulders and looked away in defeat.

“…Fine. I shall depart this evening.” He answered in a hesitant tone. “I must speak with my comrades and inform them of my departure as it were.” He resumed his march toward the inn. He held an expression of concern, as if he thought that there was something suspicious.

“I’m coming with you. I want to meet the people who pulled the stick out of Aelthiria’s ass!” She said as she skipped up to his side. “Lead the way!”

Part 2: Troll and Counter-Troll

It was around high noon when Aelthir and Ansr’onna finally found others. “Good afternoon, everyone” Aelthir said to the group in a cheerful manner.

“…No.” Alis snapped at the paladin as she slammed down her mug onto the table. “Cloaks are my thing.” She continued as she gave a narrow stare.

“H-Hey! I was merely trying to hide my presence. Elves are easy to spot, even in a nation such as Nuln!” Aelthir defended himself quickly as he frowned to his cloaked comrade.

“…Then why are you wearing white with gold. That alone makes you stick out like a sore thumb.” Alis pointed out the obvious, which caused Aelthir to freeze and consider his actions.

“Ah! Everyone, I’d like you to meet Ansr’onna Gyssebrar. I travelled with her and her parents not long before I met you all here in Nuln.” Aelthir changed the subject and laughed nervously. “Lady Onna, I’d like to introduce you to Sir Vidar, Lady Alis, Lady Katrin, and Sir Fal.”

“So these are the people who took the stick out of your ass, Aelthiria?” Ansr’onna questioned as she took a seat beside Fal.

“Aelthiria, such a pretty name for such a pretty paladin” Katrin affirmed for him with a grin on her face. Aelthir rolled his eyes and sat down beside the other elf at the table.

“How about we have a round of drinks? I mean it’s not like we have anywhere special to go today. We should just relax and enjoy our time in Crossamar.” Fal suggested in a way which Aelthir thought was somewhat suspicious, if only for the timing.

“That sounds excellent.” Aelthir said cheerfully as he stood back up. “I shall go procure our beverages!” He then walked to the bar and did as he said. However, he took an extra moment to add something special to a couple of the drinks. He disliked being suspicious of his comrades; however because of what he had seen earlier this morning, and because he knew of their asshole like nature, he couldn’t help but be suspicious.


“Everyone, I regret to inform you, I will be leaving for a while to return to my home.” He began as he closed his eyes. “It seems my parents have passed and the head of the family wishes to speak to me. I should not be gone for too long, but it will likely be a while before we meet up again.” The paladin spoke to the group almost fifteen minutes later. All the drinks had been consumed and the group was relaxing for the moment.

“Oh, well you see. We already drugged your drink, because we’re going to kidnap you, and take you there. There’s a job for your delivery worth a nice amount of cash, and a good reward is definitely cool.” Fal said as he reached around Ansr’onna and gave Aelthir a nice pat on the back.

“You drugged my drink? Really? Why did I have to be right?” Aelthir sighed while he questioned the group. “Why drug me though? Couldn't you have done something else?”

“Simple, because it is easier than roughing…” Alis trailed off as she passed out onto the table. The others looked to each other, confusion had set in. Hadn’t they drugged Aelthir’s drink?

“I had been hoping I was wrong about this, but took a precaution by drugging Alis’ drink before I brought them to the table. However, I should have expected that you would be able to drug mine anyway…” Aelthir trailed off and passed out onto the table as well.

“Oh, that’s hilarious. They drugged each other!” Vidar laughed in amusement before he passed out as well.

“Okay, that’s actually kind of cool. It’s kind of like roofie roulette.” Fal said as he glanced to Katrin. “Should we?” he asked the cleric in a curious manner, once he was sure that neither of them would pass out either.

“Definitely” Katrin answered before the cleric and the psion looted the unconscious forms for loose terremites and other loose valuables.

“Shall I obtain tickets for six to Leyandra?” the elfin merchant asked as she smirked at the antics of the group.

“No need, it’s on us.” Fal said in an overly cool tone as he tossed some spare coin onto the table. He kept a cool tone as he searched the second unlikely victim for more money.

“And by us, we mean the fabulous one, the meat wall, and the short one.” Katrin continued for Fal as she pulled out coins from Alis’ pockets. Whereas Fal kept cool, Katrin grinned from ear to ear, proud of her well stolen goods.

“Then let’s be off.” Ansr’onna said as she lifted Aelthir over her shoulder. “We have less than an hour before the ferry is ready to depart for Leyandra.”

End Prologue

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