Harmonic Soul

From Reydala

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Harmonic Soul


Alignment: Any Non-Evil or Non-Chaotic. (Restricted to Lawful Good/Lawful Neutral in campaigns that do not allow for Monks to be an alignment non-lawful.)

Skills: Sense Motive – 10 Listen – 10 Spot – 10

Wis – 15

Feats: Ki Blast, Blind-Fight

Also Requires Perfect Self (Monk L20)

Hit Die: d8

Skill Points at each level: 4+Int mod (Same Class Skills as a monk.)

Weapons and Armor proficiency: A harmonic soul gets no proficiency in any weapons or armor.


Level 1 – Continued Studies (ex) Because the pinnacle of human ability just isn’t high enough… Monk Levels and Harmonic Soul levels stack, and the PC will receive the following additions to Monk bonuses. AC/movement bonus goes kaput if the PC is encumbered or wearing armor, as a Monk.

Level 1 - +70 feet movement, +4AC bonus, 2d10 unarmed damage Level 2 - +70 feet movement, +4AC bonus, 2d10 unarmed damage Level 3 - +70 feet movement, +4AC bonus, 2d12 unarmed damage Level 4 - +80 feet movement, +5AC bonus, 2d12 unarmed damage Level 5 - +80 feet movement, +5AC bonus, 2d12 unarmed damage Level 6 - +80 feet movement, +5AC bonus, 3d8 unarmed damage Level 7 - +90 feet movement, +6AC bonus, 3d8 unarmed damage Level 8 - +90 feet movement, +6AC bonus, 3d8 unarmed damage Level 9 - +90 feet movement, +6AC bonus, 3d8 unarmed damage Level 10 - +100 feet movement, +7AC bonus, 4d6 unarmed damage

Black Warrior (ex) The Harmonic Soul can alter the overall nature of their ki, allowing it to work in different manners ; which in turn causes them to penetrate an opponent’s defenses more easily. Not exactly a “hot knife through butter”, but it makes punching plate armor something more than just that. When using unarmed attacks, ignores 1 point of the opponent’s Armor and Damage Reduction per the PC’s Harmonic Soul level.

Level 2 – Qilin’s touch (su) Due to their intricate knowledge on how their own bodies function, the Harmonic Soul can put the basic fundamentals to work and heal an ally in the same way they would heal themselves. May not be used on a character with grievous wounds (0 to –9 HP,) Healing wounds –that- grievous is a bit far out of the Harmonic Soul’s knowledge and thus may do more harm than good. Allows the PC to use the Monk special ability Wholeness of Body on an ally. Touch “Attack”. This also allows Harmonic Soul levels to be added onto the total HP healed of Wholeness of Body (Formula now total HP healed = (2x Monk Level) + (2x HS level) per day.)

Level 3 – Uncanny Dodge (ex) The PC retains their armor bonus to AC, even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. Dexterity bonus to AC is still lost if immobilized.

Level 4 – Wave Motion (ex) The Harmonic Soul’s movements are so precise during combat, that they may seamlessly combine any combination of their skills together in an assault. Allows the PC to use skills and feats such as Stunning Fist and Ki Blast as an attack action within Flurry of Blows, skills like Spring Attack or other movement-related skills may not be used suchly.

Level 5 – Phoenix Dance (su) The Harmonic Soul concentrates heavily, manifesting a trio of Ki-borne duplicates of themselves, each indistinguishable from the original save being slightly less opaque. A full-round attack. The duplicates are exactly like the Harmonic soul in every way save that they are limited to using only a normal attack, Ki Blast, or Flurry of Blows for attacks – and they do not benefit from Wave Motion. Duplicates are allowed one attack, before vanishing. This ability may be used once per every 2 Harmonic Soul levels (rounded down) per day.

Level 6 – Steel Soul (ex) A fearless heart and unfaltering confidence that grants calm - the unshakeable spirit of bronze. The PC gains immunity to fear and compulsion effects.

Level 7 –

Level 8 – Dragon's Rage (su) The Harmonic soul Weaves their ability to use Ki masterfully, shocking an enemy with a quick burst before transferring themselves in front of their stunned target. 50-yd/ft/whatev range. Usable once per day. Ki Blast attack roll. PC is teleported in front of their target if able.

Level 9 – Deterrence (ex) The Harmonic Soul has gained an almost inhuman sense of positioning, allowing them to dodge and weave about the battlefield with almost impossible precision. The PC will not provoke AoO's via movement.

Level 10 – Return to the Origin (su) Through rigorous training and knoweldge of their body's functionality, with a Harmonic Soul's final breath, they may convert a massive amount of their body's energy into a rejuvinating wave, reviving them with naught but a slight feeling disorientation. Once per month, if rendered dead, the Harmonic Soul may chose to return to life with (2x(Monk Level+Harmonic Soul Level)) HP. They are dazed for one round after this revival.

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