Races (3.5E)

From Reydala

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The most numerous Race on Reydala, Humans fill most corners of the globe, at least, where they are not stopped by others. Human history is perhaps the most filled with conflict among the many races of Reydala, however, they are also one of the most tolerant of all the races. Humans are much more likely to discriminate based on someone's skills and personality than on their pointy ears or short stature. Relatively young and ambitious, the human race has already accomplished much on Reydala, and is only filled with promise for the future. (No Stat Adjustments).


When an exceptionally strong willed person is killed in Reydala by an event that causes Unreality, there is a chance for a "De'nan" to be born. Somewhere between human and ghost, De'nan often wander the area close to their death but have little memories of their previous life or even that they died. Most eventually come into the clutches of Laviege from their ability to walk the Ethereal Plane. Due to the nature of their birth, they are most often found around areas of great supernatural activity. Most De'nan do not find peace until they come to terms with their own death.

De'nan resemble the race they were at the time of their death, but their skin and hair are usually pale shades of white. They retain their previous aptitudes and skills, but their personality often differs radically from their original state (in fact, it is an entirely new constructed personality based upon limited post-death experiences). (Due to abilities of their new form, not the least of which being able to walk the ethereal at will, Level Adjustment+7)


Elves are longer lived than Humans on Reydala. The average raito of years in development compared to Humans is 1 human year for every 5.5 elven years.

High Elves

The term high elf in Reydala more often than not refers to elves from Leyandra. Highly cultured and civilized, and for the most part arrogant, high elves see themselves as the direct descendents of the gods, forged in their own image. They are often studious or artistic, and the ways of magic came rather easy to them. Most high elves worship a pantheon that includes the four elemental goddesses and Nathicana. The favored class of a High Elf is wizard. (Dexterity +2/Constitution -2)

Sylvan Elves

A term introduced to distinguish them from high elves, Sylvan elves mostly reside in Walstad and environs, though many exist across the globe. Not nearly as arrogant or as studious as their brethren in Leyandra, the Sylvan elves are known to be willing to make comprimises with their human neighbors. Landed long ago from Leyandra in the lush woodlands of Walstad, the Sylvan elves have grown an even deeper consideration for the land and its beauty. Sylvan Elves mostly worship the same pantheon of the High Elves, though they tend to emphasize Terrema in their prayers. The favored class of Sylvan elf is either Ranger or Druid. (Dexterity +2/Constitution -2)

Ice Elves

The Ice Elves are a small, very mysterious, race. They live on the frozen wastes, the large ice plain that lies between Leyandra and Krasevae, a cold and bitter land where very few things survive. Militaristic and isolationist, both Leyandra and Kaltia have been threatened many times by Ice elf attacks. The reasons for their belligerence is largely unknown, though some attribute it to their worship of the Ice Queen, a cold and war-like matron. The favored class of Ice Elves is Fighter.

Wild Elves

Elves who lead harsh lives struggling against unhospitable environments, Wild Elves are almost exclusively found within Banato lands. For the most part they are harsh, taciturn, and more focused on physical combat than their brethren. The favored class of Wild Elves is Barbarian. (Dexterity +2/Charisma -2)


Half-elves, obviously enough, result from human-elf pairings. They tend to share a blend of their parent's traits and physical attributes. They are accepted in most of the world, though people of Leyandra and Riscana look down on them for being half-composed of their mortal enemy. Half-elves are most common in Walstad and Nuln, where Elves and Humans live in relative peace. Like Humans, half-elves are permitted to chose their favored class. (No Stat Adjustments)


Dwarves are stout and hardy mountain dwellers, with a predilection for all manners of smithing. The largest organized Dwarven nation is the union of Tyren, though many Dwarven settlements exist around the globe, often under the banners of other nations. Dwarves in Reydala are capable fighters, excellent smiths, and prolific drinkers. As per Dwarven custom, the first born dwarf of any family must leave his home and travel throughout the world, searching for communities that still need smithing services. As a result, Dwarves are one of the most widespread races, and even small towns can often claim to have a master smith. The favored class of Dwarves is Fighter. (Constitution +2/Dexterity -2)


Gnomes stand about three to three and a half feet tall when they come of age, but it is not the reason they are looked down upon by most of the other races of Reydala.

Land Gnomes

Land Gnomes are somewhat rare in Reydala, only occupying a few corners of the world. They are even rarer seen straying from their residences, as usually they are a people who keep to themselves. Though most Land Gnome settlements fall under the banner of another nation, few decide to try to tax them or evict them, seeing the trouble as "Not worth it". Land Gnomes, in contrast to their ark-bound brethren, are very level headed, practical, and not a bit gifted with mechanics. Still, they often bear the brunt of the negative reputation garnered from their ocean crossing kin. It is rare that a Gnome decides to leave their community, but when they do it is usually to try and set right the foul reputation of their race. Land Gnomes can choose their own favored class. (Constitution +2/Strength -2)

Sea Gnomes

Living in a huge ark that sails around the world, Sea Gnomes (or Ark Gnomes) are inquisitive, mischievous, and have ideas that most other races would consider very strange. They tend to tinker endlessly with everything around them regardless of ownership, much to the annoyance of others attached to their possessions. Because of this and other grating facets of their personalities, most Sea Gnomes find it difficult to live outside the Ark. Those who can look beyond the mischief and thievery entailed when a gnome is around can find a remarkable brain, and so they have been accepted at some institutions of research, such as Libraries of Lucion (Though, the gnome often becomes just as much an object of research as his many ideas in such places). The favored class of Sea Gnomes is Engineer.

  • Intelligence +2/Strength -2/Wisdom -2
  • Small: As a Small creature, a sea gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
  • Sea Gnome base land speed is 20 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: A sea gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Weapon Familiarity: Sea Gnomes gain the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gnome Spikes) feat.
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws, search checks and AC when dealing with all traps of a mechanical nature.
  • +2 racial bonus on listen checks.
  • +2 racial bonus on Craft (Generator) checks.
  • Resistance to Electricity 10
  • Spell-like Abilities: 1/day- Electricity I
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Sea Gnome
  • Bonus Languages: Land Gnome, Draconic, Aquan, Auran, Kaltian, Riscanan, Elven, Dwarven.
  • Favored Class: Engineer
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