Maerin Pucelo

From Reydala

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Maerin's initiating into the guild followed an... unusual course at best. A recent migrant from Leyandra, his mission was to show the rest of the world the wonders of Leyandra. Figuring that helping others would be a prime way to accomplish his goal, he signed up for the adventurers guild, but had no idea of the terror that awaited him.

His first task assigned to him was simple enough, to use his magic to help entertain the comers and goers at the Freehaven city festival. A task that Maerin personally thought was intensely demeaning to someone of his caliber. Grudgingly he accepted, hoping that more appropriate tasks would await him on his inevitable acceptance.

Maerin went to take his place as part of the festival, next to other acts he considered to be "Freak shows". Sword-swallowers, fire eaters, and knife jugglers flanked him on all sides. He felt profoundly out of place.

"It's just for today, don't let it get to you.." he thought to himself, taking a deep breath, and beginning to chant, sending many rays an small explosive spells into the air.

The fair continued well into the afternoon, Maerin was growing weary of the repetition, and even more weary of the populace than freqently gave him mere fleeting glances before moving on. "What is wrong with these people?" he thought to himself, "They don't seem to care at all!"

When he turned back toward the city street with his brow wrinkled in frustration, he was suprised to find a singular child staring up at his stage. She was quite well-dressed for a human child, Maerin thought this might be an opportunity to make headway with the local nobles. He began to increase the flamboyancy of his movements as he went back into his act, sending innumerably pyrotechnics into the air.

The child merely kept staring toward him, as if waiting for something. Maerin was confused, finally he ventured to speak in his broken common. "S-So.. did you enjoy the show?"

The child looked disappointed, crossing her arms. "Is that all you can do?"

"W-What?!" Maerin blurted out, continuing in his mind: "This little brat! Who does she think she is!? I was trained at the high academy, of *course* I can do more than this..."

There was a moment of silence before Maerin gathered his thoughts carefully. "Of course not! But my true, incredible power might endanger all of the civilians here! A true wizard is responsible in all his endeavors!"

The child stared upward at the stage skeptically. "...Sounds like a story to me, you're actually an amateur aren't you?"

Maerin mentally winced, it was true he had not studied for long at the academy. "Just a moment!" he thought to himself, "This is but a mere child!.. There's no way she has any knowledge of the magical arts!"

Maerin coughed. "V-Very well! I shall demonstrate some of my higher powers...! Watch and be awed!"

The Leyandran embarked upon one of the most complicated incantations he knew, the stage shook with magical energies as he propelled a huge sphere of fire high into the sky, the brilliant flames exploding into a crimson cloud in the sky. Maerin smiled up at his work, certain that this mere child would now be certain of his ability.

The child began to laugh. "All that build-up for a simple fireball spell?.. Where did you learn incantations?! Even the Walstad style is more efficient than that."

Maerin was quickly losing himself to anger. "S-Silence girl! Do not speak harshly of the Leyandran school of magic!"

"Hmm.. Are all Leyandrans so useless?"

"U-USELESS?!" Maerin began to raise his voice higher, thankfully the fairground was all but deserted by this time. "What do you know of magic, anyway?! You think you know better than I? Well then, let's see how is the bett..." Maerin stopped himself, as if suddenly realizing what he was doing: picking a fight with a child. He gave a heavy sigh, remembering his goal and how he was so close to straying from it. He lowered himself to sit on the side of the stage, being eye level with the girl."

"T-Then.. Please teach me how to improve.." He could not believe he uttered that sentence the moment he spoke it.

The little girl smiled, turning to the wizard on the stage. "You passed your first test, Maerin, welcome to the guild.."

Maerin stared on dumbfoundedly as the girl began to change before his eyes into a elven wizard, holding a quarterstaff in front of her. His mind began to reel, thoughts racing through his head: "I-It was all a trick?! What sort of guild would do such a thing?". He drooped his head in despair. "How could I have fallen for such a simple spell..." he mumbled to himself.

"Umm... are you alright? Are you mad? Perhaps I should explain..." Staravi took upon a worried expression. "...the guild was concerned that you would not be able to overcome your pride, so.."

Maerin was even more anguished at that, their insight was uncanny. His pride had nearly forced him to make a horrible mistake. He held his head in shame. "...I-I am sorry, I should have given this task all my consideration instead of treating it as below me.. I-I hope the guild will give me another chance.."

Staravi looked confused. "I said you passed, Maerin.."

"I...I passed?"

Staravi nodded, patting him on the shoulder with a smile. "Your spells *could* use some improvement though.. We'll have get you some more training."

Maerin suddenly lept to his feet, smiling, his hands on his waist. "I passed!" He laughed joyfully, as if celebrating his victory. "This horrible fair is behind me!.."

Staravi stared up at the stage again, "U-Umm... were you even listening?"

...Eventually Maerin was able to forge his pride into improving his art, taking many lessons from his fellow guild members, especially Staravi. His refusal to accept anyone as his better drove him on to study tirelessly, and eventually he reached a level on equal with his once mentor. He remained more than a bit conceited, but his ordeal had brought him a small sliver of humility, and an important reminder that all his tasks must be approached with the same state of mind.

...As a means of further correction, the guild has assigned him to entertain at every festival since.

Current Standing


Character Sheet

Level: 7 Class: Wizard Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: High Elf Size: Medium Age: 141 Gender: Male Height: 5'10" Weight: 153 lbs. Alignment: Unaligned Deity: Elemental Pantheon Origin: Leyandra
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+Level
STR 10 10 0 0 0 3
CON 11 11 0 0 0 3
DEX 17 14 2 1 3 6
INT 19 16 2 1 4 7
WIS 13 13 0 0 1 4
CHA 12 12 0 0 1 4
Defense Value Level Stat Item Class Enh Misc
AC 15 13 3 0 0 1 0
Fort 15 13 0 2 0 0 0
Reflex 18 13 3 2 0 0 0
Will 19 13 1 2 2 0 1
Conditional Bonuses +5 vs. Charm Effects
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
10 3 3 4
Score Base Armor Item Misc
6 6 0 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
11 Acrobatics DEX 6 5 0 0
14 Arcana INT 7 5 0 2
3 Athletics STR 3 0 0 0
4 Bluff CHA 4 0 0 0
9 Diplomacy CHA 4 5 0 0
4 Dungeoneering WIS 4 0 0 0
3 Endurance CON 3 0 0 0
4 Heal WIS 4 0 0 0
9 History INT 7 0 0 2
9 Insight WIS 4 5 0 0
4 Intimidate CHA 4 0 0 0
4 Nature WIS 4 0 0 0
11 Perception WIS 4 5 0 2
12 Religion INT 7 5 0 0
6 Stealth DEX 6 0 0 0
4 Streetwise CHA 4 0 0 0
6 Thievery DEX 6 0 0 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
45 22 12 6
Racial Features
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence
Eladrin Education
Eladrin Weapon Proficency
Eladrin Will
Fey Origin
Class Features
Arcane Implement Mastery (Wand)
Ritual Casting
Languages Known
High Elven
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
19 Passive Insight 10 9
21 Passive Perception 10 11
1st Burning Blizzard
2nd Alertness
4th Skill Training (Perception)
6th Improved Initiative
Level Spell Action Target Bonus Damage Miss/Special
At-Will Spells
1 Scorching Burst Standard burst 1
(Range 10)
Intelligence vs. Reflex 1d6 + INT modifier fire damage. N/A
1 Ray of Frost Standard One Creature Intelligence vs. Fortitude 1d6 + INT Modifier cold damage. Target slowed until end of your next turn.
Encounter Spells
Race Fey Step Move Personal N/A Teleport up to 5 squares N/A
1 Icy Terrain Standard Burst 1
(Range 10)
Intelligence vs. Reflex 1d6 + INT Modifier cold damage Target is knocked prone.
3 Icy Rays Standard One or two creatures Intelligence vs. Reflex 1d10 + INT Modifier cold damage Target immobilized until the end of your next turn
7 Winter's Wrath Standard burst 2
(Range 10)
Intelligence vs. Fortitude 2d8 + INT modifier cold damage Blizzard persists till end of your next turn.
Daily Spells
1 Acid Arrow Standard One Creature Intelligence vs. Reflex 2d8 + INT modifier acid damage, ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends) Secondary attack: Adjacent enemies , 1d8 + INT Modifier damage, ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
1 Freezing Cloud Standard burst 2
(Range 10)
Intelligence vs. Fortitude 1d8 + INT modifier cold damage. Persists until the end of your next turn.
5 Bigby's Icy Grasp Standard Range 20 Intelligence vs. Reflex Summons Icy Conjuration, 2d8 + INT modifier cold, grabs target. Sustain Minor
5 Fireball Standard Burst 3
(Range 20)
Intelligence vs. Reflex 3d6 + INT modifier fire damage. Miss: Half Damage
Utility Spells
2 Expeditious Retreat Move Personal N/A Shift up to twice your speed. N/A
2 Shield Immediate Interrupt Personal N/A Gain a +4 bonus to AC and reflex defense until end of your next turn N/A
6 Dispel Magic Standard One conjuration or zone. Intelligence vs. Will of creator Conjuration or zone destroyed. N/A
6 Wall of Fog Standard Personal N/A Conjure wall of fog, gaining concealment and blocking sight. Sustain Minor
Item Exploits
8 Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement Standard Range 10 Intelligence vs. Fortitude 1d10 + Intelligence modifier damage Target weakened until end of your next turn.
3 Gloves of Piercing Minor Personal N/A Until end of encounter your attacks ignore any resistance of 10 or lower N/A
Level Ritual Time Duration Component Cost Component Type Key Skill
1 Comprehend Language 10 minutes 24 hours 10 gt Alchemical Arcana
1 Magic Mouth 10 minutes Until Discharged 10 gt Alchemical Arcana
1 Brew Potion 1 hour Permanent Varies Alchemical or Incense Arcana or Religion
4 Knock 10 minutes Instantaneous 35 gt Alchemical Arcana
4 Hand of Fate 10 minutes 10 minutes 70 gt Incense Religion
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Right Hand Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement +2 8
Neck Amulet of Protection +2 6
Armor Darkleaf Surcoat +1 4
Hands Gloves of Piercing 3
Carried Items
Ritual Book (Comprehend Language, Magic Mouth, Brew Potion, Hand of Fate, Endure Elements) N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
0 Silver Terremes
0 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
Ritual Components
Alchemical Components 140 gt
Incense 140 gt
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