Clair Nolatari

From Reydala

Revision as of 03:28, 26 August 2008 by Aknier (Talk | contribs)

Character Sheet

Level: 7 Class: Rogue Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Hale Elf Size: Medium Age: 25 Gender: Female Height: 5'7" Weight: 115 lb. Alignment: Unaligned Deity: Ragnae Origin: Wastlad
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+1/2 Level
STR 14 13 0 1 2 5
CON 12 10 2 0 1 4
DEX 17 16 0 1 3 6
INT 12 12 0 0 1 4
WIS 11 11 0 0 0 3
CHA 16 14 2 0 3 6
Defense Value Level Armor/
Class Feat Enh Misc
AC 16 13 0 0 0 0 0
Fort 15 13 0 0 0 0 0
Reflex 18 13 0 2 0 0 0
Will 16 13 0 0 0 0 0
Conditional Bonuses:
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
10 3 3 4
Score Base Armor Item Misc
6 6 0 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
11 Acrobatics DEX 6 5 0 0
4 Arcana INT 4 0 0 0
10 Athletics STR 5 5 0 0
11 Bluff CHA 6 5 0 0
8 Diplomacy CHA 6 0 0 2
3 Dungeoneering WIS 3 0 0 0
4 Endurance CON 4 0 0 0
3 Heal WIS 3 0 0 0
4 History INT 4 0 0 0
5 Insight WIS 3 0 0 2
6 Intimidate CHA 6 0 0 0
3 Nature WIS 3 0 0 0
3 Perception WIS 3 0 0 0
4 Religion INT 4 0 0 0
11 Stealth DEX 6 5 0 0
11 Streetwise CHA 6 5 0 0
11 Thievery DEX 6 5 0 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
54 27  ??? 7
Racial Features
+2 CON, +2 CHA
Skill Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
Dilettante (Eldrich Blast)
Dual Heritage
Group Diplomacy
Class Features
Combat Challenge
Combat Superiority
Fighter Weapon Talent: Two-Handed Weapons
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
15 Passive Insight 10 5
13 Passive Perception 10 3
1st Power Attack
2nd Toughness
4th Armor Proficency (Plate)
6th Potent Challenge
Level Exploit Action Bonus Damage Miss
At-Will Exploits
1 Deft Strike Standard +13 vs. AC 1[W]+DEX Mod N/A
1 Sly Flourish Standard +13 vs. AC 1[W]+DEX Mod+CHA Mod N/A
Encounter Exploits
1 King's Castle Standard +13 vs. Reflex 2[W]+DEX Mod
Switch places with willing adjacent ally
1 Eldrich Blast Standard +13 vs. Reflex 1d10+CHA Mod
Counts as ranged basic attack
Can be used with powers that allow a ranged basic attack
3 Trickster's Blade Standard +13 vs. AC 2[W]+DEX Mod
Add CHA Mod to AC until next turn
7 Cloud of Steel Standard +13 vs. AC 1[W]+DEX Mod, Close Blast 5
Targets all visible enemies within blast
Daily Exploits
1 Easy Target Standard +13 vs. AC 2[W]+DEX Mod, Target is slowed, grants combat advantage to player N/A
5 Walking Wounded Minor N/A 2[W]+DEX Mod, Target is prone
Target becomes prone if it moves more than half speed in a single action
Half Damage, Target not prone
Utility Exploits
2 Master of Deceit Free N/A Reroll Bluff check N/A
6 Chamelon Immediate N/A Must be in Stealth, must lose cover/concealment
Stealth check to remain hidden, visible next turn if without cover/concealment
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Both Hands Magic Halberd +2 6
Armor Delver's Plate Mail +2 8
Feet Catstep Boots 3
Carried Items
Potion of Healing (2) 5
Longsword N/A
Heavy Shield N/A
Longbow N/A
Arrows (30) N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
0 Silver Terremes
1,020 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
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