Don't Be Afraid

From Reydala

Revision as of 16:55, 14 February 2007 by Dante (Talk | contribs)
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The Flying Dice was located in the slummier area of town. Catering almost exclusively to thieves, scoundrels, and other assorted lowlives, the owner of the inn had a decidedly "relaxed" view on the cleanliness of the building in general. It being early afternoon, almost all of its patrons were located in the large "common area," though perhaps a more apt name would be "drinking area" since that and gambling is all that took place there. Whatever its name, all of its occupants were aghast, staring at the main entrance as Shutat stood in the doorway, glaring at all of the inhabitants like an angry God.

"I'm looking for my crew," he growled as he limped into the room proper. "Where is the crew of the Shagohod?"

A great silence greeted him. Finally, Daved stood from one of the tables. "Shutat...?"

"That's Dante, to you. Captain Dante." The renamed Jovenite limped to the half-elf, and Daved could almost swear that the younger man's eyes were...glowing a horrible shade of red. "Where's my crew?"

Daved felt absolutely terrified, though he couldn't think of a single reason why. He remembered when they picked Shutat up, off some nameless little port town in the south of Kaltia. The kid was hungry, and wanted passage anywhere. Forcing his mind to the situation at hand, Daved forced down his feelings of fear, and answered in a perfectly calm voice, "I told you, Captain. They're on vacation."

"Well, Daved, I guess the vacation's over, isn't it? Gather everyone, and have them report to the Shagohod. We sail in 40 minutes." Dante turned and began shambling out.

"Only 40 minutes?! That's not nearly enough time for everyone to get ready!"

Dante paused, turned, and glared at Daved. This time he was positive that the Jovenite's eyes were glowing. "I guess you'll just have to get everyone else to help you carry the word, then. Everyone who's not reported at the Shagohod in thirty minutes will be left behind, and if I ever find them again I'll whip them, cut off their fingers, toes, and noses, and crucify them." Dante turned back towards the entrance and began walking again. "That goes for first mates, too."

Daved paled as he watched the new Captain leave. (Trianna, what have I done?)

Dante stood at the helm of the Shagohod, looking at the assembled crew on the deck before him. They'd left port a little over 20 minutes ago, and he calculated that meant the Avalon was about an hour ahead of them. Daved stood to his right, arms behind his back. After several moments, Dante began speaking.

"Men...most of you knew me when I first joined the crew. When the previous Captain bought it, I had no intention of inheriting his title. After all, I was about here on the totem pole," Dante motioned around his kneecaps, "And it would feel odd to command my brothers, after all that we have been through together. However, I have faith in the previous Captain, and he must have had good reason to select me as his successor."

Dante turned and gave Daved a look, before turning back to the crew and continuing.

"And so, in the tradition of our piratical heritage, I'm leading you, my brothers, now my sons, on a hunt." Dante pointed towards the ship's bow. "Ahead of us is a Haldian ship, the Avalon. Its Captain, Azael, has it loaded down with treasure, weapons, and the kind of booty that we've been dreaming of." The Jovenite pulled his hand into a fist. "We're going to run it down, engage it, loot the stores, and sink it to the bottom of the ocean! Set the sails, and may Trianna be with us!"

Dante turned from the deck as the pirates began scurrying. As he and Daved entered the Skipper's Office to plan the attack, he worried to himself. The Shagohod could catch up to the Avalon, but would Enna be all right until they did?

"Captain Dante! We've made visual contact!"

Dante tied his inherited red captain's cloak around his bare shoulders, and moved to the deck. "Load the long-9s. On my signal, fire at the enemy's masts." The Jovenite drew one of the katanas at his hip, and held it high for his artillerymen to see. As he quickly lowered it, thick, steel chains erupted from the Shagohod's long-range cannons to demolish the Avalon's masts.

It had begun.

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