
From Reydala

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A Chronicle of all the major events that have happend in Reydala, by year.

  • 0 - Reydala is born. Goddess Pallea is charged with its maintenance.
  • 0 - The First Elves Walk the Land in the region of Leyandra.
  • 103 - The First Elven City, Elannariel, is founded.
  • 126 - Pallenon is founded.
  • 489 - An elf in Leyandra denies Pallea's blessings, is branded as a heretic, and is cast into the frozen wastes.
  • 526 - Hirax is created, Dwarves are created.
  • 732 - Dizal and Cyphus are created. Each populates what will become Riscana and Kaltia (respectively) with humans.
  • 737 - Regial is created.
  • 739 - Hald is created.
  • 740 - Sor is created.
  • 755 - Hald rejects the way of his family and cuts his was to the Blackthrone
  • 758 - Sor leaves with Nathicana to the Stonegarden
  • 879 - Hald arises as victor against the six arch-devils, and takes his place on the black throne.
  • 883 - Hald leads an unholy crusade back into his Father's realm.
  • 887 - Regial and Hald meet on the fields of battle, the heavens rumbled with the strikes of their blades. In the end, both were too weary to continue, Hald called off his crusade and fell back to the Blackthrone to scheme a way to take care of his brother.
  • 888 - Seeing his brother's strength, Regial begins to call souls to fight with him after their mortal end.
  • 953-967 - A period of grave disasters all over the world, Volcanoes spring up, Waters rise and swallow cities, earthquakes wrack all over the globe, and hurricanes and tornados leave ruin in their wake.
  • 967 - Goddess Pallea ruptures into 4 entities. Mulinel, Terrema, Fianna, and Ragnae are created. The world returns to peace.
  • 1011 - Leyandra settles a colony in Banato, named Durmlon.
  • 1057 - A hardy tribe from the Kaltian continent crosses the Muline River and becomes lost in the desert. Their collective name were the Ohnben.
  • 1060 - Leyandra settles a colony in Walstad
  • 1061 - Humans and Dwarves meet for the first time in Riscana, similarities in the doctrines of Dizal and Hirax aid relations between the two countries.
  • 1076 - Thanks to long teaching from Dwarven artisans, Humans in Riscana begin to evolve past a tribal culture. Masonry and Metallurgy lead to cities, and the empire of Riscana is truly born.
  • 1101 - Hald begins an investigation into the mortal realm, trying to tap into new resources. Haldian sects begin to gather around the world under his influence, mostly among the human nations. Like his brother, he begins to call souls to fight after their mortal end.
  • 1106 - An entire tribe of people inhabiting the Kaltian continent begin worshipping Hald, and begin to fight fierce wars against other tribes, conquering many and growing larger.
  • 1110 - Seeing his brother's treachery, Regial descends to Reydala and starts to train tribes in the arts of warfare to counter Hald's ambitions.
  • 1111-1231 - The Kaltian continent is wracked by warfare. Many tribes unite to fight off Haldian oppression.
  • 1231 - Hald and Regial meet once more on the battlefield, each disguised as mortals. This time, Hald gained the upper hand, but before he could strike a fatal blow, Triana sprang from Regial into the sky. When her wings unfurled, hundreds of noble spirits rode down from the sky to fight at Regial's side. Hald, astounded, calls the first devils to the mortal realm to cover his escape back to the Blackthrone.
  • 1231 - Cyphus watches this battle in dismay, but is more alarmed to discover strange things occuring in the vincinity. Unreality is first discovered, and Cyphus' head is wracked with pain as Laviege is born.
  • 1232 - The Haldian tribe was defeated, but relations between the once united tribes begin to grow tense. Each sought to be ruler of the others, and soon dreadful war erupted again.
  • 1235 - Fearing Unreality and Laviege would swallow the globe if allowed to continue unfettered. Cyphus created Lucion for the purpose of Regulating it.
  • 1245 - Lucion presents the idea of Magic to Cyphus. He reluctantly agrees.
  • 1246 - The first Sorcerors appear among humans in Riscana and Kaltia.
  • 1267 - An Elven explorer first meets Humans north of Walstad. He decides to live among them and learn their cultures before returning home.
  • 1268 - A Sorceror awakens to his powers in Kaltia. His brother named Lacius, though very intelligent, is not gifted with such natural ability.
  • 1270 - Leyandra has second thoughts about Banato and revokes the Colony. Many Elves decide to stay regardless and fight to survive against the harsh environment.
  • 1273 - The Elven explorer returns to Walstad, his report is met with shock that there exist sentient beings in the world besides elves, and disgusted at the many vulgarities of still-growing human culture. Despite the protests of the explorer, humans are labeled as dangerous savages. This spreads quickly back home to Leyandra.
  • 1275 - Lacius, after many years of collaboration with his more magically gifted sibling, finally breaks through with a way to mimic magic with intelligence and reason. He becomes the first Wizard.
  • 1281 - Dizal looks with sadness upon the great kaltian continent that is wasted on war. He descends himself to the world and founds a religion based on unity and togetherness. It spreads quickly among war-weary folk across the continent.
  • 1283 - Delighted at his success, Dizal turns to Riscana, spreading the faith there as well.
  • 1284-1300 - Tribes in Kaltia slowly start to come together, truces are formed, culminating in them all uniting under one nation. Each wishes to retain it's own individuality however, and so different provinces are created within the Empire, and the councilmaster competition is put into place. The Kaltian empire is thus created.
  • 1293 - A great ship-builder in southern Kaltia seeks to know more about the world, he and his wife sail away into the blue. 3 months later, a terrible storm throws his boat onto the shore of Elem. Though he soon repairs his boat to a sailable condition, he decides to stay in this new world which is rich in minerals and resources.
  • 1296 - A group of merchants in Riscana, hearing stories about the elven explorer, make an expedition into the Walstad continent. They are amazed at the first town the come across, the treasures of the elves were truly amazing. They were almost killed upon their discovery by the elves, who still had the savage image in their heads. Only the voice of the explorer, who lived in that very village, saved them from immediate execution.
  • 1297 - The merchants returned to Riscana, laden with knowledge and stories from their stay with the Elven Explorer. They return to riscana with stories of the Elven Goddesses. They are immediately labeled as heretics and exiled. They go on to create their own city on an as of yet unexplored penninsula. They named the city Nuln, and accepted all people and creeds as the first manner of civil laws.
  • 1298 - The Elven explorer, upon hearing of this new nation, brings a consortium of like minded elves and joins the nation. Walstad is aghast at this turn of events at first, but slowly comes to accept the fledgling nation and even lend its support. Leyandra is quite displeased, not seeing any reason to help savages prosper.
  • 1300 - The first Library of Lucion is founded by Lacius in northeastern Kaltia. Erudites from all over the nation begin to gather here to learn the ways of magic.
  • 1303 - After years of harsh words on both sides, and coupled with spreading of human religions into Walstad, Leyandra revokes Walstad's colonial status. Walstad becomes it's own nation.
  • 1335 - An elf and a dwarf pilgrim meet for the first time, in Nuln. Relations are amiable, and interest is raised about the elven Goddess Fianna. He writes a letter back home, and soon more pilgrims start to head southward into Nuln and Walstad.
  • 1340-1448 - Riscana enters a period of rapid expansion and settlement.
  • 1449 - The inevitable occurs when Riscana's borders meet with Leyandra's. With Leyandra already soured with their experience with Walstad, relations quickly go bad. Riscana soon declares war on Leyandra after a human settlement is forcibly dismantled for being on Elven Soil.
  • 1515 - A ship from Nuln first arrives in Kaltia. The explorers are amazed to find another society of humans, and doubly suprised to find that that even their religions are similar. A local library of Lucion donated a stack of magical tomes to the explorers before they returned, and thus Wizardry spread to Nuln, Walstad and later Riscana.
  • 1607 - The first documented sign of an Ice Elf by a Leyandran traveller, he barely escaped with his life. There were many previous strange disappearences along the snow covered paths in Leyandra.
  • 1651 - The first Gnome was sighted on the Kaltian penninsula. They were immediately labeled as peculiar, and though many mortals prayed in question, no god would claim responsibility for their creation.
  • 1666 - The first Library of Lucion is founded outside Kaltia in Nuln, they would soon spread all over the continent.
  • 1701 - An Elven Traditionalist in Walstad finally arrives at the same breakthrough Lacius had earlier. While some Elves in Walstad had acquired wizardry, they were all of Lucion's faith, and thus in this upstarts eyes, heretics. He focused on elemental magic arts, and claimed his discoveries in the name of the Elven Goddesses. His notes were sent immediately back to Leyandra.
  • 1717 - Leyandra had been fighting a losing war with Riscana, mainly due to the advanced magics against them, even though their abilities to make armor and weapons were far superior. Now that magic had fully spread, the battlefield became much more even. Leyandra began to take back much of its lost land.
  • 1718 - Open hostilities break out between Riscana and Nuln, The former seeing the latter as the primary cause behind Leyandra's new magical abilities. Nuln is flabbergasted, and war is only avoided through several harsh comprimises with Riscana concerning the spread of knowledge.
  • 1728 - Soon after wizards become commonplace in Leyandra, the first sorceror appears. It is unknown what brought this about, but is thought to have followed widespread attempts to mimic magic by less scholarly elves.
  • 1730 - Leyandra and Riscana finally negotiate a truce. Though relations are still anything but friendly.
  • 1730-2100 - A period of relative peace and advancement comes to all nations on Reydala. Human and Elven religions spread and mingle all over the planet (excepting Leyandra, which was quick to exile any faiths but their own). Magic advances in leaps and bounds in all nations.
  • 1761 - The frozen north is conquered by the Kaltian military. Ice elves, Frost Worms, and Frost Giants are pushed back into the frozen wastes or into the mountains. A great fortress is built near the mouth of a great waterfall that refuses to freeze even in the coldest temperatures. This fortress is named Krasevae.
  • 2101 - The first contact between Leyandra and Kaltia occurs at Krasevae. The Elf explorer is instantly struck with the crystal falls, and declares it a holy creation of the Goddess Mulinel.
  • 2103 - The explorer spent a year and a half in meditation to Mulinel at the crystal falls, then returned to Leyandra. His reports of the falls filled the Mulinites with awe, and before long many wished to make pilgrimage there. Some factions expressed desires to wrest it from the hands of the humans, but these wishes are silenced after several instances of pilgrims being saved by the Krasevae militia from ice elves and frost worms.
  • 2104-2108 - Aided by it's similarity to Dizal's ideals, the worship of Mulinel spreads quickly in Krasevae and across Kaltia. Many Dizal worshippers begin to worship the water goddess as well. The elves are stunned by the sudden flock to Mulinel, and though at first cautious, they come to welcome their human brethren.
  • 2110 - Aided by the Mayor's conversion to Mulinel, a great temple is built there. Even the elves are astounded by its beauty and size.
  • 2111 - Leyandra and Kaltia sign an agreement of peace and sign an agreement to allow pilgrims on both sides. Humans step foot inside the temple of Mulinel at Elannariel for the first time in history.
  • 2111 - Riscana begins to question Kaltia regarding their behavior with Leyandra, tensions begin to spark between the two nations.
  • 2113 - A massive force of Ice Elves lays siege to Leyandra's northern border, many towns are razed to the ground. They are only stopped by the massed elven Military at Pallenon, but losses are heavy on both sides.
  • 2115 - Feeling threatened by Kaltia's possible involvement in future wars and seeing weakness in Leyandra, Riscana revokes the truce with Leyandra and once again sends troops against the borders.
  • 2115-2117 - Riscanan troops steadily gain ground, eventually reaching the bank of the Leyandran Sea.
  • 2117 - Riscanan troops are stunned to discover humans behind the lines healing the injuries of Elves. Riscana accuses Kaltia of assisting enemies of humankind and demands that they cease their involvement at once.
  • 2118 - Not one to be bullied, Kaltia declares war on Riscana. Military troops are sent to Leyandra to fight aside their Elven allies.
  • 2118-2120 - The combined might of Leyandra and Kaltia pushes Riscana further away, reclaiming many lands that Leyandra had lost.
  • 2120 - Just five years after their conquest began, Riscana enters negotiations with Leyandra and Kaltia. Riscana is only spared from a truly one-sided treaty thanks to Kaltia beseeching their elven allies to have mercy.
  • 2252 - A great shining winged serpent begins to be reported flying above cities across the globe, it frightens many village-folk, but the dragon takes no hostile actions towards Reydala's denizens.
  • 3234 - Arciel is born in Pallenon.
  • 3252 - Lucion expels dragons from the world.
  • 3332 - War of the Enforcers begins. The nature of this war is largely underground, as it is fought in places thought to be uninhabited so as not to draw attention from those not directly involved.
  • 3337 - Cease Fire between the Enforcers is called, the "treaty under the half moon" is signed. The truce is uneasy and anything but belevolent, however successul. Full Moon and New Moon Enforcer organizations are formed.
  • 335X - (circa 56-57) Aknier is born, location unknown.
  • 3376 - First members of the party, Mikhal, Evanthe, Tanja, and Locke gather in the center of Kraseave.
    • - Tristen joins after being sent by the Regial Knights to assist the city of Kraseave.
    • - Seara joins after a chance meeting in a Library of Lucion (while researching a pendant).
    • - Aknier joins after being freed from an Ice Elf prison.
    • - Several months later, Seremela and Dagnir join after healing Aknier from a near fatal wound.
    • - Dante joins after a corrected misunderstanding with the group.
    • - Aelis and Wren join after being attacked during their stay in Sanoan.
    • - Kaer joins after being sent to assist the party by the Full Moon Enforcers.
  • 3377 - Present Day.
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