| Exploit
| Action
| Target
| Bonus
| Damage
| Miss
Basic Attacks
| Duelist's Rapier +2
| Standard
| One Creature
| +10 vs. AC
| 1d8+4
| High Crit
| Thunderburst Dagger +1
| Standard
| One Creature (7/12 Range)
| +10 vs. AC (Melee) +12 vs. AC (Ranged)
| 1d4+3 (Melee) 1d4+5 (Ranged)
| Light Thrown
| Crossbow
| Standard (Load Minor)
| One Creature (15/30 Range)
| +9 vs. AC
| 1d8+4
| N/A
At-Will Exploits
| Deft Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 1[W]+DEX Modifier damage.
| You can move 2 squares before the attack.
| Piercing Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. Reflex
| 1[W]+DEX Modifier damage.
| Riposte Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 1[W] + DEX Modifier damage.
| If the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make reposte as an immediate interrupt: Strength vs. AC, 1[W] + STR Modifier damage.
Encounter Exploits
| Torturous Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 2[W] + DEX Modifier + STR Modifier damage
| Setup Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 2[W]+DEX Modifier
| Target grants combat advantage until end of your next turn.
| Imperiling Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Desterity vs. Fortitude
| 1[W] + DEX Modifier damage
| Target takes a -2 penalty to AC and reflex defense until the end of your next turn.
Daily Exploits
| Trick Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 3[W] + DEX modifier damage, Slide target one square.
| Until the end of encounter, each time you hit target, slide it one square.
| Deep Cut
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. Fortitude
| 2[W] + DEX Modifier damage, ongoing 7 damage (save ends)
| Miss: Half damage, no ongoing.
Utility Exploits
| Quick Fingers
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| Make a thievery check as a minor action.
| N/A
| Ignoble Escape
| Move
| Personal
| N/A
| If you are marked, end that condition. You can shift a number of squares equal to your speed.
| N/A
Item Exploits
| Duelist's Rapier +2
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| You have combat advantage against the next creature you attack with this weapon this turn.
| N/A
| Thunderburst Dagger +1
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| Next ranged basic attack with this weapon becomes burst 1 centered on the target, defense to attack changes to vs. fortitude. Each target takes thunder damage equal to the normal damage you would deal with that attack.
| N/A
| Cloak of Resistance +1
| Minor Action
| Personal
| N/A
| Gain resist 5 to all damage until the start of your next turn.
| N/A