Engineer Equipment

From Reydala

Revision as of 18:38, 1 June 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Engineers have special equipment that helps them work with their generators, usually these can be put into 3 different categories: Weapons & Armor, Special Generators, and Attachments.


Engineer Weapons and Armor

Gnome Spikes

Name Cost Dmg(S) Dmg(M) Critical Range Increment Weight Type
Gnome Spikes (Exotic Ranged Weapon) 350 GT Per Spike + Special 1d4 1d6 20/x3 15 feet (absolute maximum range) 3 lbs. P

Specially crafted to hook up to an Electrical Generator, Gnome spikes were created as a way to conduct electricity into their foes. They resemble leather gloves with a launching mechanism attached to the wrist, containing one or more barbed spikes connected back to the glove by a thin adamantine chain. When activated, the spikes shoot forward quickly toward the user's intended target, chains trailing behind. Gnome Spikes have a maxinum range of 15 feet (the length of the chain). If they successfully strike their opponent, the spikes imbed themselves into the surface of the foe. While spikes will stay attached, they are not firmly implanted, a foe can remove one spike with a swift action, and spikes will automatically dislodge if the foe moves more than 15 feet away from the user. Reloading a Gnome Spike glove is a standard action. Firing a Gnome spike requires two hands (One to aim, and the other to press the trigger) but the hands are otherwise free to perform other actions or hold other weapons.

The chains are usually connected to an Electrical Generator through a thick insulated adamantine cord coming from the base of the glove. This allows the spikes to deliver lethal charges of electricity through the chains.

Consummate multitaskers, Gnome spikes are often very individualized to their creator. Gnome spikes are automatically counted as masterwork weapons and may have special abilities as listed below. Gnome Spikes can be magically enchanted as well, treat each spike individually for the purposes of magical item costs.

Climbing Spikes (350 GT) The chains of the spikes are reinforced and catches are added to the spikes themselves so as to allow them to be used as makeshift grappling hooks.

Trip Wires (350 GT) This modification allows the user to use the spikes to make trip attacks. However, as the gloves are attached to the user's hands, he has no option to drop the weapon if tripped during a trip attempt. While the spikes themselves do no damage in this case, electricity from an attached generator still can.

Cluster Spike (350 GT) This special modification has three spikes attached to one main chain in a triangular formation. All three spikes are fired at once as one attack roll. The goal in this situation is not to damage the target but to entangle it as the momentum of the three spikes causes them to wrap around the target. Treat this attack as an attack from a Net. While the spikes themselves do no damage in this case, electricity from an attached generator still can.

Chain Engine (350 GT) Only available if used in conjunction with an electrical generator, Chain engines dramatically speed up the process of reloading gnome spikes. Gnome spikes with this modification can be reloaded as a swift action, but it draws one dice of energy from the generator for every spike reloaded in this fashion.

Palm Triggering System (350 GT) This modification places the trigger of the weapon within the palms of the gloves, enabling the user to fire the weapon with only one hand. With this attachment the weapon user may attack with a Gnome Spike on each hand. Normal penalties for two-weapon fighting apply. Both gloves must have this modification to function properly in this manner. It also allows the user to wield a different weapon (or a shield) in his other hand and still be able to fire the gnome spikes.

Generator Basics

Most of these generators turn electricity spells into powerful energy. When an electricity spell is cast on one of these generators (and the reliability roll is passed) they will immediately create xd6 dice of the specified energy form, where x is the level of electricity spell used upon it. These generators will continue to produce xd6 energy a round for 10 rounds. Generators on their own however have no way of transferring this energy onto enemies, being well insulated to protect the holder.

Reliability Factor

All of these generators and attachments have this number which represents generally how reliable they are. These numbers are added to the DC of the Reliability Roll, that is (10 + (Spell Level of Generator/Special Generator Reliability Factor) + (Attachment Reliability Factors)). By combining generators and attachments an Engineer can make very powerful weapons, but combining ramshackle technology can quickly result in a device the Engineer can't use without it falling apart!

Conduction Rate

Conduction rate is the maximum amount of energy that can be discharged from any one draw from the Generator. Generators with a low conduction rate by nature won't create massive bursts of energy, but also will not exhaust the entire energy store very quickly. High conduction rate generators require a constant influx of energy and large energy capacities if the holder wants to enter any extended battles.

Energy Capacity

A Generator's energy capacity is the maximum amount of energy that a generator can hold. If the generator receives energy that would take it over this level, the generator's insulation is overcome and it overloads immediately. Effects vary depending on the generator (see below) but generally result in the held energy being unleashed upon the holder of the generator and possibly others nearby. All generators that overload are unusable until they are repaired with a Craft (Generator) check.

Special Generators

Generator Cost (Base) Reliability Factor Conduction Rate Energy Capacity Weight
Cryo Generator 50 GT +0 2d6 10d6 5 lbs.
Electric Generator 50 GT +0 4d6 8d6 5 lbs.
Kinetic Generator 100 GT +2 4d6 8d6 6 lbs.
Sonic Amplifier 375 GT +2 4d6 - (Overload: 5d6) 5 lbs.
Thermal Generator 50 GT +0 3d6 9d6 5 lbs.
Tri-Elemental Reactor 750 GT +5 5d6 10d6 8 lbs.

Electric Generator

The easiest energy generators for Engineers to assemble, Electric generators produce 1d6 points of Electric Energy per round per level of electricity spell fed into them. Base Electrical Generators have a Conduction rate of 4d6 and an Overload level of 8d6. On overload, Electrical generators deal their full charge to the current holder with no saving throw allowed.

Thermo Generator

Converting Electric to Heat energy is relatively simple for engineers, but harder to conduct than Electricity. Thermo generators have a conduction rate of 3d6 and an Overload level of 9d6. When Thermo generators overload, they explode, dealing damage to everyone within a 15 ft. burst (Reflex save for half damage, no save allowed to the holder). Thermo generators that explode cannot be repaired or salvaged.

Cryo Generator

Converting Electric energy to Cold requires some tricky mechanics and the resulting energy does not conduct well at all. However, cold energy is less strenuous for Engineers to contain than Electrical or Thermo energy. Cryo generators have a conduction rate of 2d6 and an Overload level of 10d6. On an overload, a Cryo generator only deals half it's charge damage to it's carrier (No Save Allowed).

Kinetic Generator

Kinetic Generators turn electricity spells into motion, and thus work a little differently from the other generators listed here. Their most common offensive use is along with the generator weapon attachment to create high speed vibration, enhancing the normal effect of the weapon. Using the generator weapon in this fashion adds the conduction rate to physical attacks from that weapon, the type of this damage is Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning, identical to the type of weapon used. Kinetic generators can be used in crossbows, bows, and slings to automate the process of firing and to add great amounts of speed to projectiles. Overloading kinetic generators resonate more than the frame can withstand and violently tear themselves apart, exploding shrapnel onto everyone within 10 feet for slashing damage equivalent to the stored charge (Reflex save half, no save allowed for carrier).

Kinetic Generators also have many uses outside of combat. Many engineers create machines with these generators to get them around quicker. These can take many forms, from full blown mechanical horses to rocket powered go-karts. A Kinetic generator used in this fashion can move at 40 ft per round for 1 hour per dice of energy expended. Engineers can increase this speed by 20 for every additional dice expended, up to a maximum of 220 feet per round. The carrying capacity for these creations starts at 200 pounds, generators can carry over this amount, but require an additional dice of energy per round for 200 pounds and every 100 pounds after.

Sonic Amplifier

It is not difficult for engineers to electrically amplify the volume of a sound to dangerous levels, however as of yet they have not found a way to store this energy. Thus, sonic energy produced from an amplifier must be used on the round it is created, or it will be wasted. If a Sonic generator receives more energy than it can expend in one turn, the device erupts in painful screeches and static, deafening everyone within 20 feet of the generator for an amount of time equal to the excessive energy dice recieved. I.e. If Electricity V were cast on a base sonic amplifier, it would deafen for 1d6 rounds (5d6-4d6 = 1d6 excess), If Electricity IX were cast on a base sonic amplifier, it would deafen for 5d6 rounds. A successful saving throw negates the deafness, use Fortitude instead of Reflex in the case of this generator.

Tri-Elemental Reactor

Sometimes called a plasma generator, tri-Elemental Reactors were created by grizzled (or as some say, crazy) engineers who found it tedious to keep generators of all types on hand to deal with all foes. To combat this they created the tri-elemental reactor, a ramshackle hodge podge of engineering that is immensely powerful (when it works). Tri-elemental reactors always strike as if they were the element the foe is least resistant to (of the elments Fire, Cold, and Electricity). Even if an opponent is immune to one or two of the elements, as long as one element can take effect the full force of the elemental strike is felt. Tri-elemental reactors have a conduction rate of 5d6 and a maximum capacity of 10d6. If a Tri-elemental reactor overloads, it explodes like a thermal generator with the burst having the same properties of the tri-elemental strike.

Generator Attachments

Attachment Cost Effect Saving Throw Use Action Reliability Factor Increased Weight
Additional Fail-safes 5 GT Per lb. of base generator. Increases Reliability - Automatic -1 +5 lbs.
Energy Amplifier 100 GT +1d6 Energy produced per turn. - Automatic +1 +1 lbs.
Energy Spreader 50 GT Effect gains a 20 ft. cone area of effect type. Reflex Half Standard Action +3 +1 lb.
Energy Cannon 100 GT Effect gains a 60 ft. line area of effect type. Reflex Half Standard Action +3 +8 lbs.
Energy-Beam Converter 50 GT Effect functions as a ray attack with a maximum range of 30 ft. None Attack Action +1 +1 lb.
Generator Weapon (Price of a Masterwork version of Desired Weapon) Generator can be used to make attacks as weapon type, discharging effect on contact. None Automatic +2 Set to Base Generator Weight or Weapon Weight, whichever is greater.
Improved Capacitors 50 GT Generator has +2d6 energy capacity. - Automatic +1 +1 lb.
Improved Energy Conduits 50 GT Generator has +2d6 Conduction Rate. - Automatic +1 +1 lb.
Mega Energy Cannon 500 GT Generator has a 10 ft. wide 150 ft. long line area of effect type. Reflex Half Standard Action +5 +15 lbs.
Overload Prevention Circuit 100 GT If the generator gains more energy it can hold, it retains the maximum charge instead of suffering an Overload. - Automatic +1 +1 lb.
Spherical Energy Accumulator 50 GT Effect gains a 20 ft burst area of effect type. Reflex Half Standard Action +3 +1 lb.
ULTRA Mega Energy Cannon 10,000 GT Effect gains a 15 ft wide, 500 ft long line area of effect type, in addition, every target struck results in a 30 ft burst area of effect centered on the target struck. Targets can still only be struck once by these areas of effect. Reflex Half Full-round Action +10 +50 lbs.

Overload Prevention Circuit

Additional Fail-safes

Improved Capacitors

Improved Energy Conduits

Energy-Beam Converter

Energy Spreader

Generator Weapon

Spherical Energy Accumulator

Energy Cannon

Mega Energy Cannon

ULTRA Mega Energy Cannon

Personal tools