
From Reydala

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Arciel struggles to come to terms with her troubled past.


Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Arciel "Night Blade" Enkenath
  • Race: Elven
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair: Blonde, Straight, Shoulder Length
  • Eyes: Green
  • Skin: Somewhat Pale. Many scars on back and Limbs.
  • Build: Athletic, Very Fit
  • Weight: 94 lbs. (130 lbs. with normal equipment)
  • Height: 5'0"
  • Age: 143 Years.
  • Alignment (Current): Lawful Neutral

Visible Equipment

  • The Night Blade:
    The Night Blade's apperance changes depending on whether its powers are active..
    A long rapier with a thin, slightly curved blade. It's hilt is a black iron, the blade itself shines silver when out of it's scabbard. When the frost ability is activated, glowing blue elvish script appears written along the length of the blade. The blade itself also appears to lose the sheen of it's silver when this ability is activated, or perhaps it is overshadowed by the blue of the runes. It's scabbard is black, with silver ornamentation at the top and at the point, each framing a small black onyx.
  • Mithral Chainmail: Specially forged for her, this suit of mithral chainmail flows and move with it's wearer. The chain links are incredibly fine, making it look more like cloth than metal at distance. The right gauntlet used to bear a mark of Hald, a red sword pointing upward. This has since been gouged off by Arciel. The suit does not shine brilliantly as mithral should, whether this is due to Arciel's wishes or simply the age of the suit is unknown. The torso and sleeves are form fitting, the portion covering the legs is split down the center and allowed to hang loosely around each leg, to prevent the inflexibility of the metal from interfering with her reflexes.
  • Traveler's Outfit: Worn beneath Arciel's chainmail, this travelers outfit can barely be seen under normal circumstances. The collar does protrude, a white nobleman's collar with a black onyx (set in silver) pin to the corner of the left side. The rest of the clothes are intended to allow maxinum movement. The collar is attached to a white sleeveless blouse, usually not visible beneath the chainmail. The brown trousers, custom tailored to be form-fitting so they do not get in the way, can be seen slightly in the chainmail's gaps.
  • Cloak: This rich dark grey cloak of exceptional quality extends from Arciel's shoulders all the way to her calves. Like the Chainmail, it seems to move and flow with the wearer. It is pinned at the left shoulder with another black onyx stone, set in silver, larger than the collar's. It includes a hood, which is up whenever Arciel does not want to be recognized or whenever weather becomes foul.
  • Boots: These brown boots are meant to match her trousers, their simple color belying their true function. They are incredibly comfortable even through long trips and are very soft to the touch.
  • Jewelry:
    • Pendants: Two chains hang from Arciel's neck, one is a Regal Pendant, a brilliant silver minature sword. This pendant is often worn backwards and tucked beneath the collar of her blouse, so that only the silver chain is visible from the front. The second chain is close around her neck, and is also silver. At the front of the chain, close to her throat, is an amulet wrought in silver looking like 8 curved fangs. A black onyx resides in the center.
    • Earrings: Arciel wears two earrings, very simple silver studs at the bottom of each ear.
    • Rings: Her rings are only visible should she remove her gauntlets. On her left hand a silver ring with an inset black onyx stone of fantastic craftmanship. On her right, a very old, simple ring that shows some signs of oxidation on the metal. It bears the symbol of the house of Enkenath, a rapier covered by grape vines.



Arciel was born on the 15th of Risveglio to parents Marcus and Elsbeth in the Leyandran city of Pallenon. The only child of two noble parents, she lived a life of luxury, receiving the finest clothes and the finest schooling that money could buy. Adored by her parents, she recieved anything that she wanted, for the most part. When she reached her 50th year, Arciel began to express interest in fencing, and soon became a child prodigy, often dominating her age bracket in any competition she would enter. Though this fascination with a martial art brought some concern to her parents, they only encouraged her onward. Arciel practiced her swordplay relentlessy, spending most of her time working on feints and thrusts rather than playing with her peers. She possessed almost a frightening amount of seriousness even at a young age, causing most other children to avoid her, and her to avoid other children. This, combined with her status as a noble, caused great rift between her and other people she would interact with.

Arciel was not prone to cruelty or viciousness, she grew up a child of impeccable manners. Most would say she was in contrast too mannered. Arciel Enjoyed her life as a noble, when she was not practicing her swordplay she attended many parties with her father. She had a penchant for sweet smelling perfumes and elegant dresses, and as her 80th year drew near she started to draw the attention of more than few potential suitors. All of those brave enough to face her with proposals were promptly turned down Some decided to go through her father, and though he thought it might help her to meet with others of her age, he turned them down as well, at her personal request.

Arciel gathered quite a reputation in Pallenon. None who saw her at noble functions could deny her incredible beauty, and none of her fencing opponents (almost all of whom were male) could deny her skill with the rapier. Many parents viewed her as the perfect child, and her seriousness seemed to ensure that she would take the business to new heights when it came her time to inherit it.

The Enkenath Tradgedy

(To Be Revealed)

In Service of Hald

Under Master Verclan, Arciel was pushed harder than she had ever been pushed. She made great strides in her ability, and she had to to avoid punishment. Everyday became a struggle against her weaknesses, and she started to cut things away. Verclan saw her initial aloofness and formed it into an absolute coldness toward the world. Arciel's mind became set on becoming the most powerful person on the planet, and she started not to care about how she achieved this goal. Verclan not only taught her body but also her mind, she learned tactics, military technique, methods of leadership, traps and how to avoid them. Arciel devoloped a cunning that could not be matched, opponents that she could not overpower would sooner or later succumb to devious traps

Arciel ended up becoming all her master hoped for and more, an efficient leader who instilled loyalty in her subordinates. His most promising pupil, Verclan passed on leadership to Arciel upon his death. However, Arciel was far more Loyal to Verclan than she ever was to Hald, rarely did she attend services to the deity and even rarer did she go on any conquests for his glory. Verclan had noted this, but as improvement of self is the best worship of Hald, he could not think of anyone but his best student in the position. Arciel often clashed with the Haldian priests, but if any direct orders came from Hald, she would follow them, if only adequately enough to appease him. She was more respected among the more martial Haldian followers, as she relaxed worship requirements and focused more on physical training. This is not to say she was particularly liked, the cruelty of her punishments to those that failed her became lengendary throughout the complex, even the priests grew reluctant to complain after awhile.

The Regal Knight: Ravi

Arciel first met Ravi after the knight was discovered in the mountains and apprehended. For a member of a Haldian sect, the capture of a Regal Knight is a huge occurance, and what is done with that Regal Knight is extremely important. Hald delights in the suffering of his sibling's pawns, even more so if those pawns can become his own. Thus, Ravi was kept alive for Arciel to deal with personally. Arciel confiscated his armor, his pendant, and anything that linked him to Regial. The first week of his capture was filled with cruel torture and harsh conditions in a haldian jail, but Ravi made no complaints, and even as he was lashed made no cries to be set free. Arciel became amazed at his endurance and his dedication.

Upon the second week, Arciel halted the lashings (They seemed to be doing little good anyway). She opted instead for frequent interrogations of the young Knight. Over the course of a month, she heard his history of virtue and service to others. Arciel could not help but see in him the same virtue that her father had lived by, and she thought back to the cruel fate life had dealt her then. Arciel could not stomach dealing that same fate to someone so full of virtue, but she also could not release him. If she had, the priests would surely rise against her once and for all. Near the end of the period, Arciel began to speak her own story as well. Something about the knight made her feel that she could trust him. Ravi began to see that she too was a prisoner of circumstance. Arciel wished to free him, he wished to free her.

Though her hands were tied, Arciel saw to it that the stay became more pleasant, she allowed him out of his cell to walk around the dark compound, though she would not return his pendant. The priests were appaled at this freedom given to an enemy of Hald, and while she left on a surveillance mission, they worked on a contingency plan. They captured the knight, unarmed and unarmored, and forced upon him a collar that would choke him should he try to escape from the mountains. Arciel was furious upon her return, but the bonds around her were heavy, as the leader she could not openly attack the priests.

Another month passed, Arciel could find no way to remove the collar without the clerics' assistance. Ravi saw that she was beginning to lose hope, Hald's bonds were growing stronger around her. Seeing his captor powerless to free him, he started to formulate his own plan, though it was a gamble that would certainly cost him his own life. If he could somehow free her, then that was enough for him. He had to open her eyes. To that end, he left a letter for Arciel, then left the fortress. He pushed past the limit of the collar's range, and it strangled him to death.


Arciel found the body the next day, she was furious. The one person she could trust, and now he was gone. This kind of escape was not to tolerated, she though she could definitely find a different way. She commanded the priests to call him back, they flatly refused. They relented when she held her blade to their throats, but Ravi's soul refused to be returned. Arciel lashed them repeatedly for their incompetence and out of her utter fury. For sometime after, the strong leader of the Haldians became jaded, she no longer went out on missions. She read that letter thousands of times. She could not stand this insult, she would have him back.

Arciel had changed goals, but she was as determined as ever, she sought a way to force the spirit back. She needed the assistance of a deity, and Hald seemed to be her best option. She began seeking a way to open the portal in the Navoral Mountains, and interrogated the priests relentlessly to this end. Varaan's seal was strong, she needed the wizard out of the way. She ordered Par'Shon to steal the amulet that sealed the soulripper, and to sell the bauble to a particularly irresponsible and rich Ohnben. It was only a matter of time before the foolish man brought forth the soulripper back into the world. If the Legend were true, Arciel thought, Varaan would be its first target. However, something happend that she had not anticipated, due to the intervention of a third party the soulripper was destroyed. Arciel grew angrier.

She sought to harshly punish the team that failed to protect the soulripper. The only surviving member was a half-devil by the name of Elsa. Some ten years earlier, she had "rescued" Elsa from a life of fleeting orphanage stays. She had been learning the arcane arts under one of the other adepts at a truly astonishing rate. Nonetheless, as the only survivor she recieved all the punishment for the four while the others were called back. Arciel began to think of another plan, spurred on by what she heard from the priests. If a catalyst can be formed between this world and the Blackthrone on the spot of the portal, then the link may become strong enough to override the seal for a moment. Arciel regretted having to use Elsa in this way, but in her present state of mind Elsa was simply an obstacle in her path.

Unfortunately, when she had turned to Elsa to take part in her ambition, the devil had escaped from the fortress. Her magical abilities were proceeding exponentially, it would not have been difficult for her. Arciel immediately put her contacts on full alert. Elsa would be found, Arciel would make sure of that herself. Celia, her Krasevae contact, reported that one of their operatives had been killed, from the looks of it by magical means. Arciel suspected Elsa, but was curious that the scene of death was so close to where the ones who destroyed the Soulripper were staying. She ordered Celia to keep watch over them as well, especially the arcanely gifted Aknier...

Sidral, The Portal, and The Blackthrone

Sor's Realm

Present Day



  • Marcus Enkenath (Father) Marcus Enkenath was one of the most influential of Vineyard owners in Pallenon. The Enkenath family was one of the first to capitalize upon the air of revelry at Pallenon, and has consequently grown quite wealthy. Marcus inherited all of this wealth, as well as the skill and knowledge required to manage the family business. Marcus himself was an exceedingly generous elf, often putting his profits toward the improvement of Pallenon and Leyandra as a whole. He was one of the only vineyard owners to extend employment to individuals regardless of their race, and thus employed many humans who for one reason or another found themselves in Leyandra. This practice caught him a lot of flak with the other noble familes in the area, but he would not hear of it. Marcus himself was a good friend of the Royal Family, though his business kept visits to the minimum.
  • Elsbeth Enkenath (Mother)

The Navoral Haldian Sect

  • Verclan Solti
  • Bjaral
  • Khader
  • Volund
  • Elsa
  • Celia (Contact: Krasevae) A human woman of about 22 years of age. Runs a well-known magic shop in the northwestern sector of town as a front for her real operation. She has eyes all over Krasevae, and little in the city escapes from her notice. Arciel appointed her to the position knowing her ability to manipulate others through her words and her appearence. Seems to be innocent but in reality she has a mastery of both assassination and spycraft, combined with a dabbling in arcane arts. She is the primary supplier of Arciel's poisons. The two have a somewhat contradictory relationship as both friends and rivals.
  • Sio (Contact: Sanoan) A quiet unassuming human male living in a Sanoan farmhouse, about 17 years of age. Though young and unexperienced he shows a remarkable ability for perception and intuition. Arciel had planned to move him toward a larger city once he had practiced enough in Sanoan, but since the small village became the hotbed of many occurances, has decided for him to remain there. He is still mostly untrained in ways of combat, but his ability of knowing where to watch and when has made him very valuable to Arciel.
  • Felrin (Contact: Leyandra) An elven bartender who lives in Pallenon, adept at sneaking secrets out of even the most tight lipped of customers. Approximately a hundred and eighty years old, He was placed by master Verclan to gather rumors from the Leyandran sector after it seemed he had reached the limits of his combat ability. Though haughty and condescending he nonetheless seems to learn everything that goes on throughout the country. Though his station at Pallenon came after Arciel's departure, it was not long before he learned of the events that befell the house of Enkenath. He suspects that Arciel is the still missing daughter, but has said nothing to her or to the citizens of Pallenon. Arciel herself distrusts him, and prefers to communicate only with written messages to him, due to her unwillingness to revisit Leyandra.
  • Par'Shon (Contact: Ohnben) A haldian agent who has infiltrated the matron clan in Deloria. A fit human male about 27 years of age. He delivers messages back to the Navoral Mountains every month. He keeps Arciel notified of any dangerous movements in the tribes as well as any changes in Tribal agendas. Most Ohnben tribes have better things to do than chase after Haldians, so he is mostly present to look for anyone of interest seeking Asylum in Deloria.


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