The Deceiver

From Reydala

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[[Image:Deciver_Avatar.PNG|The Deciever's appearence, and indeed dogma, change from incarnation to incarnation..]]
[[Image:Deciver_Avatar.PNG|thumb|The Deciever's appearence, and indeed dogma, change from incarnation to incarnation..]]
'''Greater Deity'''
'''Greater Deity'''

Revision as of 07:22, 5 August 2006

The Deciever's appearence, and indeed dogma, change from incarnation to incarnation..

Greater Deity

Symbol: Many, Often a meaningless Glyph.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Corruption, Hatred, Weakness, Deception

Worshipers: Any (See Below)

Cleric Alignments: Any

Domains: Illusion, Trickery, Madness, Chaos

Favored Weapon: Dagger

Perhaps the most twisted Deity of Reydala, The Deceiver thrives on driving all that is good into impossible depths of evil. The Deciever carefully monitors all of the races of Reydala for the signs of weakness, the tiny threads of hatred that often escape self-notice. He plays upon these threads, drawing them together, causing them to grow and slowly turning Love to Hate, Law to Chaos, Good to Evil. Evidence of the Deciever's existence is difficult to ascertain, as in every case he has used a different name, appearance, and symbol. Most of the deciever's worshipers have no idea as to his real purpose, instead believing their new "benevolent" God to be the new course to Salvation. Once the seed of belief is planted, the Deciever builds the trust of his victim, fulfilling his wishes, manipulating events to turn out in fortunate ways for the believer. This period can last from months to years, for the Deciever is a being of incredible patience and skill in his dark art. Eventually, the deciever places the seed of evil into the spells granted to the believer: Healing spells will function, but the recipient may then contract a horrible sickness instead, Curses are likewise removed, but leaving some other insidious function in their place. When questioned, the Deciever blames the occurances on his victim, urging him to rectify every failed spell - a downward spiral that only leads to more evil be let unto the world. Inevitably the faithful believer develops intense self-doubt, culminating with total dependence on the twisted whims of the Deity. This process only has three possible outcomes, the believer somehow wrests himself from the decievers control, the believer is found out and stopped before he can cause serious harm (Many faiths employ investigators that dedicate their lives to rooting out false new faiths), or, far more likely, the believer is thrust into a life of madness and evil in service of his dark master.

The other deities seem to know little about the deciever, which hints that his origin may be totally seperate from Nathicana. No race has been safe from his influence, though humans with their great number and ambition have been his primary targets. He remains a constant threat, lurking in the shadows waiting to possess good minds for his own end. Sadly, in this way, the Deciever may be the one most concerned with the races of Reydala, the direct individual revelation given to his followers is the primary force of his persuasion. After he has driven a believer to madness, he often abandons them to their confusion to find new prey.


There is no set dogma of the deciever, as his revelations are custom tailored to drive the worshiper into a life of unspeakable madness and vice. Those fully corrupted by him go more on their own maniacal whims than divine guidance as well. But in general, the deciever begins with benovolence and ends with belligerance.

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