
From Reydala

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[[Image:Seremelaf3.jpg|thumb|200px|Séreméla's charm enchants those around her. (Art by Jana Konkel)]]
[[Image:Seremelaf3.jpg|thumb|200px|Séreméla's charm enchants those around her. (Art by Jana Konkel)]]
==Descriptive Information==
==Descriptive Information==
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==Visible Equipment==
==Visible Equipment==
*'''Clothing:''' After her attack, Dagnir was faced with the task of finding Séreméla new clothing. After a day in his cloak, he managed to find a simple skirt, ankle length, made of soft cotton and the color of ivory. Also, a bodice like top, made of leather and cotton that ties down the front. Her traveling shoes managed to survive the trip down river, so she just wears those, black slip on shoes for short walks that have now grown a little worn with adventuring.
*'''Clothing:''' Séreméla owns a wide variety of clothing being a princess of course, and if close enough to home she generally wears a new dress each day. However, when traveling she tends to stick to simpler dresses or skirts with ankle lengths, and comfortable tops that often have bell-sleeves, a personal favorite of hers. She is also a fan of simplistic bodices and sash like belts that serve to hold her whip and other trinkets she carries.
*'''Cloak:''' A more recently acquired piece of clothing, her hooded cloak is common enough in appearance. She generally wears it with her hair pulled out of the hood and free of it, unless it becomes useful to hide it. Upon further inspection one could discover it is charmed with some sort of magic. (Cloak of Charisma +2)
*'''Cloak:''' A more recently acquired piece of clothing, her hooded cloak is common enough in appearance. She generally wears it with her hair pulled out of the hood and free of it, unless it becomes useful to hide it. Upon further inspection one could discover it is charmed with some sort of magic. (Cloak of Charisma +2)
*'''Bracers:''' The bracers on her arms seem to have been made just for her, despite being found amungst the loot on one of her adventures. Delicate, yet radiating with magic power, they rest around her wrists and hold back the fabric of her sleaves. Sweeping curls and other designs are pressed into the leather. (Bracers of Armor +4)
*'''Bracers:''' The bracers on her arms seem to have been made just for her, despite being found amongst the loot on one of her adventures. Delicate, yet radiating with magic power, they rest around her wrists and sometimes hold back the fabric of her sleeves. Sweeping curls and other designs are pressed into the leather. (Bracers of Armor +8)
**'''Tiara:''' An ornate tiara rests on her brow, seemingly made of silver but upon further inspection it appears to have more shimmer and vibrancy, hinting to another metal. It is held in place with a thin chain that Séreméla hides in her hair, making it appear as though some form of magic keeps it there. The pattern, while delicate, has a slightly tribal feel to it. The piece is centered with what appears to be an upturned crescent moon, highly stylized and with other decoration to it as well. As it was one of the only things she still had after her rescue, she holds it dearly to her heart and is hardly seen without it.
**'''Tiara:''' An ornate tiara rests on her brow, seemingly made of silver but upon further inspection it appears to have more shimmer and vibrancy, hinting to another metal. It is held in place with a thin chain that Séreméla hides in her hair, making it appear as though some form of magic keeps it there. The pattern, while delicate, has a slightly tribal feel to it. The piece is centered with what appears to be an upturned crescent moon, highly stylized and with other decoration to it as well. (Tiara of Persuasion +3)
**'''Earrings:''' Séreméla wears three studs in the rim of each ear, all pearls that grow smaller as they move up the rim. The largest rests in the lower lobe, and it appears they once had charms attached to the bottoms of each, however they were likely lost when she was attacked.
**'''Earrings:''' Séreméla wears three studs in the rim of each ear, all pearls that grow smaller as they move up the rim. The largest rests in the lower lobe, usually with a small charm of sorts dangling from the bottom to match her current attire.
**'''Choker:''' This choker is made from the same material as her tiara, though seems to hold less importance to her, for reasons unknown. A soft velvet-like ribbon to prevent her skin from being bothered, backing the thin metal band of almost tribal patterns. In the center, it has a slightly larger charm on the band that matches the middle "moon" of her tiara.
**'''Whip-Dagger:''' Looking past the cloak when it moves, one can see a leather whip coiled up and attached to her belt at the hip. Unlike common whips however, this has a dagger upon the end made of a blue-hued metal. The leather itself is a deeper shade of this blue, hinting to the magic imbued in the weapon. When its ice powers are active, the whip shimmers as though layered with frost and the dagger itself sometimes lets off little flakes of ice when flying towards its target. (Frost Whip-Dagger +1)
**'''Whip-Dagger:''' Looking past the cloak when it moves, one can see a leather whip coiled up and attached to her belt at the hip. Unlike common whips however, this has a dagger upon the end made of a blue-hued metal. The leather itself is a deeper shade of this blue, hinting to the magic imbued in the weapon. When its ice powers are active, the whip shimmers as though layered with frost and the dagger itself sometimes lets off little flakes of ice when flying towards its target. (Frost Whip-Dagger +1)
**'''Stun Needle:''' This dagger is another new addition to her equipment, discovered during their adventures. Its appearance is simple enough, yet elongated and the metal is black. The hilt flares into two backswept wings to aid in throws. Lacking a sheath, Séreméla has it fastened to her hip with a leather cord and has covered the blade in thick hide to keep it from poking at her side. She generally leaves it off her person unless she's going out, not comfortable with the weapon or its magical charm, not wanting to waste it on petty things.
**'''Stun Needle:''' This dagger is another new addition to her equipment, discovered during their adventures. Its appearance is simple enough, yet elongated and the metal is black. The hilt flares into two backswept wings to aid in throws. Lacking a sheath, Séreméla has it fastened to her hip with a leather cord and has covered the blade in thick hide to keep it from poking at her side. She generally leaves it off her person unless she's going out, not comfortable with the weapon or its magical charm, not wanting to waste it on petty things.
**'''Composite Longbow:''' A new weapon is now slung over her back, an impressive enchanted bow she acquired in her adventures, and apparently has a natural talent for using. Though Mikhal was allowed the first chance to use it in battle, she's taken to carrying it well enough. (+3 Shocking Burst Elemental Bane Longbow, Composite)
(Currently Unknown)
(To be added soon.)
===Dagnir's Rescue===
===Dagnir's Rescue===
(To be added soon)
(To be added soon)
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[[Image:icon008.gif]]*'''Mother:''' ''"Despite it all, you are still my mother. I will not abandon you."''
[[Image:icon008.gif]]*'''Mother:''' ''"Despite it all, you are still my mother. I will not abandon you."''
Séreméla's mother, while a dutiful and passionate ruler, was not what one would consider a close and caring mother. She was not neglectful to Seremela as far as meeting her basic needs and having her schooled, but her own envy of the natural arcane talent, grace and beauty that Séreméla possessed practically since birth left a gap between the two. She never allowed Séreméla to play with other elven children unless they were the youth of the staff, and hardly ever allowed her to make public appearances unless it suited her needs. There is a love between them that exists between most children and their mothers, but they lack the passion and trust found in other such relationships.
Séreméla's mother, while a dutiful and passionate ruler, was not what one would consider a close and caring mother. She was not neglectful to Séreméla as far as meeting her basic needs and having her schooled, but her own envy of the natural arcane talent, grace and beauty that Séreméla possessed practically since birth left a gap between the two. She never allowed Séreméla to play with other elven children unless they were the youth of other nobles or the staff, and hardly ever allowed her to make public appearances unless it suited her needs. There is a love between them that exists between most children and their mothers, but they lack the passion and trust found in other such relationships.
[[Image:icon015.gif]]*'''Father:''' ''"Father, tell me the story again! The one about the time where you and the half dragon..."''
[[Image:icon015.gif]]*'''Father:''' ''"Father, tell me the story again! The one about the time where you and the half dragon..."''
Séreméla's father has been far closer to her throughout her life. As the King, he had very little to do with the actual running of the elven government, and as such spent much of his time seeing to Séreméla's tutoring and play. He would often put her to sleep with stories of a time where dragons still roamed the land and half-dragons worked in harmony with the elves. It was her father that encouraged her natural talent with the arcane to be improved upon at all, often helping her sneak into the library past her mother's watch to study. He was also the one to find Miru for her and present her as a gift and familiar. His love for his wife kept him from speaking up against her jealousy and keeping Séreméla out of public view however, though Séreméla never held it against him for not doing so.
Séreméla's father has been far closer to her throughout her life. As the King, he had very little to do with the actual running of the elven government, and as such spent much of his time seeing to Séreméla's tutoring and play. He would often put her to sleep with stories of a time where dragons still roamed the land and half-dragons worked in harmony with the elves. It was her father that encouraged her natural talent with the arcane to be improved upon at all, often helping her sneak into the library past her mother's watch to study. He was also the one to find Miru for her and present her as a gift and familiar. His love for his wife kept him from speaking up against her jealousy and keeping Séreméla out of public view however, though Séreméla never held it against him for not doing so. However, this same love made him very aware that something had been odd about his queen for some time...
*'''Miru:''' A female Celestial Weasel only recently remembered and summoned by Séreméla. She is a bright creature who loves to play about in the grass and woods during their travels, though is often found upon Séreméla's shoulder when tired or in new situations. Her coat has an odd metallic sheen, appearing mostly white until the light moves around in it, giving off a shine and color streaks much like mother-of-pearl. Unlike common weasels, Miru's eyes are an intelligent mix of soft silvers and blues. She wears a delicate white collar to match its fur with a tiny charm attached that matches the tiara upon Séreméla's brow. Strangely she too is affected by the spell/curse that blocks Séreméla's memories, and is unable to reveal any information vital to her past.
[[Image:icon013.gif]]*'''[[Aelis]]''' ''"When all this madness is over, I do believe we are over due for another shopping trip!"''
A female Celestial Weasel given to Séreméla as a familiar by her father. She is a bright creature who loves to play about in the grass and woods during their travels, though is often found upon Séreméla's shoulder or hiding in her cloak's hood when tired or in new situations. Her coat has an odd metallic sheen, appearing mostly white until the light moves around in it, giving off a shine and color streaks much like mother-of-pearl. Unlike common weasels, Miru's eyes are an intelligent mix of soft silvers and blues. She wears a delicate white collar to match its fur with a tiny charm attached that matches the tiara upon Séreméla's brow.
[[Image:icon015.gif]]*'''[[Aknier]]''' ''"Aknier, were it not for you, I would be lost. Thank you."''
[[Image:icon015.gif]]*'''[[Aknier]]''' ''"Aknier, were it not for you, I would be lost. Thank you."''
Dagnir and Séreméla found Aknier near death during their travels and took him to the nearest Druid grove for healing. Séreméla watched over him and tended his wounds until he was able to awaken and his friends discovered his location. She and Dagnir have been with Aknier's group since, and Séreméla has taken to Aknier as somewhat of a mentor in magic.
Dagnir and Séreméla found Aknier near death during their travels and took him to the nearest Druid grove for healing. Séreméla watched over him and tended his wounds until he was able to awaken and his friends discovered his location. Séreméla took to Aknier as somewhat of a mentor in magic and soon considered him one of her dearest friends. During their travels, and especially during the ordeal of his rescue, she began to feel more for him, though it confused her with Dagnir at her side. With Dagnir's abandonment, she was left to harbor these feelings in silent uncertainty, just waiting for the day they'd fall into place.
[[Image:icon015.gif]]*'''[[Dagnir]]''' ''"You are my dearest friend, it breaks my heart to see you leave..."''
[[Image:icon008.gif]]*'''[[Dagnir]]''' ''"You are my dearest friend, it breaks my heart to see you leave..."''
Séreméla has been in the company of this druid since her attack. He pulled her from the river she'd been thrown into and has protected her from that moment on. They travel together in hopes of unlocking the secrets to her past trapped within her mind.
Séreméla had been in the company of this druid since her attack. He pulled her from the river she'd been thrown into and has protected her from that moment on. He traveled with her in hopes of helping her find the past she'd been robed of. However, upon finding it, he soon disappeared to follow his own agenda, leaving a very heartbroken Séreméla behind to fend for herself against the odds that would come with her past. Now that they've ventured further apart, her sadness has turned slowly towards resentment, a painful feeling of abandonment left in her heart.
[[Image:icon007.gif]]*'''[[Dante]]''' ''"... Brute."''
[[Image:icon008.gif]]*'''[[Dante]]''' ''"... Brute."''
[[Image:icon011.gif]]*'''[[Kaer]]''' ''"I fear I do not know if I should welcome your protection, or resent your lack of faith in me. I did, after all, save your life."''
The circumstances of their first meeting were bad to begin with, he nearly killed her as a hello, but from there it only went downhill. Séreméla detested his brash and careless nature, along with his extreme lack of tact. He has redeemed himself somewhat with actions in battle, but she still feels no real sympathy towards him. Her initial hatred died down though, even if his attitude towards her only seemed to worsen. However, his death in battle was a shock to her, revealing a care for him she had not realized. Not close by any standard, she still regarded him as a companion, and was relieved to have him return.
[[Image:icon012.gif]]*'''[[Mikhal]]''' ''"Thank you for restoring my faith in your people. Now, tell me again about this... ale?"''
[[Image:icon012.gif]]*'''[[Kaer]]''' ''"Despite the danger, you still follow your vow and offer me your sword and shield. You are very valiant Kaer."''
Kaer first joined the group merely to help find Aknier. Séreméla welcomed the help, but felt nothing more towards him until a spell she used brought his sword pointing in her direction. Resentment was formed then, only calmed after the interrogation revealed she was not some witch of unreality. With him now assigned to protect her at all times, she at first thought she would only dislike him more, but his help and overall kindness has calmed her fears, and now she rather enjoys his presence, perhaps even finding him charming in his own way.
[[Image:icon013.gif]]*'''[[Mikhal]]''' ''"Er... Mikhal... really, you can stop kicking the door now..."''
Mikhal has never really spoken too much with Séreméla, but she still holds him highly. His power is impressive, as well as his surprising knack for reasoning with it really matters. He has also been known to amuse her greatly at times, whether she'll show it or not. She considers him a good friend after their travels, planning to use their friendship as a key to finding peace between her people and the half-dragons.
Relationship Icon Chart: [[Media:Chartani.gif]]
Relationship Icon Chart: [[Media:Chartani.gif]]
===Retired PCs===
[[Image:icon013.gif]]*'''[[Aelis]]''' ''"When all this madness is over, I do believe we are over due for another shopping trip!"''
Aelis was one of two straglers in the adventure to save Aknier. At first Séreméla was too focused on the task at hand to pay much attention to her. Now however, they have grown quite close, enough to consider each other best friends of sorts. Leave it to girly shopping trips to bring a pair of lost elves together. The only thing Séreméla can't understand about her, is how she can tolerate Dante so much!
[[Image:icon007.gif]]*'''[[Mentat]]''' ''"I understand your orders are to help us, but I still cannot seem to shake the feeling you have other reasons to stay so close..."''
Mentat is far too new to Séreméla's life for her to really understand how she feels towards him. His power is obviously something not to be trifled with, however his motives past following his emperor's orders worry her. With time she will learn more about him and decide where to place him in her life.
[[Image:icon008.gif]]*'''[[Elsa]]''' ''"One does not have to reject the help of others to prove they are strong, Elsa..."''
[[Image:icon010.gif]]*'''[[Xavier]]''' ''"Your deceit has only made me stronger... and now, in some strange way... I consider you friend."''
The following images are gifts or commissions of Séreméla for her player/creator. Séreméla is © to her player, all artwork is © to the artists.

Current revision as of 01:48, 4 May 2009


Séreméla's charm enchants those around her. (Art by Jana Konkel)


Descriptive Information

  • Name: Séreméla Elensar
  • Race: Elven
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Class: Sorceress/Heartwarder
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Approx. 114 yrs
  • Height: 5' 1"
  • Weight: 86 lbs
  • Eyes: Blue and green mix; streaks in irises, strange but beautiful
  • Hair: White with a silver sheen throughout, falls nearly to her ankles, straight but full of motion
  • Skin Tone: Even and pale, no marks of any kind with a faint glow in moonlight
  • Distinguishing Features: Shorter ears than most elves, more delicate in appearance
  • Physical Appearance: Average height by Elvish standards with long, slender limbs. Proportionate in build, delicate and lacking muscular definition. Facial structure is also delicate, somewhat youthful to Elvish standards, adult but too innocent to human. Considered physically attractive in both human and elvish standards, in fact almost too much so.

Visible Equipment

  • Clothing: Séreméla owns a wide variety of clothing being a princess of course, and if close enough to home she generally wears a new dress each day. However, when traveling she tends to stick to simpler dresses or skirts with ankle lengths, and comfortable tops that often have bell-sleeves, a personal favorite of hers. She is also a fan of simplistic bodices and sash like belts that serve to hold her whip and other trinkets she carries.
  • Cloak: A more recently acquired piece of clothing, her hooded cloak is common enough in appearance. She generally wears it with her hair pulled out of the hood and free of it, unless it becomes useful to hide it. Upon further inspection one could discover it is charmed with some sort of magic. (Cloak of Charisma +2)
  • Bracers: The bracers on her arms seem to have been made just for her, despite being found amongst the loot on one of her adventures. Delicate, yet radiating with magic power, they rest around her wrists and sometimes hold back the fabric of her sleeves. Sweeping curls and other designs are pressed into the leather. (Bracers of Armor +8)
  • Jewelry:
    • Tiara: An ornate tiara rests on her brow, seemingly made of silver but upon further inspection it appears to have more shimmer and vibrancy, hinting to another metal. It is held in place with a thin chain that Séreméla hides in her hair, making it appear as though some form of magic keeps it there. The pattern, while delicate, has a slightly tribal feel to it. The piece is centered with what appears to be an upturned crescent moon, highly stylized and with other decoration to it as well. (Tiara of Persuasion +3)
    • Earrings: Séreméla wears three studs in the rim of each ear, all pearls that grow smaller as they move up the rim. The largest rests in the lower lobe, usually with a small charm of sorts dangling from the bottom to match her current attire.
  • Weapons:
    • Whip-Dagger: Looking past the cloak when it moves, one can see a leather whip coiled up and attached to her belt at the hip. Unlike common whips however, this has a dagger upon the end made of a blue-hued metal. The leather itself is a deeper shade of this blue, hinting to the magic imbued in the weapon. When its ice powers are active, the whip shimmers as though layered with frost and the dagger itself sometimes lets off little flakes of ice when flying towards its target. (Frost Whip-Dagger +1)
    • Stun Needle: This dagger is another new addition to her equipment, discovered during their adventures. Its appearance is simple enough, yet elongated and the metal is black. The hilt flares into two backswept wings to aid in throws. Lacking a sheath, Séreméla has it fastened to her hip with a leather cord and has covered the blade in thick hide to keep it from poking at her side. She generally leaves it off her person unless she's going out, not comfortable with the weapon or its magical charm, not wanting to waste it on petty things.
    • Composite Longbow: A new weapon is now slung over her back, an impressive enchanted bow she acquired in her adventures, and apparently has a natural talent for using. Though Mikhal was allowed the first chance to use it in battle, she's taken to carrying it well enough. (+3 Shocking Burst Elemental Bane Longbow, Composite)



(To be added soon.)

Dagnir's Rescue

(To be added soon)

Saving Aknier

(To be added soon)

Present Travels

(To be added soon)



Image:icon008.gif*Mother: "Despite it all, you are still my mother. I will not abandon you."

Séreméla's mother, while a dutiful and passionate ruler, was not what one would consider a close and caring mother. She was not neglectful to Séreméla as far as meeting her basic needs and having her schooled, but her own envy of the natural arcane talent, grace and beauty that Séreméla possessed practically since birth left a gap between the two. She never allowed Séreméla to play with other elven children unless they were the youth of other nobles or the staff, and hardly ever allowed her to make public appearances unless it suited her needs. There is a love between them that exists between most children and their mothers, but they lack the passion and trust found in other such relationships.

Image:icon015.gif*Father: "Father, tell me the story again! The one about the time where you and the half dragon..."

Séreméla's father has been far closer to her throughout her life. As the King, he had very little to do with the actual running of the elven government, and as such spent much of his time seeing to Séreméla's tutoring and play. He would often put her to sleep with stories of a time where dragons still roamed the land and half-dragons worked in harmony with the elves. It was her father that encouraged her natural talent with the arcane to be improved upon at all, often helping her sneak into the library past her mother's watch to study. He was also the one to find Miru for her and present her as a gift and familiar. His love for his wife kept him from speaking up against her jealousy and keeping Séreméla out of public view however, though Séreméla never held it against him for not doing so. However, this same love made him very aware that something had been odd about his queen for some time...



A female Celestial Weasel given to Séreméla as a familiar by her father. She is a bright creature who loves to play about in the grass and woods during their travels, though is often found upon Séreméla's shoulder or hiding in her cloak's hood when tired or in new situations. Her coat has an odd metallic sheen, appearing mostly white until the light moves around in it, giving off a shine and color streaks much like mother-of-pearl. Unlike common weasels, Miru's eyes are an intelligent mix of soft silvers and blues. She wears a delicate white collar to match its fur with a tiny charm attached that matches the tiara upon Séreméla's brow.


Image:icon015.gif*Aknier "Aknier, were it not for you, I would be lost. Thank you."

Dagnir and Séreméla found Aknier near death during their travels and took him to the nearest Druid grove for healing. Séreméla watched over him and tended his wounds until he was able to awaken and his friends discovered his location. Séreméla took to Aknier as somewhat of a mentor in magic and soon considered him one of her dearest friends. During their travels, and especially during the ordeal of his rescue, she began to feel more for him, though it confused her with Dagnir at her side. With Dagnir's abandonment, she was left to harbor these feelings in silent uncertainty, just waiting for the day they'd fall into place.

Image:icon008.gif*Dagnir "You are my dearest friend, it breaks my heart to see you leave..."

Séreméla had been in the company of this druid since her attack. He pulled her from the river she'd been thrown into and has protected her from that moment on. He traveled with her in hopes of helping her find the past she'd been robed of. However, upon finding it, he soon disappeared to follow his own agenda, leaving a very heartbroken Séreméla behind to fend for herself against the odds that would come with her past. Now that they've ventured further apart, her sadness has turned slowly towards resentment, a painful feeling of abandonment left in her heart.

Image:icon008.gif*Dante "... Brute."

The circumstances of their first meeting were bad to begin with, he nearly killed her as a hello, but from there it only went downhill. Séreméla detested his brash and careless nature, along with his extreme lack of tact. He has redeemed himself somewhat with actions in battle, but she still feels no real sympathy towards him. Her initial hatred died down though, even if his attitude towards her only seemed to worsen. However, his death in battle was a shock to her, revealing a care for him she had not realized. Not close by any standard, she still regarded him as a companion, and was relieved to have him return.

Image:icon012.gif*Kaer "Despite the danger, you still follow your vow and offer me your sword and shield. You are very valiant Kaer."

Kaer first joined the group merely to help find Aknier. Séreméla welcomed the help, but felt nothing more towards him until a spell she used brought his sword pointing in her direction. Resentment was formed then, only calmed after the interrogation revealed she was not some witch of unreality. With him now assigned to protect her at all times, she at first thought she would only dislike him more, but his help and overall kindness has calmed her fears, and now she rather enjoys his presence, perhaps even finding him charming in his own way.

Image:icon013.gif*Mikhal "Er... Mikhal... really, you can stop kicking the door now..."

Mikhal has never really spoken too much with Séreméla, but she still holds him highly. His power is impressive, as well as his surprising knack for reasoning with it really matters. He has also been known to amuse her greatly at times, whether she'll show it or not. She considers him a good friend after their travels, planning to use their friendship as a key to finding peace between her people and the half-dragons.

Relationship Icon Chart: Media:Chartani.gif

Retired PCs

Image:icon013.gif*Aelis "When all this madness is over, I do believe we are over due for another shopping trip!"

Aelis was one of two straglers in the adventure to save Aknier. At first Séreméla was too focused on the task at hand to pay much attention to her. Now however, they have grown quite close, enough to consider each other best friends of sorts. Leave it to girly shopping trips to bring a pair of lost elves together. The only thing Séreméla can't understand about her, is how she can tolerate Dante so much!

Image:icon007.gif*Mentat "I understand your orders are to help us, but I still cannot seem to shake the feeling you have other reasons to stay so close..."

Mentat is far too new to Séreméla's life for her to really understand how she feels towards him. His power is obviously something not to be trifled with, however his motives past following his emperor's orders worry her. With time she will learn more about him and decide where to place him in her life.


Image:icon008.gif*Elsa "One does not have to reject the help of others to prove they are strong, Elsa..."

Image:icon010.gif*Xavier "Your deceit has only made me stronger... and now, in some strange way... I consider you friend."


The following images are gifts or commissions of Séreméla for her player/creator. Séreméla is © to her player, all artwork is © to the artists.


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