| Exploit
| Action
| Target
| Bonus
| Damage
| Miss
Basic Attacks
| Vicious Katar +2
| Standard
| One Creature
| +11 vs. AC
| 1d6+5
| High Crit (11+1d6+2d12 on critical)
| Vicious Katar +1
| Standard
| One Creature
| +10 vs. AC
| 1d6+4
| Offhand, High Crit (10+1d6+1d12 on critical)
| Shortbow
| Standard
| One Creature (15/30 Range)
| +8 vs. AC
| 1d8+3
| N/A
At-Will Exploits
| Hit and Run
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength vs. AC
| 1[W]+STR Modifier damage.
| Leaving first square adjacent to target does not provoke Opportunity attacks this turn.
| Twin Strike
| Standard
| One or Two Creatures
| Strength vs. AC (Two Attacks)
| 1[W] per strike.
| Riposte Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 1[W] + DEX Modifier damage.
| If the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, make reposte as an immediate interrupt: Strength vs. AC, 1[W] + STR Modifier damage.
Encounter Exploits
| Second Chance
| Immediate Interrupt
| Personal
| N/A
| When an attack hits you, force the enemy to roll the attack again.
| N/A
| Evasive Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength vs. AC
| 2[W] + STR Modifier
| Shift 1 + WIS Modifier squares before or after attack.
| Cut and Run
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength vs. AC (Two attacks)
| 1[W]+STR Modifier per attack.
| Shift 1 + WIS modifier squares after the first or the second attack.
| Sweeping Whirlwind
| Standard
| Close burst 1
| Strength vs. AC
| 1[W] + STR Modifier damage
| Push targets squares equal to your WIS modifier, Targets knocked prone.
Daily Exploits
| Jaws of the Wolf
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength vs. AC (Two Attacks)
| 2[W]+STR Modifier damage per attack.
| Miss: Half damage per attack.
| Two Wolf Pounce
| Standard
| One Creature
| Strength vs. AC (Two Attacks)
| 2[W] + STR Modifier damage main, 1[W] + STR Modifier damage offhand.
| Shift up to two squares before primary attack, after attack shift 2 squares and make a secondary attack against another target (Offhand, Strength vs. AC, 2[W] damage)
Utility Exploits
| Unbalancing Parry
| Immediate Reaction
| Melee
| N/A
| If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, slide him into an adjacent square and gain combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
| N/A
| Evade Ambush
| None
| Ranged Sight
| N/A
| At the start of a suprise round wherin any allies are suprised, a number of allies equal to your WIS modifier are not surprised instead.
| N/A
Item Exploits